
来源:互联网 发布:数据库的导入和导出 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:31

Coursera@Getting and Cleaning Data公开课要求使用swirl包,安装时出现问题

> library(swirl)Error in library(swirl) : there is no package called 'swirl'
  • 官方给出的在我电脑上然并卵的解决方案

    • Did you install swirl with install.packages(“swirl”)? If so, then something went wrong with installation. There are a few reasons this might occur. 是否安装swirl包,如果没有请正确安装;
    • Do you have R version 3.0.2 or later? This is required for the most recent version of swirl. 确保R版本在3.0.2以上;
    • Are you behind a firewall or proxy server at work? If you have access to a personal computer, that’s often the easiest fix. 关闭防火墙,也可能是网络代理问题,或者如校园网,公司内网等可能造成问题;
    • Do you have full permissions on your computer? Again, using a personal computer may be your best bet. 电脑权限问题;
  • 最后使用解决方案:

    • 重新安装,改变dependencies变量, 如
      install.packages("swirl",dependencies = T)
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