
来源:互联网 发布:mac系统怎么看电脑空间 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:39
;;       TEST-GPIO;;  FileName:        main.S;  Dependencies:    p16f1933.h;;  Processor:       PIC16F1933;;  Complier:        GPASM;;  Company:         xx;;  Author:          Perry.Peng@xx.com;;  just do a demonstration of pic16f1933.;;  Features used:;     - GPIO;     - Timer1;;  Description:;       demo program.;;  Notes:;     -        list p=16f1933, r=dec, f=inhx32, w=0        errorlevel -302   ; suppress message 302 from list file        include "p16f1933.inc";        nolist; ---------------------------------------------------------------------; Configuration Bits; ---------------------------------------------------------------------#define _DEBUG      0xfeff        __config _CONFIG1, _WDTE_OFF & _MCLRE_ON & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _BOREN_OFF & _FOSC_INTOSC & _CLKOUTEN_ON        __config _CONFIG2, _WRT_OFF & _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_OFF & _LVP_ON & _DEBUG;#define LCD_PIN_RS            7;#define LCD_PIN_RW            6;#define LCD_PIN_EP            5#define LCD_PIN_RS            3#define LCD_PIN_RW            4#define LCD_PIN_EP            5#define LCD_WR_CMD            0#define LCD_WR_DATA           (1 << LCD_PIN_RS)#define LCD_RD_CMD            (1 << LCD_PIN_RW)#define LCD_RD_DATA           ((1 << LCD_PIN_RS) | (1 << LCD_PIN_RW))#define LCD_EP_MASK           (1 << LCD_PIN_EP)#define LCD_CFG_BITS          0x28; Instructs gpasm that it should generate an error if there is any; use of the given RAM locations.;----------------------------------------------------------------------; Variables;----------------------------------------------------------------------.data udata 0x0020delayCnt res 1VAR20 res 1VAR21 res 1VAR29 res 1VAR22 res 1VAR23 res 1VAR24 res 1VAR27 res 1VAR26 res 1VAR25 res 1sharebank udata_ovr 0x0070TMP09 res 1TMP08 res 1TMP07 res 1STK06 res 1STK05 res 1STK04 res 1STK03 res 1STK02 res 1STK01 res 1STK00 res 1;----------------------------------------------------------------------; Program Memory;----------------------------------------------------------------------        org       0x0000              ; Reset vector        nop        goto      sysboot        org       0x0004              ; Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)        retfiesysboot banksel   OSCCON; SPLLEN  IRCF3 IRCF2 IRCF1 IRCF0 UNIMP SCS1  SCS0; 4xPLL    Oscillator Select bits  N/A   1x Internal oscillator; 4xPLL    1111 = 16MHz HF         N/A   01 timer1 osc; 4xPLL    1110 = 8MHz or (32MHz)  N/A   00 use CONFIG bits.; 4xPLL    1101 = 4MHz; 4xPLL    1100 = 2MHz; 4xPLL    1011 = 1MHz; 4xPLL    1010 = 500kHz; 4xPLL    1001 = 250kHz; 4xPLL    1000 = 125kHz; 4xPLL    0111 = 500kHz MF (default); 4xPLL    0110 = 250kHz MF;            ...; 4xPLL    0011 = 31.25kHz HF; 4xPLL    0010 = 31.25kHz MF; 4xPLL    000x = 31kHz LF;        movlw     0xf3                ; 8MHz [x 4xPLL] = 32MHz        movlw     0x6a                 ; 4MHz        movwf     OSCCON        banksel   ANSELA        clrf      ANSELA        clrf      ANSELB        banksel   TRISA        clrf      TRISA        bcf       TRISC, LCD_PIN_RS        bcf       TRISC, LCD_PIN_RW        bcf       TRISC, LCD_PIN_EP        banksel   PORTA        clrf      PORTA;        call      _lcd_initWHILE1;        banksel   PORTA;        movf      PORTA, W;        xorlw     0x20;        movwf     PORTA                movlw     0x20        movwf     STK01        movlw     0x01        movwf     STK00        movlw     0x05        call      _lcd_display_char        movlw     0x81        clrf      STK00        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x33        bsf       STK00, 0        call      _lcd_write        goto      WHILE1        return_lcd_display_char        movf      STK00, F        btfss     STATUS, Z        iorlw     0x40        iorlw     0x80        clrf      STK00        call      _lcd_write        movf      STK01, W        bsf       STK00, 0        call      _lcd_write        return_lcd_read        movwf     TMP07        banksel   TRISB        movlw     0x0f        iorwf     TRISB, F        banksel   PORTC        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        btfsc     TMP07, 0        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RW        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP ; pull high ep pin.        nop        swapf     PORTB, W        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP ; pull low ep pin.        ;bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RW        andlw     0xf0        movwf     TMP08        ;bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        ;btfsc     TMP07, 0        ;bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        ;bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RW        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP        nop        movf      PORTB, W        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RW        andlw     0x0f        iorwf     TMP08, F        movf      TMP08, W        return_lcd_write        movwf     TMP09        btfsc     STK00, 1        goto      $ + 5        clrw        call      _lcd_read        btfsc     TMP08, 7        goto      $ - 3        banksel   PORTB        clrf      PORTB        banksel   TRISB        movlw     0xf0        andwf     TRISB, F        banksel   PORTC        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        btfsc     STK00, 0        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RW        swapf     TMP09, W        movwf     PORTB        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP ; pull high ep pin.        nop        nop        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP ; pull low ep pin.        clrf      PORTB        ;bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        ;btfsc     STK00, 0        ;bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        ;bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RW        movf      TMP09, W        movwf     PORTB        bsf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP ; pull high ep pin.        nop        nop        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_EP ; pull low ep pin.        clrf      PORTB        bcf       PORTC, LCD_PIN_RS        return_lcd_init        movlw     0x0a        call      _delayMs        clrf      STK00        bsf       STK00, 1        ; no check busy flag.        movlw     LCD_CFG_BITS        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x1f        call      _delayMs        movlw     LCD_CFG_BITS        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x08        call      _delayMs        ;movlw     LCD_CFG_BITS        ;call      _lcd_write        clrf      STK00           ; check busy flag.        movlw     LCD_CFG_BITS        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x08        call      _delayMs        movlw     0x08            ; lcd_set_display_off        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x01            ; lcd_clear        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x04            ; lcd_set_cur_stop        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x0c            ; lcd_set_display_on        call      _lcd_write        movlw     0x35        call      _delayMs        return_delayMs  banksel VAR20  movwf VAR20_00108_DS_  banksel VAR20  decf VAR20,F  movf VAR20,W  btfsc STATUS,2  goto _00111_DS_  movlw 0xfa  movwf VAR21_00105_DS_  banksel VAR21  decf VAR21,F  movf VAR21,W  btfsc STATUS,2  goto _00108_DS_  goto _00105_DS__00111_DS_  returnlcd_display_string1delayMs1        banksel   delayCnt        movwf     delayCntdelayMs_l1        clrwdelayMs_l2        addlw     0x01        btfss     STATUS, 0        goto      delayMs_l2        decfsz    delayCnt, F        goto      delayMs_l1        returndelayUs        movwf     STK05        incfsz    STK05, F        goto      $ - 1        return;----------------------------------------------------------------------; Program messages;----------------------------------------------------------------------string1 retlw 0x57        retlw 0x0a        retlw 0x00string2 retlw 0x45        retlw 0x0a        retlw 0x00;----------------------------------------------------------------------; End of program;----------------------------------------------------------------------        end

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