theano学习初步(二) 基础Tensor函数

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝认证考试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 18:28




>>> x = scalar('myvar', dtype='int32')>>> x = iscalar('myvar')>>> x = TensorType(dtype='int32', broadcastable=())('myvar')

Constructors with optional dtype(用dtype参数进行声明)

theano.tensor.scalar(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


theano.tensor.vector(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


theano.tensor.row(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


theano.tensor.col(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


theano.tensor.matrix(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


theano.tensor.tensor3(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


theano.tensor.tensor4(name=None, dtype=config.floatX)


All Fully-Typed Constructors(用完整的类型进行声明)


Constructor dtype ndim shape broadcastable bscalar int8 0 () () bvector int8 1 (?,) (False,) brow int8 2 (1,?) (True, False) bcol int8 2 (?,1) (False, True) bmatrix int8 2 (?,?) (False, False) btensor3 int8 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) btensor4 int8 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) btensor5 int8 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) wscalar int16 0 () () wvector int16 1 (?,) (False,) wrow int16 2 (1,?) (True, False) wcol int16 2 (?,1) (False, True) wmatrix int16 2 (?,?) (False, False) wtensor3 int16 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) wtensor4 int16 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) wtensor5 int16 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) iscalar int32 0 () () ivector int32 1 (?,) (False,) irow int32 2 (1,?) (True, False) icol int32 2 (?,1) (False, True) imatrix int32 2 (?,?) (False, False) itensor3 int32 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) itensor4 int32 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) itensor5 int32 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) lscalar int64 0 () () lvector int64 1 (?,) (False,) lrow int64 2 (1,?) (True, False) lcol int64 2 (?,1) (False, True) lmatrix int64 2 (?,?) (False, False) ltensor3 int64 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) ltensor4 int64 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) ltensor5 int64 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) dscalar float64 0 () () dvector float64 1 (?,) (False,) drow float64 2 (1,?) (True, False) dcol float64 2 (?,1) (False, True) dmatrix float64 2 (?,?) (False, False) dtensor3 float64 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) dtensor4 float64 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) dtensor5 float64 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) fscalar float32 0 () () fvector float32 1 (?,) (False,) frow float32 2 (1,?) (True, False) fcol float32 2 (?,1) (False, True) fmatrix float32 2 (?,?) (False, False) ftensor3 float32 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) ftensor4 float32 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) ftensor5 float32 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) cscalar complex64 0 () () cvector complex64 1 (?,) (False,) crow complex64 2 (1,?) (True, False) ccol complex64 2 (?,1) (False, True) cmatrix complex64 2 (?,?) (False, False) ctensor3 complex64 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) ctensor4 complex64 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) ctensor5 complex64 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False) zscalar complex128 0 () () zvector complex128 1 (?,) (False,) zrow complex128 2 (1,?) (True, False) zcol complex128 2 (?,1) (False, True) zmatrix complex128 2 (?,?) (False, False) ztensor3 complex128 3 (?,?,?) (False, False, False) ztensor4 complex128 4 (?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False) ztensor5 complex128 5 (?,?,?,?,?) (False, False, False, False, False)

Plural Constructors(多重声明)

  • iscalars, lscalars, fscalars, dscalars
  • ivectors, lvectors, fvectors, dvectors
  • irows, lrows, frows, drows
  • icols, lcols, fcols, dcols
  • imatrices, lmatrices, fmatrices, dmatrices


from theano.tensor import *x, y, z = dmatrices(3) # creates three matrix Variables with no namesx, y, z = dmatrices('x', 'y', 'z') # creates three matrix Variables named 'x', 'y' and 'z'

Custom tensor types(一般的类型声明)

如果你想要创建一个非标准的类型,那么就只能创造一个你自己定义的TensorType。你需要将dtypebroadcasting pattern传入声明函数中。

dtensor5 = TensorType('float64', (False,)*5)x = dtensor5()z = dtensor5('z')


my_dmatrix = TensorType('float64', (False,)*2)x = my_dmatrix()       # allocate a matrix variableprint my_dmatrix == dmatrix # output is 'True'


Converting from Python Objects(从Python对象中转移)


x = shared(numpy.random.randn(3,4))


Shaping and Shuffling



theano.tensor.reshape(x, newshape, ndim=None)


  • x (某种TensorVariable (或者是可兼容的类型)) – 要进行reshape的变量
  • newshape (lvector (或者是可兼容的类型)) – x的新形状
  • ndim – 可选的- the length that newshape‘s value will have. If this is None, then reshape() will infer it from newshape.

Return type:

  • variable with x’s dtype, but ndim dimensions
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