
来源:互联网 发布:数学竞赛知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 10:43

1. 概念简介






2. Python中的线程


Python 代码的执行由 Python 虚拟机(也叫解释器主循环)来控制。虽然 Python 解释器中可以“运行”多个线程,但在任意时刻,只有一个线程在解释器中运行。

对 Python 虚拟机的访问由全局解释器锁(GIL)来控制,正是这个锁能保证同一时刻只有一个线程在运行。在多线程环境中,Python 虚拟机按以下方式执行

  1. 设置 GIL
  2. 切换到一个线程去运行
  3. 运行:
    a. 指定数量的字节码指令,或者
    b. 线程主动让出控制(可以调用 time.sleep(0))
  4. 把线程设置为睡眠状态
  5. 解锁 GIL
  6. 再次重复以上所有步骤

对所有面向 I/O 的(会调用内建的操作系统 C 代码的)程序来说,GIL 会在这个 I/O 调用之前被释放, 以允许其它的线程在这个线程等待 I/O 的时候运行。 如果某线程并未使用很多 I/O 操作,它会在自己的时间片内一直占用处理器(和 GIL)。也就是说,I/O 密集型的 Python 程序比计算密集型的程序更能充分利用多线程环境的好处


线程可以调用 thread.exit()之类的退出函数,也可以使用Python 退出进程的标准方法,如 sys.exit()或抛出一个 SystemExit 异常等。不过,你不可以直接“杀掉”(“kill”)一个线程。



Python 提供了几个用于多线程编程的模块,包括 thread, threadingQueue 等。threadthreading 模块允许程序员创建和管理线程。thread 模块提供了基本的线程和锁的支持,而 threading 提供了更高级别,功能更强的线程管理的功能。Queue 模块允许用户创建一个可以用于多个线程之间共享数据的队列数据结构。


  • 首先,更高级别的 threading 模块更为先进, 对线程的支持更为完善, 而且使用 thread 模块里的属性有可能会与 threading 出现冲突。
  • 其次,低级别的 thread 模块的同步原语很少(实际上只有一个),而 threading 模块则有很多。
  • 另一个不要使用 thread 原因是,它对于你的进程什么时候应该结束完全没有控制,当主线程结束时,所有的线程都会被强制结束掉,没有警告也不会有正常的清除工作。
  • 只建议那些有经验的专家在想访问线程的底层结构的时候,才使用 thread 模块。

3. threading模块


接下来,我们要介绍的是更高级别的 threading 模块,它不仅提供了 Thread 类,还提供了各种非常好用的同步机制。下表 出了 threading 模块里所有的对象






  • 如果你的主线程要退出的时候,不用等待那些子线程完成,那就设定这些线程的 daemon 属性。即,在线程开始(调用 thread.start())之前, 调用 setDaemon()函数设定线程的 daemon 标志(thread.setDaemon(True)) 就表示这个线程“不重要”。
  • 如 果 你 想 要 等 待 子 线 程 完 成 再 退 出 , 那 就 什 么 都 不 用 做 , 或 者 显 式 地 调 用
    thread.setDaemon(False)以保证其 daemon 标志为 False。
  • 你可以调用 thread.isDaemon()函数来判断其 daemon 标志的值。新的子线程会继承其父线程的 daemon 标志。



  • 创建一个 Thread 的实例,传给它一个函数
  • 创建一个 Thread 的实例,传给它一个可调用的类对象
  • 从 Thread 派生出一个子类,创建一个这个子类的实例



创建一个 Thread 的实例,传给它一个函数

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import threadingfrom time import sleep, ctime__author__ = 'BrownWong'def func1():    print u'func1 start!', ctime()    sleep(10)    print u'func1 end!', ctime()def func2():    print u'func2 start!', ctime()    sleep(5)    print u'func2 end!', ctime()def main():    # 创建两个线程    thread1 = threading.Thread(target=func1, args=())    thread2 = threading.Thread(target=func2, args=())    # 开启线程    thread1.start()    thread2.start()    # 所有线程结束后提示    thread1.join()    thread2.join()    print u'All thread is finished!', ctime()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()


func1 start! Wed Nov 02 14:32:45 2016func2 start! Wed Nov 02 14:32:45 2016func2 end! Wed Nov 02 14:32:50 2016func1 end! Wed Nov 02 14:32:55 2016All thread is finished! Wed Nov 02 14:32:55 2016    


  1. join()函数允许主线程等待子线程结束,这样你不用管理一堆锁。如果你的主线程除了等线程结束外,还有其它的事情要做(如处理或等待其它的客户请求), 那就不用调用 join(), 只有在你要等待线程结束的时候才要调用 join()


创建一个 Thread 的实例,传给它一个可调用对象

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import threadingfrom time import sleep, ctime__author__ = 'BrownWong'class ThreadFunc(object):    """    可调用类对象    """    def __init__(self, func, args):        self.func = func        self.args = args    def __call__(self):        apply(self.func, self.args)def func1():    print u'func1 start!', ctime()    sleep(10)    print u'func1 end!', ctime()def func2():    print u'func2 start!', ctime()    sleep(5)    print u'func2 end!', ctime()def main():    # 创建两个线程    thread1 = threading.Thread(target=ThreadFunc(func1, ()), args=())    thread2 = threading.Thread(target=ThreadFunc(func2, ()), args=())    # 开启线程    thread1.start()    thread2.start()    # 所有线程结束后提示    thread1.join()    thread2.join()    print u'All thread is finished!', ctime()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()


从 Thread 派生出一个子类,创建一个这个子类的实例:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from threading import Threadfrom time import sleep, ctime__author__ = 'BrownWong'class MyThread(Thread):    """    实例化Thread类    """    def __init__(self, func, args):        Thread.__init__(self)        self.func = func        self.args = args    def run(self):        apply(self.func, self.args)def func1():    print u'func1 start!', ctime()    sleep(10)    print u'func1 end!', ctime()def func2():    print u'func2 start!', ctime()    sleep(5)    print u'func2 end!', ctime()def main():    # 创建两个线程    thread1 = MyThread(func1, ())    thread2 = MyThread(func2, ())    # 开启线程    thread1.start()    thread2.start()    # 所有线程结束后提示    thread1.join()    thread2.join()    print u'All thread is finished!', ctime()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()



from threading import Thread, current_thread, Lockfrom queue import Queuefrom time import sleepimport numpy as np__author__ = 'BrownWong'def single_process(in_queue):    """    :param in_queue: 输入打印队列    :return:    Description:        单个线程需要处理的工作:输出队列    """    while not exit_flag:        my_lock.acquire()        if not in_queue.empty():            print(in_queue.get(), current_thread())            my_lock.release()            sleep(0.1 * np.random.randint(1, 50))        else:            my_lock.release()exit_flag = 0my_lock = Lock()# 设置队列并入队in_queue = Queue(maxsize=8)for item in range(8):    in_queue.put(item)# 开启4个线程thread_nums = 4threads = [Thread(name='Thread %s' % (i+1), target=single_process, args=(in_queue, )) for i in range(thread_nums)]for thread in threads:    thread.start()# 等待队列清空while not in_queue.empty():    pass# 通知子线程退出exit_flag = 1# 等所有线程结束,打印结束for thread in threads:    thread.join()print('End')


0 <Thread(Thread 1, started 5184)>1 <Thread(Thread 2, started 3224)>2 <Thread(Thread 3, started 3820)>3 <Thread(Thread 4, started 4284)>4 <Thread(Thread 1, started 5184)>5 <Thread(Thread 3, started 3820)>6 <Thread(Thread 2, started 3224)>7 <Thread(Thread 4, started 4284)>End


This is one of the simplest mechanisms for communication between threads: one thread signals an event and other threads wait for it.An event object manages an internal flag that can be set to true with the set() method and reset to false with the clear() method. The wait()method blocks until the flag is true.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from threading import Thread, Eventimport time__author__ = 'BrownWong'class ThreadA(Thread):    def __init__(self, event):        Thread.__init__(self)        self.event = event    def run(self):        count = 0        while count < 5:            time.sleep(1)            if self.event.is_set():                print('A')                self.event.clear()            count += 1class ThreadB(Thread):    def __init__(self, event):        Thread.__init__(self)        self.event = event    def run(self):        count = 0        while count < 5:            time.sleep(1)            if not self.event.is_set():                print('B')                self.event.set()            count += 1my_event = Event()ta = ThreadA(my_event)tb = ThreadB(my_event)ta.start()tb.start()ta.join()tb.join()




Locks are the most fundamental synchronization mechanism provided by the threading module. At any time, a lock can be held by a single thread, or by no thread at all. If a thread attempts to hold a lock that’s already held by some other thread, execution of the first thread is halted until the lock is released.

Locks are typically used to synchronize access to a shared resource. For each shared resource, create a Lock object. When you need to access the resource, call acquire to hold the lock (this will wait for the lock to be released, if necessary), and call release to release it:

lock = Lock()lock.acquire() # will block if lock is already held... access shared resourcelock.release()


lock.acquire()try:    ... access shared resourcefinally:    lock.release() # release lock, no matter what


with lock:    ... access shared resource


The RLock class is a version of simple locking that only blocks if the lock is held by another thread. While simple locks will block if the same thread attempts to acquire the same lock twice, a re-entrant lock only blocks if another thread currently holds the lock.

# 普通锁多次获取锁会阻塞lock = threading.Lock()lock.acquire()lock.acquire()# 这样做不会阻塞lock = threading.RLock()lock.acquire()lock.acquire()


lock = threading.RLock()def get_first_part():    lock.acquire()    try:        ... fetch data for first part from shared object    finally:        lock.release()    return datadef get_second_part():    lock.acquire()    try:        ... fetch data for second part from shared object    finally:        lock.release()    return datadef get_both_parts():    lock.acquire()    try:        first = get_first_part()        second = get_second_part()    finally:        lock.release()    return first, second


A semaphore is a more advanced lock mechanism. A semaphore has an internal counter rather than a lock flag, and it only blocks if more than a given number of threads have attempted to hold the semaphore. Depending on how the semaphore is initialized, this allows multiple threads to access the same code section simultaneously.

semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore()semaphore.acquire() # decrements the counter... access the shared resourcesemaphore.release() # increments the counter

Semaphores are typically used to limit access to resource with limited capacity, such as a network connection or a database server. Just initialize the counter(默认为1) to the maximum number, and the semaphore implementation will take care of the rest.

Python’s threading module provides two semaphore implementations; the Semaphore class provides an unlimited semaphore which allows you to call release any number of times to increment the counter. To avoid simple programming errors,it’s usually better to use the BoundedSemaphore class, which considers it to be an error to call release more often than you’ve called acquire.





import threadingimport timeclass Producer(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)    def run(self):        global condition, products        while True:            if condition.acquire():                if products < 10:                    products += 1                    print("Producer(%s):deliver one, now products:%s" % (, products))                    condition.notify()                else:                    print("Producer(%s):already 10, stop deliver, now products:%s" % (, products))                    condition.wait()                condition.release()                time.sleep(2)class Consumer(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)    def run(self):        global condition, products        while True:            if condition.acquire():                if products > 1:                    products -= 1                    print("Consumer(%s):consume one, now products:%s" % (, products))                    condition.notify()                else:                    print("Consumer(%s):only 1, stop consume, products:%s" % (, products))                    condition.wait()                condition.release()                time.sleep(2)if __name__ == "__main__":    condition = threading.Condition()    products = 0    for p in range(0, 2):        p = Producer()        p.start()    for c in range(0, 10):        c = Consumer()        c.start()


Producer(Thread-1):deliver one, now products:1Producer(Thread-2):deliver one, now products:2Consumer(Thread-3):consume one, now products:1Consumer(Thread-4):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-5):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-6):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-7):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-8):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-9):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-10):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-11):only 1, stop consume, products:1Consumer(Thread-12):only 1, stop consume, products:1Producer(Thread-2):deliver one, now products:2Consumer(Thread-3):consume one, now products:1Producer(Thread-1):deliver one, now products:2......


更详细的介绍见 Thread Synchronization Mechanisms in Python


Thread Synchronization Mechanisms in Python

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