
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上被骗怎么投诉 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:10

        20.5 建立CGI应用程序

        20.5.1 建立Web服务器



python -m CGIHTTPServer

        20.5.2 建立表单页

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo (static screen)</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>Friends list for: <I>NEW USER</I></H3><FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/"><B>Enter your Name:</B><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=person VALUE="NEW USER" SIZE=15><P><B>How many friends do you have?</B><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="0" CHECKED> 0<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="10"> 10<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="25"> 25<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="50"> 50<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="100"> 100 <P><INPUT TYPE=submit></FORM></BODY></HTML>


       20.5.3 生成结果页


#-*-coding: utf-8-*-# 所有请求采取默认的GET方法import cgireshtml = '''Content-Type: text/html\n<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo (dynamic screen)</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>Friends list for: <I>%s</I></H3>Your name is <B>%s</B><P>You have <B>%s</B> friends.</BODY></HTML>'''# 从这里开始读入并处理表单输入,同时向用户返回结果HTML文件form = cgi.FieldStorage() # 表单变量是FieStorage实例化who = form['person'].valuehowmany = form['howmany'].valueprint reshtml % (who, who, howmany)

            20.5.4 生成表单和结果页面


#-*-coding: utf-8-*-import cgiheader = 'Content-Type: text/html\n\n' # HTTP MIME文件头,不知道这是什么# 表单页面变量,包含三个变量action、person和howmany,其中action变量的值在表单页面中是'edit',action变量在这里的作用是作为一个表单页面的标识formhtml = '''<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>Friends list for: <I>NEW USER</I></H3><FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/"><B>Enter your Name:</B><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=edit><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=person VALUE="NEW USER" SIZE=15><P><B>How many friends do you have?</B>%s<P><INPUT TYPE=submit></FORM></BODY></HTML>'''fradio = '<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="%s" %s> %s\n' # 创建单选按钮的字符串变量,即friends.html文件中的9-13行的统一格式# 对用户输入生成表单页面def showForm():    friends = ''    for i in [0, 10, 25, 50, 100]:        checked = ''        if i == 0:            checked = 'CHECKED'        friends = friends + fradio % (str(i), checked, str(i)) # 即friends.html文件中的9-13行        print header + formhtml % (friends) # 将friends合并到formhtml中# 结果页面变量,只有两个变量,person和howmanyreshtml = '''<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>Friends list for: <I>%s</I></H3>Your name is <B>%s</B><P>You have <B>%s</B> friends.</BODY></HTML>'''def doresult(who, howmany):    print header + reshtml % (who, who, howmany)def process():    form = cgi.FieldStorage() # 读取有关的用户信息,在本例就是action、person和howmany这三个键值对    if form.has_key('person'):        who = form['person'].value    else:        who = 'NEW USER'    if form.has_key('howmany'):        howmany = form['howmany'].value    else:        howmany = 0    if form.has_key('action'):        doresult(who, howmany)    else: # 程序第一次运行时,并没有向cgi应用程序提交表单,所以form是不会有action这个键的        showForm()if __name__ == "__main__":    process()


        20.5.5 全面交互的Web站点


#-*-coding: utf-8-*-import cgifrom urllib import quote_plusfrom string import capwords # 首字母大写,其余小写header = 'Content-Type: text/html\n\n'url = '/cgi-bin/' # 单独抽出是因为表单页面和结果页面都会用到。# 错误页面errhtml = '''<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>ERROR</H3><B>%s</B><P><FORM><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=backONCLICK="window.history.back()"></FORM></BODY></HTML>'''def showError(error_str):    print header + errhtml % (error_str)formhtml = '''<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>Friends list for: <I>%s</I></H3><FORM ACTION="%s"><B>Your Name:</B><INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=action VALUE=edit><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=person VALUE=%s SIZE=15><P><B>How many friends do you have?</B>%s<P><INPUT TYPE=submit></FORM></BODY></HTML>'''fradio = '<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=howmany VALUE="%s" %s> %s\n'def showForm(who, howmany):    friends = ''    for i in [0, 10, 25, 50, 100]:        checked = ''        if str(i) == howmany: # 方便用户更新数据,所以这里的howmany依然是用户上次选定的数据,而非默认的0            checked = 'CHECKED'         friends = friends + fradio % (str(i), checked, str(i))        print header + formhtml % (who, url, who, friends)reshtml = '''<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Friends CGI Demo</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H3>Friends list for: <I>%s</I></H3>Your name is <B>%s</B><P>You have <B>%s</B> friends.<P>Click <A HREF="%s">here</A> to edit your data again.</BODY></HTML>'''def doResults(who, howmany):    newurl = url + '?action=reedit&person=%s&howmany=%s' % (quote_plus(who), howmany) # 设置新的url是为了方便用户更新数据    print header + reshtml % (who, who, howmany, newurl)def process():    error = ''    form = cgi.FieldStorage()     if form.has_key('person'):        who = capwords(form['person'].value)    else:        who = 'NEW USER'    if form.has_key('howmany'):        howmany = form['howmany'].value    else:        if form.has_key('action') and form['action'].value == 'edit': # 只输入person变量,而不选择howmany,就会连接到错误页面            error = 'Please select numbers of friends'        else:            howmany = 0        if not error:        if form.has_key('action') and form['action'].value != 'reedit':            doResults(who, howmany)        else:             showForm(who, howmany)    else:        showError(error)if __name__ == "__main__":    process()


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