freeswitch时间结构体 switch_time_exp_t

来源:互联网 发布:网络红人欲猫儿 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 07:50

typedef struct switch_time_exp_t {
        /** microseconds past tm_sec */
                 int32_t tm_usec;
        /** (0-61) seconds past tm_min */
                 int32_t tm_sec;
        /** (0-59) minutes past tm_hour */
                 int32_t tm_min;
        /** (0-23) hours past midnight */
                 int32_t tm_hour;
        /** (1-31) day of the month */
                 int32_t tm_mday;
        /** (0-11) month of the year */
                 int32_t tm_mon;
        /** year since 1900 */
                 int32_t tm_year;
        /** (0-6) days since sunday */
                 int32_t tm_wday;
        /** (0-365) days since jan 1 */
                 int32_t tm_yday;
        /** daylight saving time */
                 int32_t tm_isdst;
        /** seconds east of UTC */
                 int32_t tm_gmtoff;
         } switch_time_exp_t;

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