microRNA Introdiction

来源:互联网 发布:传奇永恒cpu优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/26 17:49

Despite the central function that microRNAs appear to play in biological and disease processes, the first microRNA, lin-4, was only discovered in 1993. This was believed to be an anomaly until 2000 when a second microRNA, let-7, was described. Both microRNAs, identified from C. elegans, were highly unusual as their active transcripts were extremely small (~22nt) and were derived from hairpin structured RNA precursors. Unlike lin-4 however, the sequence of let-7 was found to be highly conserved in a wide range of organisms. It was soon realised that similar sequences, first termed microRNAs by Ambros in 2001, were widespread in the genomes of eukaryotes. Since this time, thousands of microRNAs have been cloned and characterised from a diverse range of organisms including arthropods, nematodes, platyhelminthes, vertebrates, plants and viruses. There are currently over 500 human microRNAs listed in the miRBase database (http://microrna.sanger.ac.uk/sequences/), accounting for about 1% of the human transcriptome, although it is predicted that the true figure is likely to be closer to one thousand.
