
来源:互联网 发布:java程序员必看书籍 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:54
<span style="font-size:18px;">TYPES : BEGIN OF ltype_cost_share,         zflag  TYPE posnr_acc,      "凭证标示         bschl  TYPE bseg-bschl, "记帐代码         gl_account  TYPE c001-sakn1, "科目*         doc_date TYPE char8, "document date*         pos_date TYPE char8, "posting date*         period TYPE char4,   "period         amount TYPE bseg-wrbtr, "凭证中的金额         vbelv   TYPE vbfa-vbelv, "销售订单         posnv TYPE vbfa-posnv, "销售订单行项目         sgtxt TYPE bseg-sgtxt,   "Item text.         belnr  TYPE bkpf-belnr, "凭证编号         fis_period  TYPE char8,    "period         fisc_year  TYPE char8,     "记账年份         messag TYPE char300,     "报消息        END OF ltype_cost_share.DATA :lt_cost_share TYPE TABLE OF ltype_cost_share,      ls_cost_share LIKE LINE OF lt_cost_share,      lt_display_cost TYPE TABLE OF ltype_cost_share,      ls_display_cost LIKE LINE OF lt_display_costDATA: ls_cost_share2 LIKE ls_cost_share.DATA: lt_temp_cost TYPE TABLE OF ltype_cost_share.  "// 将EXCEL表中内容拆分凭证  CLEAR ls_cost_share.  CLEAR lt_temp_cost[].  DELETE lt_cost_share WHERE bschl IS INITIAL.  SORT lt_cost_share BY zflag.  CLEAR ls_cost_share.  LOOP AT lt_cost_share INTO ls_cost_share.    APPEND ls_cost_share TO lt_display_cost.    CLEAR ls_cost_share.  ENDLOOP.  CLEAR ls_cost_share.  LOOP AT lt_cost_share INTO ls_cost_share.    APPEND ls_cost_share TO lt_temp_cost.    READ TABLE lt_cost_share INTO ls_cost_share2 INDEX 2.    IF sy-subrc = 0.  "//有下条记录      IF ls_cost_share-zflag = ls_cost_share2-zflag.  "//同一个凭证        DELETE lt_cost_share.      ELSE.        "//BAPI post        PERFORM frm_bapi_post_data5 TABLES lt_temp_cost." TAB_RETURN.        DELETE lt_cost_share.        CLEAR lt_temp_cost[].      ENDIF.    ELSE. "// 只有一条记录了      "//BAPI post      PERFORM frm_bapi_post_data5 TABLES lt_temp_cost." TAB_RETURN.    ENDIF.    CLEAR ls_cost_share.  ENDLOOP.</span>

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