
来源:互联网 发布:微商加粉软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/06 16:32


要在程序中实现distinct功能的话。写代码是必须的,当然相对来说是如何写比较简单的问题。在这方面,微软给我们提供了贴心的服务在DataView 中有一个ToTable方法。这个方法有四个重载方法,这里直说第三种重载方法。

DataView.ToTable 方法 (Boolean, String[])


根据现有 DataView 中的行,创建并返回一个新的 DataTable

程序集:System.Data(在 system.data.dll 中)

注意:此方法在 .NET Framework 2.0 版中是新增的。

该方法原型是介个样子的:public DataTable ToTable(bool distinct, params string[] columnNames);






如果为 true,则返回的 DataTable 将包含所有列都具有不同值的行。默认值为 false



一个字符串数组,包含要包括在返回的 DataTable 中的列名的列表。DataTable 包含指定的列,其顺序与这些列在该数组中的顺序相同。



using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Data;namespace TableTest{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            DemonstrateDataView();        }        private static void DemonstrateDataView()        {            // Create a DataTable with three columns.            DataTable table = new DataTable("NewTable");            Console.WriteLine("Original table name: " + table.TableName);            #region Columns            DataColumn column = new DataColumn("ID", typeof(System.Int32));            table.Columns.Add(column);            column = new DataColumn("Category", typeof(System.String));            table.Columns.Add(column);            column = new DataColumn("Product", typeof(System.String));            table.Columns.Add(column);            column = new DataColumn("QuantityInStock", typeof(System.Int32));            table.Columns.Add(column);            #endregion            #region Rows            // Add some items.            DataRow row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 1, "Fruit", "Apple", 14 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 1, "Fruit", "Apple", 14 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 2, "Fruit", "Orange", 27 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 3, "Bread", "Muffin", 23 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 4, "Fish", "Salmon", 12 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 5, "Fish", "Salmon", 15 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            row = table.NewRow();            row.ItemArray = new object[] { 6, "Bread", "Croissant", 23 };            table.Rows.Add(row);            #endregion            // Mark all rows as "accepted". Not required            // for this particular example.            table.AcceptChanges();            // Print current table values.            PrintTableOrView(table, "Current Values in Table");            DataView view = new DataView(table);            view.Sort = "Category";            PrintTableOrView(view, "Current Values in View");            DataTable newTable = view.ToTable(true, "ID", "Category", "Product", "QuantityInStock");            PrintTableOrView(newTable, "Table created from sorted DataView");            Console.WriteLine("New table name: " + newTable.TableName);            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");            Console.ReadKey();        }        private static void PrintTableOrView(DataView dv, string label)        {            System.IO.StringWriter sw;            string output;            DataTable table = dv.Table;            Console.WriteLine(label);            // Loop through each row in the view.            foreach (DataRowView rowView in dv)            {                sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();                // Loop through each column.                foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns)                {                    // Output the value of each column's data.                    sw.Write(rowView[col.ColumnName].ToString() + ", ");                }                output = sw.ToString();                // Trim off the trailing ", ", so the output looks correct.                if (output.Length > 2)                {                    output = output.Substring(0, output.Length - 2);                }                // Display the row in the console window.                Console.WriteLine(output);            }            Console.WriteLine();        }        private static void PrintTableOrView(DataTable table, string label)        {            System.IO.StringWriter sw;            string output;            Console.WriteLine(label);            // Loop through each row in the table.            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)            {                sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();                // Loop through each column.                foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns)                {                    // Output the value of each column's data.                    sw.Write(row[col].ToString() + ", ");                }                output = sw.ToString();                // Trim off the trailing ", ", so the output looks correct.                if (output.Length > 2)                {                    output = output.Substring(0, output.Length - 2);                }                // Display the row in the console window.                Console.WriteLine(output);            } //            Console.WriteLine();        }    }}

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