
来源:互联网 发布:日语零基础自学 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:38


#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;class State{public:    State(){}    ~State(){;}    State(const int sta, const int depth)    {        //count ++;        this->sta = sta;        this->depth = depth;    }    int SetDepth(const int depth)    {        this->depth = depth;    }    //virtual int getDepth() = 0;    /*    virtual int getDepth()    {        return depth;    }    */    int getState()    {        return sta;    }    static int count;private:    int sta;    int depth;};int State::count = 0; // init; if not , it comes errorint main(int argc, char *argv[]){    State state(12, 3);    cout << "count " << state.count << endl;    state.count = 12;    cout << "count " << state.count << endl;    cout << state.getState() << endl;    cout << "size of int " << sizeof(int) << endl;    cout << "size of State " << sizeof(State) << endl;    string str("hello world");    cout << str << endl;    return 0;}


count 0count 1212size of int 4size of State 8hello world
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