
来源:互联网 发布:科普斯怎么编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 16:08


val minMemoryMapBytes = blockManager.conf.getSizeAsBytes("spark.storage.memoryMapThreshold", "2m")


1. NIO读取方法 getBytes

  private def getBytes(file: File, offset: Long, length: Long): Option[ByteBuffer] = {    val channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel    Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {      // For small files, directly read rather than memory map      if (length < minMemoryMapBytes) {        val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(length.toInt)        channel.position(offset)        while (buf.remaining() != 0) {          if (channel.read(buf) == -1) {            throw new IOException("Reached EOF before filling buffer\n" +              s"offset=$offset\nfile=${file.getAbsolutePath}\nbuf.remaining=${buf.remaining}")          }        }        buf.flip()        Some(buf)      } else {        Some(channel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, offset, length))      }    } {      channel.close()    }  }

2. NIO写入方法 putBytes


  override def putBytes(blockId: BlockId, _bytes: ByteBuffer, level: StorageLevel): PutResult = {    // So that we do not modify the input offsets !    // duplicate does not copy buffer, so inexpensive    val bytes = _bytes.duplicate()    logDebug(s"Attempting to put block $blockId")    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis    val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId)    val channel = new FileOutputStream(file).getChannel    Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {      while (bytes.remaining > 0) {        channel.write(bytes)      }    } {      channel.close()    }    val finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis    logDebug("Block %s stored as %s file on disk in %d ms".format(      file.getName, Utils.bytesToString(bytes.limit), finishTime - startTime))    PutResult(bytes.limit(), Right(bytes.duplicate()))  }

3. 数组写入方法 putArray

putArray内部实际调用了putIterator :

  override def putArray(      blockId: BlockId,      values: Array[Any],      level: StorageLevel,      returnValues: Boolean): PutResult = {    putIterator(blockId, values.toIterator, level, returnValues)  }

4. Iterator写入方法putIterator

1. 使用DiskBlockManager的getFile方法获取blockid对应的Block文件,并封装为FileOutputStream;
2. 调用BlockManager的dataSerializeStream方法,将FileOutputStream序列化并压缩;
3. 如果需要返回写入的数据,则将写入的文件使用getBytes读取为ByteBuffer,与文件的长度一起封装到PutResult中返回,否则只返回文件长度。

override def putIterator(      blockId: BlockId,      values: Iterator[Any],      level: StorageLevel,      returnValues: Boolean): PutResult = {    logDebug(s"Attempting to write values for block $blockId")    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis    val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId)    val outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)    try {      Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {        blockManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, outputStream, values)      } {        // Close outputStream here because it should be closed before file is deleted.        outputStream.close()      }    } catch {      case e: Throwable =>        if (file.exists()) {          if (!file.delete()) {            logWarning(s"Error deleting ${file}")          }        }        throw e    }    val length = file.length    val timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime    logDebug("Block %s stored as %s file on disk in %d ms".format(      file.getName, Utils.bytesToString(length), timeTaken))    if (returnValues) {      // Return a byte buffer for the contents of the file      val buffer = getBytes(blockId).get      PutResult(length, Right(buffer))    } else {      PutResult(length, null)    }  }

参考 深入理解Spark核心思想与源码分析

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