A Simple C++ Plugin System -- Interface Between Plugin and Main Application

来源:互联网 发布:网络监控系统设计说明 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 16:12


前人已有A Simple C++ Plugin System Summary,本文将处理,如何实现插件与主程序之间的接口


1. 主程序中访问,修改插件参数,参见下面的指针类接口。
2. 插件访问,修改主程序参数,需要在插件的初始化函数中提供主程序引用参数,实测可行。
3. 插件A访问,修改插件B,插件C……中的参数(对插件A的开发者要求很高,插件B,插件C要提供接口供插件A调用,如插件A直接调用插件B,C,但这有时不太现实,如果插件B,C只能有一个实例。这样的话,要求主程序提供一套插件回调机制,插件A通过主程序回调其它插件)。

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The method we’ve been using recently is actually quite simple. The plugin implements a onCommand method which accepts arbitrary commands from the application. The advantage of using this type of interface is that you’re able to implement almost any kind of functionality without having to add new methods and break the API each time you roll out a new feature. Obviously it doesn’t have it be this simple, but you get the idea!

Command nodes (see code below) are namespaced using a REST style interface like so resource:action, and the data buffer contains either a JSON encoded message which for representing and converting to an STL container such a std::vector or std::map to pass to the internal API, or it may just be a raw data buffer that can be used directly.

bool onCommand(const char* node, const char* data, unsigned int size){        try {        // Handle a JSON encoded options hash        if (strcmp(node, "options:set") == 0) {               json::Value root;            json::Reader reader;            if (!reader.parse(data, size, root))                          throw std::runtime_error("Invalid JSON format: " + reader.getFormatedErrorMessages());            // Do something with JSON data here...        }        // Handle raw file data        else if (strcmp(node, "file:write") == 0) {            std::string path("test.bin");            std::ofstream ofs(path, std::ios::out|std::ios::binary);            if (!ofs.is_open())                throw std::runtime_error("Cannot write to output file: " + path);            ofs.write(data, size);            ofs.close();        }        // Handle unknown commands        else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown command");    }    catch (std::exception& exc) {        // Catch exceptions here and return false.        // You could set a lastError string here which is exposed to        // the application that returns the error message as a char*.        // See the full example for details.        std::cerr << "Command error: " << exc.what() << std::endl;        return false;    }    return true;}


通过指针返回符号(函数或者成员变量),注意typedef void* gpointer; 这样,通过void * 可以返回任意数据类型,无论是函数还是成员变量。

/* the function signature for 'say_hello' */typedef void (* SayHelloFunc) (const char *message);gbooleanjust_say_hello (const char *filename, GError **error){  SayHelloFunc  say_hello;  GModule      *module;  module = g_module_open (filename, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY);  if (!module)    {      g_set_error (error, FOO_ERROR, FOO_ERROR_BLAH,                   "%s", g_module_error ());      return FALSE;    }  if (!g_module_symbol (module, "say_hello", (gpointer *)&say_hello))    {      g_set_error (error, SAY_ERROR, SAY_ERROR_OPEN,                   "%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());      if (!g_module_close (module))        g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());      return FALSE;    }  if (say_hello == NULL)    {      g_set_error (error, SAY_ERROR, SAY_ERROR_OPEN,                   "symbol say_hello is NULL");      if (!g_module_close (module))        g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());      return FALSE;    }  /* call our function in the module */  say_hello ("Hello world!");  if (!g_module_close (module))    g_warning ("%s: %s", filename, g_module_error ());  return TRUE; }




所有插件仅处理一种类型的数据,如矩阵。参见orange 实现机制 不过这是python,但原则上c++也可以这么做。但势必会麻烦一些,毕竟python是脚本语言。






#include "DataDriveFunctions.h"#include "DataDriveMain.h"#include "yzbx_config.h"#include <dlfcn.h>using namespace DataDrive ;typedef Base* create_t(std::shared_ptr<DataDriveMain> data);typedef void destroy_t(Base*);int main(){  using std::cout;    using std::cerr;    // load the dll library    void* dll = dlopen("./test4.so", RTLD_LAZY);    if (!dll) {        cerr << "Cannot load library: " << dlerror() << '\n';        return 1;    }    // reset errors    dlerror();    // load the symbols    create_t* create_dll = (create_t*) dlsym(dll, "create");    const char* dlsym_error = dlerror();    if (dlsym_error) {        cerr << "Cannot load symbol create: " << dlsym_error << '\n';        return 1;    }    destroy_t* destroy_dll = (destroy_t*) dlsym(dll, "destroy");    dlsym_error = dlerror();    if (dlsym_error) {        cerr << "Cannot load symbol destroy: " << dlsym_error << '\n';        return 1;    }    // create an instance of the class    std::shared_ptr<DataDriveMain> data=std::make_shared<DataDriveMain>(DataDriveMain("/home/yzbx/config/surveillance-video-system.ini"));    Base* base = create_dll(data);    // use the class        cout << "The frameNum is: " << data->frameNum << '\n';    base->run();    cout << "The frameNum is: " << data->frameNum << '\n';    // destroy the class    destroy_dll(base);    // unload the dll library    dlclose(dll);}


#include "DataDriveFunctions.h"#include "DataDriveMain.h"#include "yzbx_config.h"using namespace DataDrive ; class DllTest:public Base{public:    GET_CLASS_NAME    DllTest(std::shared_ptr<DataDriveMain> data):Base(data){}    bool run();};bool DllTest::run(){  data->frameNum++;  return true;};extern "C" Base * create(std::shared_ptr<DataDriveMain> data){  return new DllTest(data);};extern "C" void destroy(Base * p){  delete p;};


g++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -I/home/yzbx/git/surveillance-video-system/objectTracking/src/objectTracking/yzbxLib `pkg-config --cflags Qt5Core` test4_dll.cpp -shared -o test4.so  `pkg-config --libs Qt5Core` -L/home/yzbx/build/build-objectTracking-Desktop_Qt_5_6_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/yzbxLib -lyzbxLibg++ -std=c++14 -fPIC -I/home/yzbx/git/surveillance-video-system/objectTracking/src/objectTracking/yzbxLib `pkg-config --cflags Qt5Core` test4_main.cpp -o test4  -L/home/yzbx/build/build-objectTracking-Desktop_Qt_5_6_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/yzbxLib -lyzbxLib `pkg-config --libs Qt5Core` `pkg-config --libs bgslibrary` `pkg-config --libs opencv` -lboost_filesystem -lboost_program_options -lboost_system -ldl


(env2) $: cd -/home/yzbx/test/plugin-framework/dlopen(env2) $: lsa.out      hello.so     test1-libm-so    test3_triangle.cpp  triangle.sobin        Jamroot      test2_hello.cpp  test4build.sh   polygon.hpp  test2_main.cpp   test4_dll.cppconfig     test1        test3_main       test4_main.cpperror.log  test1.c      test3_main.cpp   test4.so(env2) $: ./test4The frameNum is: 0The frameNum is: 1(env2) $: 
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