Tapestry in Action

来源:互联网 发布:java 如何运行jar包 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 01:15
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The creator of Tapestry details how to use this new framework's components to create rich web-based GUIs using links, images, and HTML forms. The challenges of web application development are discussed, such as managing server-side state properly, application localization, and maintaining synchronization between the client web browser and the application server. At the same time, the benefits of a clean separation between presentation logic and business logic and how well Tapestry succeeds in keeping these two concerns apart are identified. Targeted to new Tapestry users and even developers new to creating web applications in general, this guide includes extensive notes on development "gotchas", including common Tapestry errors and how to fix them. Advanced techniques are covered as well, including creating entirely new components, integration with traditionalservlet and JSP applications, and creation of client-side JavaScript. Finally, a complete J2EE application, the Virtual Library, is presented and analyzed in detail.