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// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes// cvtool.pch will be the pre-compiled header// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information#include "stdafx.h" DECLAREGLOBAL #define SHOW_PROCESS 0  #define ON_STUDY 0    class NumTrainData  {  public:      NumTrainData()      {          memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));          result = -1;      }  public:      float data[8*8];      int result;  };    vector<NumTrainData> buffer;  int featureLen = 8*8;    void swapBuffer(char* buf)  {      char temp;      temp = *(buf);      *buf = *(buf+3);      *(buf+3) = temp;        temp = *(buf+1);      *(buf+1) = *(buf+2);      *(buf+2) = temp;  }    void GetROI(Mat& src, Mat& dst)  {      int left, right, top, bottom;      left = src.cols;      right = 0;      top = src.rows;      bottom = 0;        //Get valid area      for(int i=0; i<src.rows; i++)      {          for(int j=0; j<src.cols; j++)          {              if(<uchar>(i, j) > 0)              {                  if(j<left) left = j;                  if(j>right) right = j;                  if(i<top) top = i;                  if(i>bottom) bottom = i;              }          }      }        //Point center;      //center.x = (left + right) / 2;      //center.y = (top + bottom) / 2;        int width = right - left;      int height = bottom - top;      int len = (width < height) ? height : width;        //Create a squre      dst = Mat::zeros(len, len, CV_8UC1);        //Copy valid data to squre center      Rect dstRect((len - width)/2, (len - height)/2, width, height);      Rect srcRect(left, top, width, height);      Mat dstROI = dst(dstRect);      Mat srcROI = src(srcRect);      srcROI.copyTo(dstROI);  }  int ReadTrainData(int maxCount)  {      //Open image and label file      const char fileName[] =IDXFILENAME ;      const char labelFileName[] =IDXLABLENAME ;        ifstream lab_ifs(labelFileName, ios_base::binary);          ifstream ifs(fileName, ios_base::binary);                if( == true )              return -1;                if( == true )              return -1;                //Read train data number and image rows / cols          char magicNum[4], ccount[4], crows[4], ccols[4];, sizeof(magicNum));, sizeof(ccount));, sizeof(crows));, sizeof(ccols));                int count, rows, cols;          swapBuffer(ccount);          swapBuffer(crows);          swapBuffer(ccols);                memcpy(&count, ccount, sizeof(count));          memcpy(&rows, crows, sizeof(rows));          memcpy(&cols, ccols, sizeof(cols));                //Just skip label header, sizeof(magicNum));, sizeof(ccount));                //Create source and show image matrix          Mat src = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);          Mat temp = Mat::zeros(8, 8, CV_8UC1);          Mat img, dst;                char label = 0;          Scalar templateColor(255, 0, 255 );                NumTrainData rtd;                //int loop = 1000;          int total = 0;                while(!ifs.eof())          {              if(total >= count)                  break;                            total++;              cout << total << endl;                            //Read label    , 1);              label = label + '0';                    //Read source data    *), rows * cols);              GetROI(src, dst);            #if(SHOW_PROCESS)              //Too small to watch              img = Mat::zeros(dst.rows*10, dst.cols*10, CV_8UC1);              resize(dst, img, img.size());                    stringstream ss;              ss << "Number " << label;              string text = ss.str();              putText(img, text, Point(10, 50), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, templateColor);                    //imshow("img", img);      #endif                    rtd.result = label;              resize(dst, temp, temp.size());              //threshold(temp, temp, 10, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);                    for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)              {                  for(int j = 0; j<8; j++)                  {                [ i*8 + j] =<uchar>(i, j);                  }              }                    buffer.push_back(rtd);                    //if(waitKey(0)==27) //ESC to quit              //  break;                    maxCount--;                            if(maxCount == 0)                  break;          }                ifs.close();          lab_ifs.close();                return 0;  }    void newRtStudy(vector<NumTrainData>& trainData)  {      int testCount = trainData.size();        Mat data = Mat::zeros(testCount, featureLen, CV_32FC1);      Mat res = Mat::zeros(testCount, 1, CV_32SC1);        for (int i= 0; i< testCount; i++)       {             NumTrainData td =;          memcpy( + i*featureLen*sizeof(float),, featureLen*sizeof(float));  <unsigned int>(i, 0) = td.result;      }        /////////////START RT TRAINNING//////////////////      CvRTrees forest;      CvMat* var_importance = 0;        forest.train( data, CV_ROW_SAMPLE, res, Mat(), Mat(), Mat(), Mat(),              CvRTParams(10,10,0,false,15,0,true,4,100,0.01f,CV_TERMCRIT_ITER)); "new_rtrees.xml" );  AfxMessageBox("ok");}      int newRtPredict()  {      CvRTrees forest;      forest.load( "new_rtrees.xml" );        const char fileName[] = IDXTESTFILENAME;      const char labelFileName[] =IDXTESTLABLENAME;        ifstream lab_ifs(labelFileName, ios_base::binary);      ifstream ifs(fileName, ios_base::binary);        if( == true )              return -1;                if( == true )              return -1;                char magicNum[4], ccount[4], crows[4], ccols[4];, sizeof(magicNum));, sizeof(ccount));, sizeof(crows));, sizeof(ccols));                int count, rows, cols;          swapBuffer(ccount);          swapBuffer(crows);          swapBuffer(ccols);                memcpy(&count, ccount, sizeof(count));          memcpy(&rows, crows, sizeof(rows));          memcpy(&cols, ccols, sizeof(cols));                Mat src = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);          Mat temp = Mat::zeros(8, 8, CV_8UC1);          Mat m = Mat::zeros(1, featureLen, CV_32FC1);          Mat img, dst;                //Just skip label header, sizeof(magicNum));, sizeof(ccount));                char label = 0;          Scalar templateColor(255, 0, 0);                NumTrainData rtd;                int right = 0, error = 0, total = 0;          int right_1 = 0, error_1 = 0, right_2 = 0, error_2 = 0;  count=100;        while(ifs.good())          {              //Read label    , 1);              label = label + '0';                    //Read data    *), rows * cols);              GetROI(src, dst);                    //Too small to watch              img = Mat::zeros(dst.rows*30, dst.cols*30, CV_8UC3);              resize(dst, img, img.size());                    rtd.result = label;              resize(dst, temp, temp.size());              //threshold(temp, temp, 10, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);              for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)              {                  for(int j = 0; j<8; j++)                  {                <float>(0,j + i*8) =<uchar>(i, j);                  }              }                    if(total >= count)                  break;                    char ret = (char)forest.predict(m);   //DLGPRINT("%c",ret);                  if(ret == label)              {                  right++;                  if(total <= 5000)                      right_1++;                  else                      right_2++;              }              else              {                  error++;                  if(total <= 5000)                      error_1++;                  else                      error_2++;              }                    total++;            #if(SHOW_PROCESS)              stringstream ss;              ss << "Number " << label << ", predict " << ret;              string text = ss.str();              putText(img, text, Point(10, 50), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, templateColor);                    imshow("img", img);              if(waitKey(0)==27) //ESC to quit                  break;      #endif                }                ifs.close();          lab_ifs.close();        DLGPRINT("%d %d %d",total,right,error);       /* stringstream ss;          ss << "Total " << total << ", right " << right <<", error " << error;          string text = ss.str();          putText(img, text, Point(50, 50), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, templateColor);          imshow("img", img);          waitKey(0);  */              return 0;  }    int newRtPredict1(LPCTSTR file1)  {      CvRTrees forest;      forest.load( "new_rtrees.xml" );             Mat temp = Mat::zeros(28, 28, CV_8UC1);      Mat m = Mat::zeros(1, featureLen, CV_32FC1);      Mat img, dst;      Mat src;    //Just skip label header                      //Read data          src=imread(file1,0);          //GetROI(src, dst);            //Too small to watch          //img = Mat::zeros(dst.rows*30, dst.cols*30, CV_8UC3);          resize(src, temp, temp.size());                            //threshold(temp, temp, 10, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);          for(int i = 0; i<28; i++)          {              for(int j = 0; j<28; j++)              {            <float>(0,i + j*28) =<uchar>(j, i);              }          }                    char ret = (char)forest.predict(m);   DLGPRINT("%c ",ret);                return 0;  }  void newSvmStudy(vector<NumTrainData>& trainData)  {      int testCount = trainData.size();        Mat m = Mat::zeros(1, featureLen, CV_32FC1);      Mat data = Mat::zeros(testCount, featureLen, CV_32FC1);      Mat res = Mat::zeros(testCount, 1, CV_32SC1);        for (int i= 0; i< testCount; i++)       {             NumTrainData td =;          memcpy(,, featureLen*sizeof(float));          normalize(m, m);          memcpy( + i*featureLen*sizeof(float),, featureLen*sizeof(float));  <unsigned int>(i, 0) = td.result;      }        /////////////START SVM TRAINNING//////////////////      CvSVM svm /*= CvSVM()*/;       CvSVMParams param;       CvTermCriteria criteria;        criteria= cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 1000, FLT_EPSILON);       param= CvSVMParams(CvSVM::C_SVC, CvSVM::RBF, 10.0, 8.0, 1.0, 10.0, 0.5, 0.1, NULL, criteria);         svm.train(data, res, Mat(), Mat(), param); XMLDIGSVMPATH );  }      int newSvmPredict()  {      CvSVM svm/* = CvSVM()*/;       svm.load( XMLDIGSVMPATH );        const char fileName[] = IDXFILENAME;      const char labelFileName[] = IDXLABLENAME;        ifstream lab_ifs(labelFileName, ios_base::binary);      ifstream ifs(fileName, ios_base::binary);        if( == true )          return -1;        if( == true )          return -1;        char magicNum[4], ccount[4], crows[4], ccols[4];, sizeof(magicNum));, sizeof(ccount));, sizeof(crows));, sizeof(ccols));        int count, rows, cols;      swapBuffer(ccount);      swapBuffer(crows);      swapBuffer(ccols);        memcpy(&count, ccount, sizeof(count));      memcpy(&rows, crows, sizeof(rows));      memcpy(&cols, ccols, sizeof(cols));        Mat src = Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);      Mat temp = Mat::zeros(8, 8, CV_8UC1);      Mat m = Mat::zeros(1, featureLen, CV_32FC1);      Mat img, dst;        //Just skip label header, sizeof(magicNum));, sizeof(ccount));        char label = 0;      Scalar templateColor(255, 0, 0);        NumTrainData rtd;        int right = 0, error = 0, total = 0;      int right_1 = 0, error_1 = 0, right_2 = 0, error_2 = 0;      while(ifs.good())      {          //Read label, 1);          label = label + '0';            //Read data*), rows * cols);          GetROI(src, dst);            //Too small to watch          img = Mat::zeros(dst.rows*30, dst.cols*30, CV_8UC3);          resize(dst, img, img.size());            rtd.result = label;          resize(dst, temp, temp.size());          //threshold(temp, temp, 10, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);          for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)          {              for(int j = 0; j<8; j++)              {            <float>(0,j + i*8) =<uchar>(i, j);              }          }            if(total >= count)              break;            normalize(m, m);          char ret = (char)svm.predict(m);             if(ret == label)          {              right++;              if(total <= 5000)                  right_1++;              else                  right_2++;          }          else          {              error++;              if(total <= 5000)                  error_1++;              else                  error_2++;          }            total++;    #if(SHOW_PROCESS)          stringstream ss;          ss << "Number " << label << ", predict " << ret;          string text = ss.str();          putText(img, text, Point(10, 50), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, templateColor);            imshow("img", img);          if(waitKey(0)==27) //ESC to quit              break;  #endif        }        ifs.close();      lab_ifs.close();        stringstream ss;      ss << "Total " << total << ", right " << right <<", error " << error;      string text = ss.str();      putText(img, text, Point(50, 50), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, templateColor);      imshow("img", img);            return 0;  }    int digTrain( /*int argc, char *argv[]*/ )  {  DLGPRINT("digTrain");    int maxCount = 10000;      ReadTrainData(maxCount);        newRtStudy(buffer);      //newSvmStudy(buffer);  DLGPRINT("ok");    return 0;  }  int digPredict( /*int argc, char *argv[]*/ )  {  DLGPRINT("digPredict");    newRtPredict();     // newSvmPredict();  DLGPRINT("ok");      return 0;  }  #pragma comment( lib, "kernel32.lib" )#pragma comment( lib, "user32.lib" )#pragma comment( lib, "gdi32.lib" )#pragma comment( lib, "Advapi32.lib" )#pragma comment( lib, "opengl32.lib" )// Search For OpenGL32.lib While Linking#pragma comment( lib, "glu32.lib" )// Search For GLu32.lib While Linking#pragma comment( lib, "glaux.lib" )// Search For GLaux.lib While Linking  //#pragma comment( lib, "cxcore.lib" )// Search For cxcore.lib While Linking//#pragma comment( lib, "cv.lib" )// Search For cv.lib While Linking//#pragma comment( lib, "highgui.lib" )// Search For highgui.lib While Linking//#pragma comment( lib, "cvcam.lib" )#pragma comment( lib, "strmiids.lib" )#pragma comment( lib, "Winmm.lib" )//#pragma comment( lib, "ml.lib" )

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