GeckoFx (6)替换、禁用系统弹窗警告

来源:互联网 发布:大数据融合技术 kettle 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 07:44

browser:Gecko.GeckoWebBrowser 控件;


 Alert “ could not be found. Please check the name and try again.”


PromptFactory.PromptServiceCreator = () => new FilteredPromptService((title, text) =>
//Msg(string.Format("{0}:{1}", title, text));
return false;

var browser = new Gecko.GeckoWebBrowser();

1.使用 PromptFactory.PromptServiceCreator 属性,替换默认的推送服务类//源码public class PromptFactory:nsIPromptFactory{/// <summary>/// Allow injecting different PromptService implementations into PromptFactory./// Custom PromptService may implement some or all of nsIPrompt, nsIAuthPrompt2, and nsIAuthPrompt./// </summary>public static Func<object> PromptServiceCreator { get; set; }}2.定义自己的推送服务类 FilteredPromptServiceusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using Gecko;namespace MyTest{    /// <summary>    /// Used to prevent from displaying certain firefox alerts about unknown protocols.    /// </summary>    internal class FilteredPromptService : nsIPromptService2, nsIPrompt    {        /// <summary>        /// 消息推送服务        /// </summary>        /// <param name="onPromptBefor">系统弹窗前事件,返回false 将不弹窗系统警示框</param>        public FilteredPromptService(Func<string,string,bool> onPromptBefor)        {            _onPromptBefor = onPromptBefor;        }        private Func<string, string, bool> _onPromptBefor = null;        /// <summary>        /// 弹窗前事件        /// </summary>        /// <param name="aDialogTitle"></param>        /// <param name="aText"></param>        /// <returns></returns>        private bool PromptBefor(string aDialogTitle, string aText)        {            if (_onPromptBefor == null)return true;            return _onPromptBefor(aDialogTitle, aText);        }        public void Alert(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText)        {            if (!PromptBefor(aDialogTitle ?? "Alert", aDialogTitle))                return;            _promptService.Alert(aDialogTitle, aText);        }        public void AlertCheck(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, string aCheckMsg, ref bool aCheckState)        {            _promptService.AlertCheck(aDialogTitle, aText, aCheckMsg, ref aCheckState);        }        public bool Confirm(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText)        {            return _promptService.Confirm(aDialogTitle, aText);        }        public bool ConfirmCheck(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, string aCheckMsg,                                 ref bool aCheckState)        {            return _promptService.ConfirmCheck(aDialogTitle, aText, aCheckMsg, ref aCheckState);        }        public int ConfirmEx(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, uint aButtonFlags, string aButton0Title,                             string aButton1Title, string aButton2Title, string aCheckMsg, ref bool aCheckState)        {            return _promptService.ConfirmEx(aDialogTitle, aText, aButtonFlags, aButton0Title, aButton1Title,                                            aButton2Title, aCheckMsg, ref aCheckState);        }        public bool Prompt(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, ref string aValue, string aCheckMsg,                           ref bool aCheckState)        {            return _promptService.Prompt(aDialogTitle, aText, ref aValue, aCheckMsg, ref aCheckState);        }        public bool PromptUsernameAndPassword(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, ref string aUsername,                                              ref string aPassword, string aCheckMsg, ref bool aCheckState)        {            return _promptService.PromptUsernameAndPassword(aDialogTitle, aText, ref aUsername, ref aPassword, aCheckMsg,                                                            ref aCheckState);        }        public bool PromptPassword(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, ref string aPassword,                                   string aCheckMsg, ref bool aCheckState)        {            return _promptService.PromptPassword(aDialogTitle, aText, ref aPassword, aCheckMsg, ref aCheckState);        }        public bool Select(nsIDOMWindow aParent, string aDialogTitle, string aText, uint aCount, IntPtr[] aSelectList,                           ref int aOutSelection)        {            return _promptService.Select(aDialogTitle, aText, aCount, aSelectList, ref aOutSelection);        }        public bool PromptAuth(nsIDOMWindow aParent, nsIChannel aChannel, uint level, nsIAuthInformation authInfo,                               string checkboxLabel, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.PromptAuth(aChannel, level, authInfo);        }        public nsICancelable AsyncPromptAuth(nsIDOMWindow aParent, nsIChannel aChannel, nsIAuthPromptCallback aCallback,                                             nsISupports aContext, uint level, nsIAuthInformation authInfo,                                             string checkboxLabel, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.AsyncPromptAuth(aChannel, aCallback, aContext, level, authInfo);        }        public void Alert(string dialogTitle, string text)        {            if (text.Contains(_unknownProtocolFilterString))                return;            if (text.Contains(_proxyErrorFilterString))                return;            if (!PromptBefor(dialogTitle ?? "Alert", text))                return;            _promptService.Alert(dialogTitle, text);        }        public void AlertCheck(string dialogTitle, string text, string checkMsg, ref bool checkValue)        {            _promptService.AlertCheck(dialogTitle, text, checkMsg, ref checkValue);        }        public bool Confirm(string dialogTitle, string text)        {            return _promptService.Confirm(dialogTitle, text);        }        public bool ConfirmCheck(string dialogTitle, string text, string checkMsg, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.ConfirmCheck(dialogTitle, text, checkMsg, ref checkValue);        }        public int ConfirmEx(string dialogTitle, string text, uint buttonFlags, string button0Title, string button1Title,                             string button2Title, string checkMsg, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.ConfirmEx(dialogTitle, text, buttonFlags, button0Title, button1Title, button2Title, checkMsg,                                            ref checkValue);        }        public bool Prompt(string dialogTitle, string text, ref string value, string checkMsg, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.Prompt(dialogTitle, text, ref value, checkMsg, ref checkValue);        }        public bool PromptPassword(string dialogTitle, string text, ref string password, string checkMsg, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.PromptPassword(dialogTitle, text, ref password, checkMsg, ref checkValue);        }        public bool PromptUsernameAndPassword(string dialogTitle, string text, ref string username, ref string password,                                              string checkMsg, ref bool checkValue)        {            return _promptService.PromptUsernameAndPassword(dialogTitle, text, ref username, ref password, checkMsg,                                                            ref checkValue);        }        public bool Select(string dialogTitle, string text, uint count, IntPtr[] selectList, ref int outSelection)        {            return _promptService.Select(dialogTitle, text, count, selectList, ref outSelection);        }        #region Non COM methods        private static PromptService _promptService = new PromptService();        #endregion        #region Filter strings.        private const string _unknownProtocolFilterString = "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol";        private const string _proxyErrorFilterString = "Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that can't be found.";        #endregion    }}

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