Android okhttp3 利用socket进行read/write的底层实现跟踪

来源:互联网 发布:软件行业的职业规划 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:54


  /** Does all the work necessary to build a full HTTP or HTTPS connection on a raw socket. */private void connectSocket(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout,      ConnectionSpecSelector connectionSpecSelector) throws IOException {    rawSocket.setSoTimeout(readTimeout);    try {      Platform.get().connectSocket(rawSocket, route.socketAddress(), connectTimeout);    } catch (ConnectException e) {      throw new ConnectException("Failed to connect to " + route.socketAddress());    }    source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(rawSocket));    sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(rawSocket));。。。}




source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(rawSocket));


public static Source source(Socket socket) throws IOException {    if (socket == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("socket == null");    AsyncTimeout timeout = timeout(socket);    Source source = source(socket.getInputStream(), timeout);    return timeout.source(source);}



    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {        checkOpenAndCreate(false);        if (isInputShutdown()) {            throw new SocketException("Socket input is shutdown");        }        return impl.getInputStream();    }


    @Override protected synchronized InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {        checkNotClosed();        return new PlainSocketInputStream(this);    }


    private static class PlainSocketInputStream extends InputStream {        private final PlainSocketImpl socketImpl;        public PlainSocketInputStream(PlainSocketImpl socketImpl) {            this.socketImpl = socketImpl;        }        @Override public int available() throws IOException {            return socketImpl.available();        }        @Override public void close() throws IOException {            socketImpl.close();        }        @Override public int read() throws IOException {            return Streams.readSingleByte(this);        }        @Override public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int byteCount) throws IOException {            return, offset, byteCount);        }    }

接下来以read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int byteCount)为例。


    private int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int byteCount) throws IOException {        if (byteCount == 0) {            return 0;        }        Arrays.checkOffsetAndCount(buffer.length, offset, byteCount);        if (shutdownInput) {            return -1;        }        int readCount = IoBridge.recvfrom(true, fd, buffer, offset, byteCount, 0, null, false);        // Return of zero bytes for a blocking socket means a timeout occurred        if (readCount == 0) {            throw new SocketTimeoutException();        }        // Return of -1 indicates the peer was closed        if (readCount == -1) {            shutdownInput = true;        }        return readCount;    }

IoBridge.recvfrom(true, fd, buffer, offset, byteCount, 0, null, false)再次开始去调jni


    public static int recvfrom(boolean isRead, FileDescriptor fd, ByteBuffer buffer, int flags, DatagramPacket packet, boolean isConnected) throws IOException {        int result;        try {            InetSocketAddress srcAddress = (packet != null && !isConnected) ? new InetSocketAddress() : null;            result = Libcore.os.recvfrom(fd, buffer, flags, srcAddress);            result = postRecvfrom(isRead, packet, isConnected, srcAddress, result);        } catch (ErrnoException errnoException) {            result = maybeThrowAfterRecvfrom(isRead, isConnected, errnoException);        }        return result;    }    private static int postRecvfrom(boolean isRead, DatagramPacket packet, boolean isConnected, InetSocketAddress srcAddress, int byteCount) {        if (isRead && byteCount == 0) {            return -1;        }        if (packet != null) {            packet.setReceivedLength(byteCount);            if (!isConnected) {                packet.setAddress(srcAddress.getAddress());                packet.setPort(srcAddress.getPort());            }        }        return byteCount;    }



    @Override public int recvfrom(FileDescriptor fd, ByteBuffer buffer, int flags, InetSocketAddress srcAddress) throws ErrnoException, SocketException {        BlockGuard.getThreadPolicy().onNetwork();        return os.recvfrom(fd, buffer, flags, srcAddress);    }


public int recvfrom(FileDescriptor fd, ByteBuffer buffer, int flags, InetSocketAddress srcAddress) throws ErrnoException, SocketException {     return os.recvfrom(fd, buffer, flags, srcAddress); }


    public int recvfrom(FileDescriptor fd, ByteBuffer buffer, int flags, InetSocketAddress srcAddress) throws ErrnoException, SocketException {        if (buffer.isDirect()) {            return recvfromBytes(fd, buffer, buffer.position(), buffer.remaining(), flags, srcAddress);        } else {            return recvfromBytes(fd, NioUtils.unsafeArray(buffer), NioUtils.unsafeArrayOffset(buffer) + buffer.position(), buffer.remaining(), flags, srcAddress);        }    }private native int recvfromBytes(FileDescriptor fd, Object buffer, int byteOffset, int byteCount, int flags, InetSocketAddress srcAddress) throws ErrnoException, SocketException;



static jint Posix_recvfromBytes(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jobject javaFd, jobject javaBytes, jint byteOffset, jint byteCount, jint flags, jobject javaInetSocketAddress) {    ScopedBytesRW bytes(env, javaBytes);    if (bytes.get() == NULL) {        return -1;    }    sockaddr_storage ss;    socklen_t sl = sizeof(ss);    memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));    sockaddr* from = (javaInetSocketAddress != NULL) ? reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&ss) : NULL;    socklen_t* fromLength = (javaInetSocketAddress != NULL) ? &sl : 0;    jint recvCount = NET_FAILURE_RETRY(env, ssize_t, recvfrom, javaFd, bytes.get() + byteOffset, byteCount, flags, from, fromLength);    fillInetSocketAddress(env, recvCount, javaInetSocketAddress, ss);    return recvCount;}#define NET_FAILURE_RETRY(jni_env, return_type, syscall_name, java_fd, ...) ({ \    return_type _rc = -1; \    do { \        { \            int _fd = jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(jni_env, java_fd); \            AsynchronousSocketCloseMonitor _monitor(_fd); \            _rc = syscall_name(_fd, __VA_ARGS__); \        } \        if (_rc == -1) { \            if (jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(jni_env, java_fd) == -1) { \                jniThrowException(jni_env, "java/net/SocketException", "Socket closed"); \                break; \            } else if (errno != EINTR) { \                /* TODO: with a format string we could show the arguments too, like strace(1). */ \                throwErrnoException(jni_env, # syscall_name); \                break; \            } \        } \    } while (_rc == -1); \    _rc; })



ENTRY(recvfrom)    mov     ip, sp    .save   {r4, r5, r6, r7}    stmfd   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7}    ldmfd   ip, {r4, r5, r6}    ldr     r7, =__NR_recvfrom    swi     #0    ldmfd   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7}    cmn     r0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)    bxls    lr    neg     r0, r0    b       __set_errnoEND(recvfrom)


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