单件模式(Sginleton Pattern)

来源:互联网 发布:亚马逊关键词优化方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:44



意图: 希望对象只有一个实例,单没有控制对象实例化的全局对象。还希望确保所有实体使用该对象相同的实例,无需将引用传给它们。
Double-Checked Locking 双重加锁模式



public class Singleton{    // 静态初始化器(static initializer)中创建单件,保证了线程安全。    private static Singleton uniqueInstance;    private Singleton(){}    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance(){        if(uniqueInstance == null)            uniqueInstance = new Singleton();        return uniqueInstance;    }}


public class Singleton{    private volatile static Singleton uniqueInstance;    private Singleton(){}    private static Singleton getInstance(){        if(uniqueInstance = null){            //synchronized (Singleton.class){            synchronized (this){                if (uniqueInstance = null)                    uniqueInstance = new Singleton();            }        }    }}

当两个线程都运行到if(uniqueInstance = null)时候,都会执行下一句。等待同步。此句最多执行一次。(《Effective C++》、《More Effective C++》)
C++ Singleton design pattern

class S{    public:        static S& getInstance()        {            static S    instance; // Guaranteed to be destroyed.                                  // Instantiated on first use.            return instance;        }    private:        S() {};                   // Constructor? (the {} brackets) are needed here.        // C++ 03        // ========        // Dont forget to declare these two. You want to make sure they        // are unacceptable otherwise you may accidentally get copies of        // your singleton appearing.        S(S const&);              // Don't Implement        void operator=(S const&); // Don't implement        // C++ 11        // =======        // We can use the better technique of deleting the methods        // we don't want.    public:        S(S const&)               = delete;        void operator=(S const&)  = delete;        // Note: Scott Meyers mentions in his Effective Modern        //       C++ book, that deleted functions should generally        //       be public as it results in better error messages        //       due to the compilers behavior to check accessibility        //       before deleted status};


class StringSingleton{public:    // Some accessor functions for the class, itself    std::string GetString() const {return mString; }    void SetString( const std::string & newString) { mString = newStr ; }     // The magic function, which allows access to the class from anywhere     // To get the value of the instance of the class, call:     //     StringSingleton::Instance().GetString();      static StringSingleton &Instance()     {         // This line only runs once, thus creating the only instance in existence         static StringSingleton *instance = new StringSingleton;         // dereferencing the variable here, saves the caller from having to use          // the arrow operator, and removes temptation to try and delete the          // returned instance.         return *instance; // always returns the same instance     } private:      // We need to make some given functions private to finish the definition of the singleton     StringSingleton(){} // default constructor available only to members or friends of this class     // Note that the next two functions are not given bodies, thus any attempt      // to call them implicitly will return as compiler errors. This prevents      // accidental copying of the only instance of the class.     StringSingleton(const StringSingleton &old); // disallow copy constructor     const StringSingleton &operator=(const StringSingleton &old); //disallow assignment operator     // Note that although this should be allowed,      // some compilers may not implement private destructors     // This prevents others from deleting our one single instance, which was otherwise created on the heap     ~StringSingleton(){}  private: // private data for an instance of this class     std::string mString;}


#include <iostream>using namespace std;/* Place holder for thread synchronization mutex */class Mutex{   /* placeholder for code to create, use, and free a mutex */};/* Place holder for thread synchronization lock */class Lock{   public:        Lock(Mutex& m) : mutex(m) { /* placeholder code to acquire the mutex */ }        ~Lock() { /* placeholder code to release the mutex */ }    private:        Mutex & mutex;};class Singleton{   public:        static Singleton* GetInstance();        int a;        ~Singleton() { cout << "In Destructor" << endl; }    private:        Singleton(int _a) : a(_a) { cout << "In Constructor" << endl; }        static Mutex mutex;        // Not defined, to prevent copying        Singleton(const Singleton& );        Singleton& operator =(const Singleton& other);};Mutex Singleton::mutex;Singleton* Singleton::GetInstance(){    Lock lock(mutex);    cout << "Get Instance" << endl;    // Initialized during first access    static Singleton inst(1);    return &inst;}int main(){    Singleton* singleton = Singleton::GetInstance();    cout << "The value of the singleton: " << singleton->a << endl;    return 0;}
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