gitbook install convert pdf and build

来源:互联网 发布:unity3d 物体穿过地面 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 21:07

gitboo build by node.js support ruby,python..
1、安装npm(Node Package Manager)。从node.js的官网上下载安装程序,即可完成Node.js和npm的安装。
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$ npm install gitbook -g

3、 下载gitbook-mac.dmg也就是gitbook editor。
4、创建一个 Simple Book(或者其他的也可以),必须放在空文件夹中。
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$ gitbook serve -p 8080
Gitbook首先把你的Markdown文件编译为HTML文件,并根据SUMMARY.md生成书的目录。所有生存的文件都保存在当前目录下的一个名为_book的子目录中。完成这些工作后,Gitbook会作为一个HTTP Server运行,并在8080端口监听HTTP请求。运行以上命令后,打开浏览器,在地址栏输入:http://localhost:8080即可看到你的书页了。其中位于左侧书目顶部的Introduction一节就编译自,而书目本身自编译自。你要在自己的网站上发布新书,只需把_book目录复制到服务器相应目录即可。

7、Options for commands build and serve are(可选的编译或部署命令,这个是针对命令行下):
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-o, –output Path to output directory, defaults to ./_book
-f, –format Change generation format, defaults to site, availables are: site, page, ebook, json
–config Configuration file to use, defaults to book.js or book.json
8、GitBook loads the default configuration from a book.json file in the repository if it exists.官网上描述的,这不用翻译了吧 = =,如果用GitBook Editor,则可以在菜单栏Book->Edit Configuration,编辑完后文件夹中就出现了book.json文件。
Here are the options that can be stored in this file:

// Folders to use for output
// Caution: it overrides the value from the command line
// It’s not advised this option in the book.json
“output”: null,

// Generator to use for building// Caution: it overrides the value from the command line// It's not advised this option in the book.json"generator": "site",// Book metadats (somes are extracted from the README by default)"title": null,"description": null,"isbn": null,// For ebook format, the extension to use for generation (default is detected from output extension)// "epub", "pdf", "mobi"// Caution: it overrides the value from the command line// It's not advised this option in the book.json"extension": null,// Plugins list, can contain "-name" for removing default plugins"plugins": [],// Global configuration for plugins"pluginsConfig": {    "fontSettings": {        "theme": "sepia", "night" or "white",        "family": "serif" or "sans",        "size": 1 to 4    }},// Variables for templating"variables": {},// Links in template (null: default, false: remove, string: new value)"links": {    // Custom links at top of sidebar    "sidebar": {        "Custom link name": ""    },    // Sharing links    "sharing": {        "google": null,        "facebook": null,        "twitter": null,        "weibo": null,        "all": null    }},// Options for PDF generation"pdf": {    // Add page numbers to the bottom of every page    "pageNumbers": false,    // Font size for the fiel content    "fontSize": 12,    // Paper size for the pdf    // Choices are [u’a0’, u’a1’, u’a2’, u’a3’, u’a4’, u’a5’, u’a6’, u’b0’, u’b1’, u’b2’, u’b3’, u’b4’, u’b5’, u’b6’, u’legal’, u’letter’]    "paperSize": "a4",    // Margin (in pts)    // Note: 72 pts equals 1 inch    "margin": {        "right": 62,        "left": 62,        "top": 36,        "bottom": 36    },    //Header HTML template. Available variables: _PAGENUM_, _TITLE_, _AUTHOR_ and _SECTION_.    "headerTemplate": null,    //Footer HTML template. Available variables: _PAGENUM_, _TITLE_, _AUTHOR_ and _SECTION_.    "footerTemplate": null}


Need to install ebook-convert from Calibre
This error happens because GitBook can’t resolve a plugin (or the plugin is invalid). External plugins need to be installed using gitbook install.
To get around the error while trying to build your project as a PDF, ePub or mobi ebook, you must have the Calibre eBook reader/manager installed AND the command-line tools installed.

To install the Calibre command-line tools from the Mac version, from the menu select: calibre - Preferences - Miscellaneous - Install command line tools

翻译:Calibre 上下载calibre-2.17.0.dmg,之后安装,选择英文版(方便找到calibre - Preferences - Miscellaneous - Install command line tools),找不到Install command line tools则可以终端执行 :
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ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin

10、把GitBook Editor跟自己的账号关联起来,然后菜单栏中Book->Publish as..就可以发布到网站中了(这样其他读者可以浏览器中阅读或者下载生成自己需要的文件格式)。
11、终端编译,选择你要生成的一种格式即可,没安装Calibre会提示Need to install ebook-convert from Calibre
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gitbookpdf gitbook mobi
$ gitbook epub
12、 这个是官方的github地址

最后的最后,1、2、3、4、9、10、11 按照这个步骤就可以成功制作自己的电子书了 = =,有些细节的地方没说完整,笔者认为读者都能自己摸索出来。




gitbook editor use:

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