
来源:互联网 发布:java 如何运行jar包 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 22:36

#pragma once
const UINT BUFFER_LENGTH = 1024;
enum err

enum hkey
 DHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = 0x80000000,
 DHKEY_CURRENT_USER = 0x80000001,
 DHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002,
 DHKEY_USERS = 0x80000003,
class CRegeditOp
 virtual ~CRegeditOp();
 //Set or modify the type and value of the key
 err SetStrValue(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey, CString szItem,  CString szValue);
 //query the value and the type of the key
 err GetStrValue(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey, CString szItem, CString& szValue, DWORD& strType,DWORD& length);
 //delete the key value
 err DeleteStrValue(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey, CString szItem);
 //create a sub key
 err AddSubKey(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey);
 //delete a sub key
 err DeleteSubKey(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey);
 //check the specified key path wheather exist
 err CheckRegeditFoler(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey);


#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "RegeditOp.h"
#include "./regeditop.h"
#include "MyFile.h"



* Name    : SetStrValue
* Function: set the value of the stecial key
* Input   :
      hMainKey:Handle to an open key,It is returned by RegOpenKeyEx or can be one of the follows predefined keys
   szSubKey:The path of the key which is going to be setted.
   szItem:The name of the key which is going to be setted
   szValue:The value of the key which is going to be setted
* Output  :
* In&Out  :
* Return  : IF success, return ERR_SUCCESS(7);if open key failed, return  ERR_OPENREGKEY(0);If set value failed, return ERR_SETREGVALUE(1)
* Others  :
* Date        Version       People Name     Content of modify
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* 2008-8-4    V1.0         jet             Create
* -----------------------------------------------------------
err CRegeditOp::SetStrValue(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey, CString szItem,  CString szValue)
 HKEY hRsltKey;

 long lRslt = RegOpenKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey, 0,KEY_SET_VALUE,&hRsltKey);
 if (lRslt != ERROR_SUCCESS)

 lRslt = RegSetValueEx(hRsltKey,
 if (lRslt != ERROR_SUCCESS)

 if (hMainKey)
 if (hRsltKey)
 return ERR_SUCCESS;

* Name    : GetStrValue
* Function: Query the key value and type of the specify key.
* Input   :
      hMainKey:Handle to an open key,It is returned by RegOpenKeyEx or can be one of the follows predefined keys
   szSubKey:The path of the key which is going to be got.
   szItem:The name of the key which is going to be got.   
* Output  : szValue:A string parameter that receives the value's #
   strType:A DWORD parameter that receives the value's type
* In&Out  : length:[IN]  A DWORD parameter that spcify the value's length,if the length is smaller than the the real key length, the keyValue cann't be ruturn.
          [OUT] A DWORD parameter that receives the value's length
* Return  : IF success, return ERR_SUCCESS(7);if open key failed, return  ERR_OPENREGKEY(0);If set value failed, return ERR_SETREGVALUE(1)
* Others  :
* Date        Version       People Name     Content of modify
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* 2008-8-4    V1.0         jet             Create
* -----------------------------------------------------------
err CRegeditOp::GetStrValue(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey, CString szItem, CString& szValue, DWORD &strType,DWORD& length)

 HKEY hRsltKey;
 if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey,0,KEY_READ, &hRsltKey))
 LPBYTE lp# = new BYTE[length];
 long lRslt = RegQueryValueEx(hRsltKey, szItem, 0, &strType, lp#,&length);
 szValue = (CString)lp#;
 if (lRslt != ERROR_SUCCESS)
  delete [] lp#;
 delete [] lp#;
 if (hMainKey)
 if (hRsltKey)
 return ERR_SUCCESS;

* Name    : AddSubKey
* Function: Add a new key
* Input   :
      hMainKey:Handle to an open key,It is returned by RegOpenKeyEx or can be one of the follows predefined keys
   szSubKey:The path of the key which is going to be created.
* Output  :
* In&Out  :
* Return  : If success, return ERR_SUCCESS(7);if the key was exist, return ERR_SUBKEYEXIST(4);if create key failed, return  ERR_CREATESUBKEY(5)
* Others  :
* Date        Version       People Name     Content of modify
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* 2008-8-4    V1.0         jet             Create
* -----------------------------------------------------------
err CRegeditOp::AddSubKey(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey)
 HKEY hRsltKey;
 //LONG iReturn = RegOpenKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey, 0,0,&hRsltKey);
 if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey,0,KEY_SET_VALUE,&hRsltKey))

 long lRslt = RegCreateKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey,0,NULL,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY ,NULL, &hRsltKey,NULL);
 //long lRslt = RegCreateKey(hMainKey,szSubKey, &hRsltKey);

 if (lRslt != ERROR_SUCCESS)

 if (hRsltKey)
 return ERR_SUCCESS;
* Name    : DeleteStrValue
* Function: Delete the value of a key
* Input   :
      hMainKey:Handle to an open key,It is returned by RegOpenKeyEx or can be one of the follows predefined keys
   szSubKey:The path of the key which value is going to be deleted.
   szItem:The key which to be deleted.      
* Output  :
* In&Out  :
* Return  : If success, return ERR_SUCCESS(7);if open key failed, return ERR_OPENREGKEY(0);if delete key value failed, return  ERR_DELETEVALUE(3)
* Others  :
* Date        Version       People Name     Content of modify
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* 2008-8-4    V1.0         jet             Create
* -----------------------------------------------------------
err CRegeditOp::DeleteStrValue(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey, CString szItem)
 HKEY hRsltKey;
 long lRslt = RegOpenKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey,0,KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &hRsltKey);
 if (lRslt != ERROR_SUCCESS)
 lRslt = RegDeleteValue(hRsltKey, szItem);
 if (lRslt != ERROR_SUCCESS)
 return ERR_SUCCESS;

* Name    : DeleteSubKey
* Function: Delete a key
* Input   :
      hMainKey:Handle to an open key,It is returned by RegOpenKeyEx or can be one of the follows predefined keys
   szSubKey:The path of the key which is going to be deleted.    
* Output  :
* In&Out  :
* Return  : If success, return ERR_SUCCESS(7);if delete key failed, return  ERR_DELETESUBKEY(3)
* Others  :
* Date        Version       People Name     Content of modify
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* 2008-8-4    V1.0         jet             Create
* -----------------------------------------------------------
err CRegeditOp::DeleteSubKey(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey)
 long lRslt = RegDeleteKey(hMainKey, szSubKey);
 if (lRslt)

 if (hMainKey)
 return ERR_SUCCESS;

* Name    : CheckRegeditFoler
* Function: Check wheathe the specified Key path is exist.
* Input   :
      hMainKey:Handle to an open key,It is returned by RegOpenKeyEx or can be one of the follows predefined keys
   szSubKey:The path of the key which is going to be checked.    
* Output  :
* In&Out  :
* Return  : If success, return ERR_SUCCESS(7);if delete key failed, return  ERR_DELETESUBKEY(3)
* Others  :
* Date        Version       People Name     Content of modify
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* 2008-8-4    V1.0         jet             Create
* -----------------------------------------------------------
err CRegeditOp::CheckRegeditFoler(HKEY hMainKey, CString szSubKey)
 HKEY hRsltKey;
 if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hMainKey, szSubKey,0,KEY_READ, &hRsltKey))
  if (hRsltKey)
  return ERR_SUCCESS;
  return FALSE;

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