
来源:互联网 发布:怎样修改游戏数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 22:10



public class RxBus {    private static RxBus sRxBus;    private final Subject<Object, Object> mBus;    // 注释1:PublishSubject     private RxBus() {        mBus = new SerializedSubject<>(PublishSubject.create());    }                //注释2    // 单例    public static RxBus getInstance() {        if (sRxBus == null) {            synchronized (RxBus.class) {                if (sRxBus == null) {                    sRxBus = new RxBus();                }            }        }        return sRxBus;    }    // 提供了一个新的事件    public void post(Object o) {        mBus.onNext(o);    }    // 根据传递的 eventType 类型返回特定类型(eventType)的 被观察者    public <T> Observable<T> toObservable(Class<T> eventType) {        return mBus.ofType(eventType);    }}


PublishSubject 分析


    PublishSubject<Object> subject = PublishSubject.create();//observer1 will receive all onNext and onCompleted events    subject.subscribe(observer1);    subject.onNext("one");    subject.onNext("two");//observer2 will only receive "three" and onCompleted    subject.subscribe(observer2);    subject.onNext("three");    subject.onCompleted();

PublishSubject和 通常用的 Observable.subscribe(observer)或者Observable.subscribe(subscriber)不一样,Observable.subscribe会触发事件,
所以订阅的subscriber或者observer 只能收到 它后面的onNext的事件。


SerializedSubject 分析

查看源码,有SerializedSubject 有这么一段注释:
Wraps a {@link Subject} so that it is safe to call its various {@code on} methods from different threads. When you use an ordinary {@link Subject} as a {@link Subscriber}, you must take care not to call its {@link Subscriber#onNext} method (or its other {@code on} methods) from multiple threads, as this could lead to non-serialized calls, which violates the Observable contract and creates an ambiguity in the resulting Subject.
意思就是说 你用普通的Subject 发射onNext的时候要注意不能在不同的线程发射,会引发线程安全的。

通常我们用 mySafeSubject = new SerializedSubject( myUnsafeSubject ); 将普通的Subject包裹进SerializedSubject 可以解决线程安全的问题。

继续看SerializedSubject 的源码,看一下它是怎么解决线程安全的问题。

public class SerializedSubject<T, R> extends Subject<T, R> {    private final SerializedObserver<T> observer;    private final Subject<T, R> actual;    public SerializedSubject(final Subject<T, R> actual) {        super(new OnSubscribe<R>() {            @Override            public void call(Subscriber<? super R> child) {                actual.unsafeSubscribe(child);            }        });        this.actual = actual;        this.observer = new SerializedObserver<T>(actual);    }    @Override    public void onCompleted() {        observer.onCompleted();    }    @Override    public void onError(Throwable e) {        observer.onError(e);    }//原来SerializedSubject把onCompleted、onError、onNext都交给了SerializedObserver去处理。    @Override    public void onNext(T t) {        observer.onNext(t);    }    @Override    public boolean hasObservers() {        return actual.hasObservers();    }}


SerializedObserver 分析

When multiple threads are emitting and/or notifying they will be serialized by:
Allowing only one thread at a time to emit
Adding notifications to a queue if another thread is already emitting
Not holding any locks or blocking any threads while emitting


    @Override    public void onNext(T t) {        if (terminated) {            return;        }        synchronized (this) {            if (terminated) {                return;            }            //emitting为true,说明有线程已经正在发射onNext中            if (emitting) {                FastList list = queue;                if (list == null) {                    list = new FastList();                    queue = list;                }                //把现在准备要发射的事件加到队列中,然后直接返回                list.add(nl.next(t));                return;            }            emitting = true;        }        try {            //没有线程在发射onNext就直接 onNext             actual.onNext(t);        } catch (Throwable e) {            terminated = true;            Exceptions.throwOrReport(e, actual, t);            return;        }        for (;;) {            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAIN_ITERATION; i++) {                FastList list;                synchronized (this) {                    list = queue;                    //如果 队列 是空的,直接返回,发射ing 也置为false                    if (list == null) {                        emitting = false;                        return;                    }                    queue = null;                }                for (Object o : list.array) {                    if (o == null) {                        break;                    }                    try {                        //下面分析                        //事件为 COMPLETED或者ERROR ,才终止                        if (nl.accept(actual, o)) {                             terminated = true;                            return;                        }                    } catch (Throwable e) {                        terminated = true;                        Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e);                        actual.onError(OnErrorThrowable.addValueAsLastCause(e, t));                        return;                    }                }            }        }    }

上面看到了nl.accept(actual, o),跟进去。 看到只有事件为 COMPLETED或者ERROR,才返回true,如果为ON_NEXT,依旧 死循环 for (;;)

public boolean accept(Observer<? super T> o, Object n) {        if (n == ON_COMPLETED_SENTINEL) {            o.onCompleted();            return true;        } else if (n == ON_NEXT_NULL_SENTINEL) {            o.onNext(null);            return false;        } else if (n != null) {            if (n.getClass() == OnErrorSentinel.class) {                o.onError(((OnErrorSentinel) n).e);                return true;            }            o.onNext((T) n);            return false;        } else {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The lite notification can not be null");        }    }


    public void post(Object o) {        //bus就是PublishSubject,所以随时发射onNext都可以        mBus.onNext(o);    }


    public <T> Observable<T> toObservable(Class<T> eventType) {        return mBus.ofType(eventType);    }

ofType = filter+cast

public final <R> Observable<R> ofType(final Class<R> klass) {        return filter(InternalObservableUtils.isInstanceOf(klass)).cast(klass);    }

filter 根据传进来的类过滤,post的时候只发射给对应的订阅者
cast 类型转换



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