
来源:互联网 发布:怎样正确使用网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 23:24


前几天看《C++数据结构与算法》,文中有这样一句话:通过栈可以实现 非常大的数相加。假如要是将1234567890987654321和9876543210123456789这两个整型相加,是根本不可能的,因为整型都不能存储这些数。自己是个新手,并且感觉挺有兴趣的,就拿过来试试。

  • 可以把超大整形看做是一个个字符
  • 通过循环输入一个临时字符并将其压入栈中
  • 通过从两个栈中弹出对应位的数字进行相加
  • 通过一个整型栈来存取对应位运算后的数据

    stack<char>p1,p2;    stack<int>re;    char tmp;    cout<<"welcome using the system!!!"<<endl;    cout<<"you can input any number if you want!!!\n";    cout<<endl;    cout<<"please input the first number(q as the end):\t";    cin>>tmp;    while(tmp!='q'){        p1.push(tmp);        cin>>tmp;    }    cout<<"please input the second number(q as the end):\t";    cin>>tmp;    while(tmp!='q'){        p2.push(tmp);        cin>>tmp;    }    cout<<"the input number has done!!!\n";




#include<iostream>#include<stack>#include<algorithm>#include<functional>using namespace std;int main(){    stack<char>p1;    stack<char>p2;    stack<int>re;    char tmp;    cout<<"welcome using the system!!!"<<endl;    cout<<"you can input any number if you want!!!\n";    cout<<endl;    cout<<"please input the first number(q as the end):\t";    cin>>tmp;    while(tmp!='q'){        p1.push(tmp);        cin>>tmp;    }    cout<<"please input the second number(q as the end):\t";    cin>>tmp;    while(tmp!='q'){        p2.push(tmp);        cin>>tmp;    }    cout<<"the input number has done!!!\n";    int tmp1=0,tmp2=0;    while((p1.size()!=0)&&(p2.size()!=0)){        int t1=p1.top();        int t2=p2.top();        tmp1=(t1-48)+(t2-48);        tmp1+=tmp2;        if(tmp1>9){            tmp2=tmp1/10;            tmp1%=10;            re.push(tmp1);        }        else{            re.push(tmp1);            tmp2=0;        }        p1.pop();        p2.pop();    }    if((p1.size()==0)&&(p2.size()!=0)){        while(p2.size()!=0){            int t1 =p2.top();            tmp1=t1-48;            re.push(tmp1);            p2.pop();        }    }    if((p1.size()!=0)&&(p2.size()==0)){        while(p1.size()!=0){            int t2=p1.top();            tmp1=t2-48;            re.push(tmp1);            p1.pop();        }    }    cout<<endl<<"the result is:\t";    while(re.size()!=0){        cout<<re.top();        re.pop();    }    cout<<endl<<endl;    return 0;}


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