EasyDarwin实现RTSP播放动态认证的两种方式:Basic/Digest & Token

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝能微信付款吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 13:18



        case kRoutingRequest:            {                // Invoke router modules                numModules = QTSServerInterface::GetNumModulesInRole(QTSSModule::kRTSPRouteRole);                {                    // Manipulation of the RTPSession from the point of view of                    // a module is guaranteed to be atomic by the API.                    Assert(fRTPSession != NULL);                    OSMutexLocker   locker(fRTPSession->GetSessionMutex());                    for (; (fCurrentModule < numModules) && ((!fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent()) || fModuleState.eventRequested); fCurrentModule++)                    {                        fModuleState.eventRequested = false;                        fModuleState.idleTime = 0;                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested)                        {                            fModuleState.globalLockRequested = false;                            fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = true;                        }                        theModule = QTSServerInterface::GetModule(QTSSModule::kRTSPRouteRole, fCurrentModule);                        (void)theModule->CallDispatch(QTSS_RTSPRoute_Role, &fRoleParams);                        fModuleState.isGlobalLocked = false;                        if (fModuleState.globalLockRequested) // call this request back locked                            return this->CallLocked();                        // If this module has requested an event, return and wait for the event to transpire                        if (fModuleState.eventRequested)                        {                            this->ForceSameThread();    // We are holding mutexes, so we need to force                                                        // the same thread to be used for next Run()                            return fModuleState.idleTime; // If the module has requested idle time...                        }                    }                }                fCurrentModule = 0;                // SetupAuthLocalPath must happen after kRoutingRequest and before kAuthenticatingRequest                // placed here so that if the state is shifted to kPostProcessingRequest from a response being sent                // then the AuthLocalPath will still be set.                fRequest->SetupAuthLocalPath();                if (fRequest->HasResponseBeenSent())                {                    fState = kPostProcessingRequest;                    break;                }                //!!! 这里打开对RTSPSession进行授权认证的过程 !!!                if (fRequest->SkipAuthorization())                {                    // Skip the authentication and authorization states                    // The foll. normally gets executed at the end of the authorization state                     // Prepare for kPreprocessingRequest state.                    fState = kPreprocessingRequest;                    if (fRequest->GetMethod() == qtssSetupMethod)                        // Make sure to erase the session ID stored in the request at this point.                        // If we fail to do so, this same session would be used if another                        // SETUP was issued on this same TCP connection.                        fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len = 0;                    else if (fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len == 0)                        fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Len = ::strlen(fLastRTPSessionIDPtr.Ptr);                    break;                }                else                    fState = kAuthenticatingRequest;            }


void RTSPSession::SetupRequest(){    // First parse the request    QTSS_Error theErr = fRequest->Parse();    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)        return;    // 对RTSPRequest进行Token解析    StrPtrLen *token = fRequest->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqQueryString);    //TODO::对Token进行自定义验证,失败返回401等相应错误码    //    // let's also refresh RTP session timeout so that it's kept alive in sync with the RTSP session.     //     // Attempt to find the RTP session for this request.    OSRefTable* theMap = QTSServerInterface::GetServer()->GetRTPSessionMap();    theErr = this->FindRTPSession(theMap);

EasyDarwin RTSP认证方式



EasyDarwin Token认证方式







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