【COCOS2DX-BOX2D游戏开发之三】 读取tiledmap的tmx阻挡(转)

来源:互联网 发布:小米6 移动4g网络差 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 00:51

做一款像素游戏项目,需要读取TMX文件中的阻挡区域,生成box2d的fixture,来做阻挡 使用cocos2dx版本: 2.2.2

编辑器中主要有polygone, polyline,box和circle4种,其实box也属于polygone

2.我的tiled map 版本Version 0.9.1
查看tmx文件,增加的层属于是不会被渲染的,所以添加多个层对效率也没有什么影响, 我们此处叫”Physics”

3.cocos2dx中解析此文件的时CCTMXXMLParser.cpp 大概在623行,但是代码中只解析了polygon,polyline和circle处解析代码为空,我们在此处添加完全

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else if (elementName == "polygon")       {          // find parent object's dict and add polygon-points to it          ObjectGroup* objectGroup = (ObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();          CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();          // get points value string          const char* value = valueForKey("points", attributeDict);          if(value)          {              CCArray* pPointsArray = new CCArray;              // parse points string into a space-separated set of points              stringstream pointsStream(value);              string pointPair;              while(std::getline(pointsStream, pointPair, ' '))              {                  // parse each point combo into a comma-separated x,y point                  stringstream pointStream(pointPair);                  string xStr,yStr;                  char buffer[32] = {0};                  CCDictionary* pPointDict = new CCDictionary;                  // set x                  if(std::getline(pointStream, xStr, ','))                  {                      int x = atoi(xStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x;                      sprintf(buffer, "%d", x);                      CCString* pStr = new CCString(buffer);                      pStr->autorelease();                      pPointDict->setObject(pStr, "x");                  }                  // set y                  if(std::getline(pointStream, yStr, ','))                  {                      int y = atoi(yStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y;                      sprintf(buffer, "%d", y);                      CCString* pStr = new CCString(buffer);                      pStr->autorelease();                      pPointDict->setObject(pStr, "y");                  }                  // add to points array                  pPointsArray->addObject(pPointDict);                  pPointDict->release();              }              dict->setObject(pPointsArray, "points");              pPointsArray->release();              dict->setObject(dict->objectForKey("points"), "polygonPoints");          }      }       else if (elementName == "polyline")      {          // find parent object's dict and add polyline-points to it          // ObjectGroup* objectGroup = (ObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();          // CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();          // TODO: dict->setObject:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"points"] forKey:@"polylinePoints"];          // ------Added by Teng.start          // find parent object's dict and add polygon-points to it          ObjectGroup* objectGroup = (ObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();          CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();          // get points value string          const char* value = valueForKey("points", attributeDict);          if(value)          {              CCArray* pPointsArray = new CCArray;              // parse points string into a space-separated set of points              stringstream pointsStream(value);              string pointPair;              while(std::getline(pointsStream, pointPair, ' '))              {                  // parse each point combo into a comma-separated x,y point                  stringstream pointStream(pointPair);                  string xStr,yStr;                  char buffer[32] = {0};                  CCDictionary* pPointDict = new CCDictionary;                  // set x                  if(std::getline(pointStream, xStr, ','))                  {                      int x = atoi(xStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().x;                      sprintf(buffer, "%d", x);                      CCString* pStr = new CCString(buffer);                      pStr->autorelease();                      pPointDict->setObject(pStr, "x");                  }                  // set y                  if(std::getline(pointStream, yStr, ','))                  {                      int y = atoi(yStr.c_str()) + (int)objectGroup->getPositionOffset().y;                      sprintf(buffer, "%d", y);                      CCString* pStr = new CCString(buffer);                      pStr->autorelease();                      pPointDict->setObject(pStr, "y");                  }                  // add to points array                  pPointsArray->addObject(pPointDict);                  pPointDict->release();              }              dict->setObject(pPointsArray, "points");              pPointsArray->release();              dict->setObject(dict->objectForKey("points"), "polylinePoints");          }          // ------Added by Teng.end      }      else if (elementName == "ellipse")      {          // ------Added by Teng.start          // Do nothing...          ObjectGroup* objectGroup = (ObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();          CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();          CCObject *obj = new CCObject;          dict->setObject(obj, "ellipse");          obj->release();          // ------Added by Teng.end      }  

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bool Map::createPhysical(b2World *world)  {      b2BodyDef body_def;      body_def.type = b2_staticBody;      body_def.position.SetZero();      mBody = world->CreateBody(&body_def);      // 找出阻挡区域所在的层      ObjectGroup* group = mTiledMap->objectGroupNamed("Physics");      CCArray* array = group->getObjects();      CCDictionary* dict;      CCObject* pObj = NULL;      CCARRAY_FOREACH(array, pObj)      {          dict = (CCDictionary*)pObj;          if (!dict)              continue;          b2FixtureDef fixture_def;          StaticBlockObject *sb_obj = new StaticBlockObject();          sb_obj->density = 1.0f;          sb_obj->friction = 0.2f;          sb_obj->restitution = 0.f;          // 读取所有形状的起始点          float x = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey("x"))->floatValue();          float y = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey("y"))->floatValue();          b2Shape* shape = NULL;          //多边形          CCObject *polygon = dict->objectForKey("polygonPoints");          if (polygon) {              CCArray *polygon_points = (CCArray*)polygon;              std::vector<b2Vec2> points;              // 必须将所有读取的定点逆向,因为翻转y之后,三角形定点的顺序已经逆序了,构造b2PolygonShape会crash              int c =polygon_points->count();              points.resize(c);              c--;              CCDictionary* pt_dict;              CCObject* obj = NULL;              CCARRAY_FOREACH(polygon_points, obj)              {                  pt_dict = (CCDictionary*)obj;                  if (!pt_dict) {                      continue;                  }                  // 相对于起始点的偏移                  float offx = ((CCString*)pt_dict->objectForKey("x"))->floatValue();                  float offy = ((CCString*)pt_dict->objectForKey("y"))->floatValue();                  points[c--] = (b2Vec2((x + offx) / PTM_RATIO, (y-offy) / PTM_RATIO));              }              b2PolygonShape *ps = new b2PolygonShape();              ps->Set(&points[0], points.size());              fixture_def.shape = ps;              shape = ps;              sb_obj->shape = StaticBlockObject::ST_POLYGON;          } else if (polygon = dict->objectForKey("polylinePoints")){              CCArray *polyline_points = (CCArray*)polygon;              std::vector<b2Vec2> points;              CCDictionary* pt_dict;              CCObject* obj = NULL;              CCARRAY_FOREACH(polyline_points, obj)              {                  pt_dict = (CCDictionary*)obj;                  if (!pt_dict) {                      continue;                  }                  float offx = ((CCString*)pt_dict->objectForKey("x"))->floatValue();                  float offy = ((CCString*)pt_dict->objectForKey("y"))->floatValue();                  points.push_back(b2Vec2((x + offx) / PTM_RATIO, (y-offy) / PTM_RATIO));              }              b2ChainShape *ps = new b2ChainShape();              ps->CreateChain(&points[0], points.size());              fixture_def.shape = ps;              shape = ps;              sb_obj->shape = StaticBlockObject::ST_POLYGON;          } else if (dict->objectForKey("ellipse")) {              float width = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey("width"))->floatValue();              float height = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey("height"))->floatValue();              b2CircleShape *ps = new b2CircleShape;              ps->m_p.Set((x+width/2) / PTM_RATIO, ((y+height/2)) / PTM_RATIO);              ps->m_radius = width/2/PTM_RATIO;              fixture_def.shape = ps;              shape = ps;              sb_obj->shape = StaticBlockObject::ST_CIRCLE;          } else {              float width = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey("width"))->floatValue();              float height = ((CCString*)dict->objectForKey("height"))->floatValue();              b2PolygonShape *ps = new b2PolygonShape;              ps->SetAsBox(width/2/PTM_RATIO, height/2/PTM_RATIO, b2Vec2((x+width/2)/PTM_RATIO, (y+height/2)/PTM_RATIO), 0);              fixture_def.shape = ps;              shape = ps;              sb_obj->shape = StaticBlockObject::ST_POLYGON;          }          fixture_def.density = sb_obj->density;          fixture_def.friction = sb_obj->friction;          fixture_def.restitution = sb_obj->restitution;          b2Fixture *fixture = mBody->CreateFixture(&fixture_def);          sb_obj->fixture = fixture;          if (shape) {              delete shape;              shape = NULL;          }          // Storage the Static block object.          mStaticBlockList.push_back(sb_obj);      }      return true;  }  附带上StaticBlockObject代码,这个主要用来记录阻挡的类型、属性,以后用来做阻挡判断[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片/**     Storage fixture user data.     use for b2Fixture user data.  */  class iFixtureUserData  {  public:      typedef uint BodyType;      typedef uint FixtureType;      static const BodyType   BT_Avata = 0x000;  // no any use...      static const FixtureType FT_None = 0x000;      static const BodyType BT_Map  = 0x1000;      static const FixtureType FT_STATIC_OBJ = 0x1F01;      static const FixtureType FT_DYNAMIC_OBJ = 0x1F02;      //      static const BodyType BT_Role = 0x2000;      static const BodyType BT_Bullet = 0x2100;      static const FixtureType FT_BODY = 0x2F01;      static const FixtureType FT_FOOT = 0x2F02;  public:      iFixtureUserData(BodyType body_type, FixtureType fixture_type):          mBodyType(body_type), mFixtureType(fixture_type){      }      virtual ~iFixtureUserData() {      }      inline BodyType getBodyType() { return mBodyType; }      inline FixtureType getFixtureType() { return mFixtureType; }  protected:      BodyType mBodyType;      FixtureType mFixtureType;  };  /**  Block object.  specify a block area in physics engine. */  class StaticBlockObject : public iFixtureUserData {  public:      StaticBlockObject():      iFixtureUserData(BT_Map, FT_STATIC_OBJ),      fixture(NULL),      half_block(false)      {      }      enum ShapeType {          ST_POLYGON = 0,          ST_CIRCLE = 1,          ST_EDGE = 2      };      ShapeType shape;        // The shape type.      float density;      float friction;      float restitution;      b2Fixture *fixture;      bool half_block;  };  typedef std::vector<StaticBlockObject *> StaticBlockList;  

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std::vector<b2Vec2> points;            // 必须将所有读取的定点逆向,因为翻转y之后,三角形定点的顺序已经逆序了,构造b2PolygonShape会crash            int c =polygon_points->count();            points.resize(c);            c--;            CCDictionary* pt_dict;            CCObject* obj = NULL;            CCARRAY_FOREACH(polygon_points, obj)            {                pt_dict = (CCDictionary*)obj;                if (!pt_dict) {                    continue;                }                // 相对于起始点的偏移                float offx = ((CCString*)pt_dict->objectForKey("x"))->floatValue();                float offy = ((CCString*)pt_dict->objectForKey("y"))->floatValue();                points[c--] = (b2Vec2((x + offx) / PTM_RATIO, (y-offy) / PTM_RATIO));            }            b2PolygonShape *ps = new b2PolygonShape();            ps->Set(&points[0], points.size());            fixture_def.shape = ps;  



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