
来源:互联网 发布:广联达造价软件价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 04:37



Primes = set([2, 3, 5, 7,  11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31])def is_prime(x): return x in Primesvis = [0] * (16 + 2)C = [0] * (16 + 2)def prime_ringe(cur, n):    if cur == n:        if is_prime(C[0] + C[n - 1]):            print(C[0:n])        return    for i in range(2, n + 1):        if not vis[i] and (cur == 0 or is_prime(i + C[cur - 1])):            C[cur], vis[i] = i, 1            prime_ringe(cur + 1, n)            vis[i] = 0def process():    while 1:        n = input()        if n == 0:            break        C[0] = 1        prime_ringe(1, int(n))

Krpton Factor Uva129:首先从左到右确定每一个字符,然后检测以该添加的字符为尾部的后缀是否前一半字串等于后一半字串。这样生成的字典序是严格升序排列的。第k小的字典序就可以确定。

Primes = set([2, 3, 5, 7,  11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31])def is_prime(x): return x in Primesvis = [0] * (16 + 2)C = [0] * (16 + 2)def prime_ringe(cur, n):    if cur == n:        if is_prime(C[0] + C[n - 1]):            print(C[0:n])        return    for i in range(2, n + 1):        if not vis[i] and (cur == 0 or is_prime(i + C[cur - 1])):            C[cur], vis[i] = i, 1            prime_ringe(cur + 1, n)            vis[i] = 0def process():    while 1:        n = input()        if n == 0:            break        C[0] = 1        prime_ringe(1, int(n))




min_bandwidth = 100n = 9C = [0] * (n)D = [0] * (n)vis = [0] * (n + 1)fina_ans = Nonedef find_max(graph):    max_d = 0    for each in C[1:n]:        for adj in graph[each]:            max_d = max(max_d, abs(D[each] - D[adj]))    return max_ddef Bandwith(graph, cur):    global n, min_bandwidth, fina_ans    if cur == n:        p = find_max(graph)        if min_bandwidth > p:            min_bandwidth = p            fina_ans = C[1:]        return    for i in graph:        ok = True        if not vis[i]:            D[i] = cur            cnt = 0            for adj in graph[i]:                if not vis[adj]:                    cnt += 1                    if cnt >= min_bandwidth:                        ok = False                    continue                if abs(D[adj] - D[i]) > min_bandwidth:                    ok = False            if ok:                vis[i] = 1                C[cur] = i                Bandwith(graph, cur + 1)                vis[i] = 0graph = {1: [2, 7, 6], 2: [1, 3, 7], 3: [2, 4], 4: [3, 5, 7],         5: [4, 8], 6: [1, 7, 8], 7: [2, 4, 6], 8: [5, 6]}Bandwith(graph, 1)print(fina_ans, min_bandwidth)



def weight(node):    if type(node)==int:return node    return node[0]def width(t):    def find_bound(t,mark):        bound = 0        while type(t)!=int:            c = weight(t[1])+weight(t[2])            bound+=weight(t[mark])/c            t = t[mark]        return bound    b1,b2 = find_bound(t,1),find_bound(t,2)    return b2+b1def enumerate_tree(vertexs,r):    left,right = 0,0    min_w = r*2    def do(vertexs):        nonlocal min_w        if len(vertexs)==1:            w = width(vertexs[0])            if w <= r:min_w = min(w,min_w)            return        temp = vertexs[::]        for node1 in vertexs:            for node2 in vertexs:                if node1!=node2:                    temp.remove(node1);temp.remove(node2)                    temp.append((weight(node1)+weight(node2),node1,node2))                    do(temp)                    temp.append(node1);temp.append(node2)                    temp.remove((weight(node1)+weight(node2),node1,node2))    do(vertexs)    print(min_w)enumerate_tree([1,1,2],3)

Uva 10603:倒水问题。给定三个杯子,容量分别为a,b,c。第三个杯子装满水。没有刻度,要求通过三个杯子之间互相倒水,达到某一个杯子的水量是d。且求出最小的倒水数量。最后,如果不能达到,则求出最接近d的d’。同时求出最小倒水数量。



def solve(a,b,c,d):    cap = [0,a,b,c]    min_state = (0,0,0,c)    start = (0,0,0,c)    vis = set((0,0,c))    water_state = PriorityQueue()    water_state.put(start)    while not water_state.empty():        now = water_state.get()        if d in now[1:]:print(now);return(now[0],d)        if abs(d-min_state[3])>abs(d-now[3]):min_state=now        for i in range(1,4):            for j in range(1,4):                if i!=j:                    if now[i]==0 or now[j]==cap[j]:continue                    amount = min(now[i],cap[j]-now[j])                    new = list(now)                    new[0]+=amount;new[i]-=amount;new[j]+=amount                    new = tuple(new)                    if new[1:] not in vis:                        vis.add(new[1:])                        water_state.put(new)    possible_d = min_state[1]    for x in min_state[1:]:        possible_d = min(possible_d,x,key = lambda y:abs(y-d))    return (min_state[0],possible_d)print(solve(1,12,15,7))







def solve(graph,w,h,n):    direction = {0:(0,0),1:(1,0),2:(0,1),3:(-1,0),4:(0,-1)}    def construct(graph):        nodes_table = {}        for i in range(w):            for j in range(h):                p = (i,j)                nodes_table[p] = []                if graph[i][j]=='#':continue                for k in range(5):                    adj = walk(p,k)                    if check(adj):                        nodes_table[p].append(adj)        return nodes_table    def walk(p,i):        x,y = p        return (x+direction[i][0],y+direction[i][1])    def create_nodes(q,now,new,cur):        if cur==n:            new=tuple(new)            if check_notswap(now,new) and new not in states:                states.add(new)                q.append(new+(now[n]+1,))            return        for next in adj_table[now[cur][:n]]:                new.append(next)                create_nodes(q,now,new,cur+1)                new.pop()    def check(next):        x,y = next        if x<w and x>0 and y<h and y>0 and graph[x][y]!='#':return True        return False    def check_notswap(now,new):        for i in range(n):            for j in range(i+1,n):                if new[i]==new[j] or (now[i],now[j])==(new[j],new[i]):return False        return True    def satisfy(now):        for i in range(n):            if now[i]!=capital_pos[i]:return False        return True    def search_capital(ans_pos,capital_pos,graph):        for i in range(w):            for j in range(h):                if str.islower(graph[i][j]):ans_pos[ord(graph[i][j])-ord('a')] = (i,j)                elif str.isupper(graph[i][j]):capital_pos[ord(graph[i][j])-ord('A')] = (i,j)    states = set()    ans_pos,capital_pos = [0]*n,[0]*n    search_capital(ans_pos,capital_pos,graph)    adj_table = construct(graph)    q = deque()    start = tuple([p for p in ans_pos]+[0])    states.add(start[:n])    q.append(start)    while len(q):        now = q.popleft()        if satisfy(now):return now        create_nodes(q,now,[],0)def process():    line = input().split(' ')    h,w,n = [int(x) for x in line]    graph = []    for i in range(w):        line = input()        graph.append(line)    print(solve(graph,w,h,n))process()
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