
来源:互联网 发布:嵌入式编程环境 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 07:57
Index: spi_master.c===================================================================--- spi_master.c(revision 0)+++ spi_master.c(revision 2)@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@+/* Copyright (c) 2009 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.+ *+ * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.+ * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC+ * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT.+ *+ * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO+ * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from+ * the file.+ *+ */++#include <spi_master.h>+#include "nrf_delay.h"+#include "nrf_gpio.h"+#include "common.h"+#include "spi_master_config.h" // This file must be in the application folder++uint32_t* spi_master_init(SPIModuleNumber module_number, SPIMode mode, bool lsb_first)+{+    uint32_t config_mode;++    NRF_SPI_Type *spi_base_address = (SPI0 == module_number)? NRF_SPI0 : (NRF_SPI_Type *)NRF_SPI1;++    if(SPI0 == module_number)+    {+        /* Configure GPIO pins used for pselsck, pselmosi, pselmiso and pselss for SPI0 */+        nrf_gpio_cfg_output(SPI_PSELSCK0);+        nrf_gpio_cfg_output(SPI_PSELMOSI0);+        nrf_gpio_cfg_input(SPI_PSELMISO0, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL);+        nrf_gpio_cfg_output(SPI_PSELSS0);++        /* Configure pins, frequency and mode */+        spi_base_address->PSELSCK  = SPI_PSELSCK0;+        spi_base_address->PSELMOSI = SPI_PSELMOSI0;+        spi_base_address->PSELMISO = SPI_PSELMISO0;+        nrf_gpio_pin_set(SPI_PSELSS0); /* disable Set slave select (inactive high) */+    }+    else+    {+        /* Configure GPIO pins used for pselsck, pselmosi, pselmiso and pselss for SPI1*/+        nrf_gpio_cfg_output(SPI_PSELSCK1);+        nrf_gpio_cfg_output(SPI_PSELMOSI1);+        nrf_gpio_cfg_input(SPI_PSELMISO1, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL);+        nrf_gpio_cfg_output(SPI_PSELSS1);++        /* Configure pins, frequency and mode */+        spi_base_address->PSELSCK  = SPI_PSELSCK1;+        spi_base_address->PSELMOSI = SPI_PSELMOSI1;+        spi_base_address->PSELMISO = SPI_PSELMISO1;+        nrf_gpio_pin_set(SPI_PSELSS1);         /* disable Set slave select (inactive high) */+    }++    spi_base_address->FREQUENCY = (uint32_t) SPI_OPERATING_FREQUENCY;++    /*lint -e845 -save // A zero has been given as right argument to operator '!'" */+    /** @snippet [SPI Select mode] */+    switch (mode )+    {+       +        case SPI_MODE0:+            config_mode = (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos) | (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos);+            break;+        case SPI_MODE1:+            config_mode = (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos) | (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos);+            break;+        case SPI_MODE2:+            config_mode = (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos) | (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos);+            break;+        case SPI_MODE3:+            config_mode = (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos) | (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos);+            break;+        default:+            config_mode = 0;+            break;+    +    }+    /** @snippet [SPI Select mode] */+    /*lint -restore */++    /*lint -e845 -save // A zero has been given as right argument to operator '!'" */+    /** @snippet [SPI Select endianess] */+    if (lsb_first)+    {+        spi_base_address->CONFIG = (config_mode | (SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst << SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_Pos));+    }+    else+    {+        spi_base_address->CONFIG = (config_mode | (SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst << SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_Pos));+    }+    /** @snippet [SPI Select endianess] */+    /*lint -restore */++    spi_base_address->EVENTS_READY = 0U;++    /* Enable */+    spi_base_address->ENABLE = (SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << SPI_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos);++    return (uint32_t *)spi_base_address;+}++bool spi_master_tx_rx(uint32_t *spi_base_address, uint16_t transfer_size, const uint8_t *tx_data, uint8_t *rx_data)+{+    uint32_t counter = 0;+    uint16_t number_of_txd_bytes = 0;+    uint32_t SEL_SS_PINOUT;+    /*lint -e{826} //Are too small pointer conversion */+    NRF_SPI_Type *spi_base = (NRF_SPI_Type *)spi_base_address;++    if( (uint32_t *)NRF_SPI0 == spi_base_address)+    {+        SEL_SS_PINOUT = SPI_PSELSS0;+    }+    else+    {+        SEL_SS_PINOUT = SPI_PSELSS1;+    }++    /* enable slave (slave select active low) */+    nrf_gpio_pin_clear(SEL_SS_PINOUT);++    while(number_of_txd_bytes < transfer_size)+    {+        spi_base->TXD = (uint32_t)(tx_data[number_of_txd_bytes]);++        /* Wait for the transaction complete or timeout (about 10ms - 20 ms) */+        while ((spi_base->EVENTS_READY == 0U) && (counter < TIMEOUT_COUNTER))+        {+            counter++;+        }++        if (counter == TIMEOUT_COUNTER)+        {+            /* timed out, disable slave (slave select active low) and return with error */+            nrf_gpio_pin_set(SEL_SS_PINOUT);+            return false;+        }+        else+        {   /* clear the event to be ready to receive next messages */+            spi_base->EVENTS_READY = 0U;+        }++        rx_data[number_of_txd_bytes] = (uint8_t)spi_base->RXD;+        number_of_txd_bytes++;+    };++    /* disable slave (slave select active low) */+    nrf_gpio_pin_set(SEL_SS_PINOUT);++    return true;+}

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