hdu 1250 Hat's Fibonacci

来源:互联网 发布:kk是什么软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 13:19

Problem Description
A Fibonacci sequence is calculated by adding the previous two members the sequence, with the first two members being both 1.
F(1) = 1, F(2) = 1, F(3) = 1,F(4) = 1, F(n>4) = F(n - 1) + F(n-2) + F(n-3) + F(n-4)
Your task is to take a number as input, and print that Fibonacci number.

Each line will contain an integers. Process to end of file.

For each case, output the result in a line.

Sample Input

Sample Output
4203968145672990846840663646Note:No generated Fibonacci number in excess of 2005 digits will be in the test data, ie. F(20) = 66526 has 5 digits.

斐波那契变形,题中要求的数最大可能到两千多位,直接开二维数组会空间超限,所以可以用a[ ][ ]存取一个四位,五位或八位数等,减小数组的大小,下面以五位数为例,每次算的结果由以前的对10取余改变成对10万取余,输出的时候找到第一位不是0的输出,以后的都按照%05d输出

#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int a[10001][520];void fun(){    a[1][0]=1;    a[2][0]=1;    a[3][0]=1;    a[4][0]=1;    for(int i=5; i<10000; i++)    {        int t=0;        for(int j=0; j<=510; j++)        {            a[i][j]=a[i-1][j]+a[i-2][j]+a[i-3][j]+a[i-4][j]+t;            t=a[i][j]/100000;            a[i][j]=a[i][j]%100000;        }    }}int main(){    fun();    int n;    while(~scanf("%d",&n))    {        int i;        for( i=510; a[n][i]==0; i--);        printf("%d",a[n][i]);        for(int j=i-1; j>=0; j--)            printf("%05d",a[n][j]);        printf("\n");    }    return 0;}

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