CSS3 基础(009_按钮)

来源:互联网 发布:手机桌面图标软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:48



CSS 按钮(CSS Buttons)

学习使用 CSS 如何样式化按钮。

基本按钮样式(Basic Button Styling)

.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><style>.btn {    background-color: #4caf50;    border: medium none;    color: #ffffff;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 16px 0 !important;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    transition-duration: 0.4s;}</style></head><body>    <p>        <button style="margin-right: 25px;">Default Button</button>        <button class="btn w3-green">CSS Button</button>    </p></body></html>

按钮颜色(Button Colors)

使用 属性改变按钮的背景色:

.button1 {background-color: #4CAF50;} /* Green */.button2 {background-color: #008CBA;} /* Blue */.button3 {background-color: #f44336;} /* Red */.button4 {background-color: #e7e7e7; color: black;} /* Gray */.button5 {background-color: #555555;} /* Black */
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.button2 {background-color: #008CBA;} /* Blue */.button3 {background-color: #f44336;} /* Red */.button4 {background-color: #e7e7e7;color: black;} /* Gray */.button5 {background-color: #555555;} /* Black */</style></head><body>    <h2>Button Colors</h2>    <p>Change the background color of a button with the background-color property:</p>    <button class="button">Green</button>    <button class="button button2">Blue</button>    <button class="button button3">Red</button>    <button class="button button4">Gray</button>    <button class="button button5">Black</button></body></html>

使用 font-size 属性改变按钮的大小:

.button1 {font-size: 10px;}.button2 {font-size: 12px;}.button3 {font-size: 16px;}.button4 {font-size: 20px;}.button5 {font-size: 24px;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.button1 {font-size: 10px;}.button2 {font-size: 12px;}.button3 {font-size: 16px;}.button4 {font-size: 20px;}.button5 {font-size: 24px;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Button Sizes</h2>    <p>Change the font size of a button with the font-size property:</p>    <button class="button button1">10px</button>    <button class="button button2">12px</button>    <button class="button button3">16px</button>    <button class="button button4">20px</button>    <button class="button button5">24px</button></body></html>

使用 padding 属性改变按钮的内边距:

.button1 {padding: 10px 24px;}.button2 {padding: 12px 28px;}.button3 {padding: 14px 40px;}.button4 {padding: 32px 16px;}.button5 {padding: 16px;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.button1 {padding: 10px 24px;}.button2 {padding: 12px 28px;}.button3 {padding: 14px 40px;}.button4 {padding: 32px 16px;}.button5 {padding: 16px;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Button Sizes</h2>    <p>Change the padding of a button with the padding property:</p>    <button class="button button1">10px 24px</button>    <button class="button button2">12px 28px</button>    <button class="button button3">14px 40px</button>    <button class="button button4">32px 16px</button>    <button class="button button5">16px</button></body></html>

圆角按钮(Rounded Buttons)

使用 border-radius 属性给按钮添加圆角:

.button1 {border-radius: 2px;}.button2 {border-radius: 4px;}.button3 {border-radius: 8px;}.button4 {border-radius: 12px;}.button5 {border-radius: 50%;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.button1 {border-radius: 2px;}.button2 {border-radius: 4px;}.button3 {border-radius: 8px;}.button4 {border-radius: 12px;}.button5 {border-radius: 50%;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Rounded Buttons</h2>    <p>Add rounded corners to a button with the border-radius property:</p>    <button class="button button1">2px</button>    <button class="button button2">4px</button>    <button class="button button3">8px</button>    <button class="button button4">12px</button>    <button class="button button5">50%</button></body></html>

按钮边框色(Colored Button Borders)

使用 border 属性给按钮添加边框色:

.button1 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #4CAF50; /* Green */}...
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.button1 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #4CAF50;}.button2 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #008CBA;}.button3 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #f44336;}.button4 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #e7e7e7;}.button5 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #555555;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Colored Button Borders</h2>    <p>Use the border property to add a border to the button:</p>    <button class="button button1">Green</button>    <button class="button button2">Blue</button>    <button class="button button3">Red</button>    <button class="button button4">Gray</button>    <button class="button button5">Black</button></body></html>

按钮悬浮效果(Hoverable Buttons)

当移动鼠标指针悬停按钮之上的时候,使用 :hover 选择器改变按钮式样。
提示:使用 transition-duration 属性可确定 "hover" 效果的速率:

.button {    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s; /* Safari */    transition-duration: 0.4s;}.button:hover {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    color: white;}...
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 16px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s; /* Safari */    transition-duration: 0.4s;    cursor: pointer;}.button1 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #4CAF50;}.button1:hover {    background-color: #4CAF50;    color: white;}.button2 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #008CBA;}.button2:hover {    background-color: #008CBA;    color: white;}.button3 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #f44336;}.button3:hover {    background-color: #f44336;    color: white;}.button4 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #e7e7e7;}.button4:hover {    background-color: #e7e7e7;}.button5 {    background-color: white;    color: black;    border: 2px solid #555555;}.button5:hover {    background-color: #555555;    color: white;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Hoverable Buttons</h2>    <p>Use the :hover selector to change the style of the button when        you move the mouse over it.</p>    <p>        <strong>Tip:</strong> Use the transition-duration property to        determine the speed of the "hover" effect:    </p>    <button class="button button1">Green</button>    <button class="button button2">Blue</button>    <button class="button button3">Red</button>    <button class="button button4">Gray</button>    <button class="button button5">Black</button></body></html>

按钮阴影(Shadow Buttons)

使用 box-shadow 属性给按钮添加阴影:

.button1 {    box-shadow: 0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);}.button2:hover {    box-shadow: 0 12px 16px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.24), 0 17px 50px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.19);}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s; /* Safari */    transition-duration: 0.4s;}.button1 {    box-shadow: 0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);}.button2:hover {    box-shadow: 0 12px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24), 0 17px 50px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19);}</style></head><body>    <h2>Shadow Buttons</h2>    <p>Use the box-shadow property to add shadows to the button:</p>    <button class="button button1">Shadow Button</button>    <button class="button button2">Shadow on Hover</button></body></html>

按钮不可用(Disabled Buttons)

使用 opacity 属性给按钮添加透明效果(创建 "disabled" 外观)。
提示:你也可以添加值为 "not-allowed"cursor 属性,当你的鼠标指针悬停于按钮之上的时候,将呈现 “no parking sign”:

.disabled {    opacity: 0.6;    cursor: not-allowed;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.disabled {    opacity: 0.6;    cursor: not-allowed;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Disabled Buttons</h2>    <p>Use the opacity property to add some transparency to the button (make it look disabled):</p>    <button class="button">Normal Button</button>    <button class="button disabled">Disabled Button</button></body></html>

按钮宽度(Button Width)

默认情况下,按钮的大小由文本内容确定(与之宽度相当)。使用 width 属性改变按钮的宽度:

.button1 {width: 250px;}.button2 {width: 50%;}.button3 {width: 100%;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    margin: 4px 2px;    cursor: pointer;}.button1 {width: 250px;}.button2 {width: 50%;}.button3 {width: 100%;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Button Width</h2>    <p>Use the width property to change the width of the button:</p>    <p>        <strong>Tip:</strong> Use pixels if you want to set a fixed width and        use percent for responsive buttons (e.g. 50% of its parent element). Resize the browser window to see the effect.    </p>    <button class="button button1">250px</button>    <br>    <button class="button button2">50%</button>    <br>    <button class="button button3">100%</button></body></html>

Button Groups

去掉 margins,对每个按钮再添加 float:left 以创建 button group:

.button {    float: left;}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: none;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    cursor: pointer;    float: left;}.button:hover {    background-color: #3e8e41;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Button Groups</h2>    <p>Remove margins and float the buttons to create a button group:</p>    <button class="button">Button</button>    <button class="button">Button</button>    <button class="button">Button</button>    <button class="button">Button</button>    <p style="clear: both">        <br>Remember to clear floats after, or else will this p element also float next to the buttons.    </p></body></html>

Bordered Button Groups

使用 border 属性创建 bordered button group:

.button {    float: left;    border: 1px solid green}
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    background-color: #4CAF50; /* Green */    border: 1px solid green;    color: white;    padding: 15px 32px;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 16px;    cursor: pointer;    float: left;}.button:hover {    background-color: #3e8e41;}</style></head><body><h2>Bordered Button Group</h2><p>Add borders to create a bordered button group:</p><button class="button">Button</button><button class="button">Button</button><button class="button">Button</button><button class="button">Button</button><p style="clear:both"><br>Remember to clear floats after, or else will this p element also float next to the buttons.</p></body></html>

带有动画效果的按钮(Animated Buttons)

<!-- 悬停时添加箭头效果 --><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><style>.button {    display: inline-block;    border-radius: 4px;    background-color: #f4511e;    border: none;    color: #FFFFFF;    text-align: center;    font-size: 28px;    padding: 20px;    width: 200px;    transition: all 0.5s;    cursor: pointer;    margin: 5px;}.button span {    cursor: pointer;    display: inline-block;    position: relative;    transition: 0.5s;}.button span:after {    content: "»";    position: absolute;    opacity: 0;    top: 0;    right: -20px;    transition: 0.5s;}.button:hover span {    padding-right: 25px;}.button:hover span:after {    opacity: 1;    right: 0;}</style></head><body>    <h2>Animated Button</h2>    <button class="button" style="vertical-align: middle"><span>Hover </span></button></body></html>
<!-- 点击时添加涟漪效果 --><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    position: relative;    background-color: #4CAF50;    border: none;    font-size: 28px;    color: #FFFFFF;    padding: 20px;    width: 200px;    text-align: center;    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s; /* Safari */    transition-duration: 0.4s;    text-decoration: none;    overflow: hidden;    cursor: pointer;}.button:after {    content: "";    background: #f1f1f1;    display: block;    position: absolute;    padding-top: 300%;    padding-left: 350%;    margin-left: -20px !important;    margin-top: -120%;    opacity: 0;    transition: all 0.8s}.button:active:after {    padding: 0;    margin: 0;    opacity: 1;    transition: 0s}</style></head><body>    <h2>Animated Button - Ripple Effect</h2>    <button class="button">Click Me</button></body></html>
<!-- 点击时添加按压效果 --><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.button {    display: inline-block;    padding: 15px 25px;    font-size: 24px;    cursor: pointer;    text-align: center;    text-decoration: none;    outline: none;    color: #fff;    background-color: #4CAF50;    border: none;    border-radius: 15px;    box-shadow: 0 9px #999;}.button:hover {    background-color: #3e8e41}.button:active {    background-color: #3e8e41;    box-shadow: 0 5px #666;    transform: translateY(4px);}</style></head><body>    <h2>Animated Buttons - "Pressed Effect"</h2>    <button class="button">Click Me</button></body></html>
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