微型用户信息管理系统MUIMS(Micro User Information Management System)V1.0

来源:互联网 发布:matlab遍历一个矩阵 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 22:14










#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport datetimeimport stringimport base64import hashlibdb_namepwd = {}db_logtime = {}#判断新用户注册的用户名是否合法:(1)只能由字母和数字组成,字母忽略大小写;(2)长度小于等于9def checkUserName(usr_name):    check_str = string.letters[:26] + string.digits    name_len = len(usr_name)    if name_len > 9:        check_re = False    else:        for i in range(0,name_len):            if usr_name[i] in check_str:                check_re = True            else:                check_re = False                break    return check_re#密码双重加密,几乎无法破解def encodePsw(psw):    m = hashlib.md5()    psw_encode = base64.b64encode(psw)    m.update(psw_encode)    return m.hexdigest()#薪用户注册def myRegister():    while True:        name = raw_input('Please enter a username: ').strip().lower()        if checkUserName(name) == False:            print 'Invalid username or username is too long! Please try again!'            continue        if db_namepwd.has_key(name):            print 'This name is already used! Please try another: '            continue        else:            break    pwd = raw_input('Pleas enter your passwd: ')    print 'Register finished!'    db_namepwd[name] = encodePsw(pwd)#老用户登陆def myLogin():    log_choice = ''    while True:        log_name = raw_input('username: ').lower()        if log_name not in db_namepwd.keys():            while True:                print 'This username doesen\'t exists! Are you a new user? Please choose "y" or "n"!'                try:                    log_choice = raw_input('Are you a new user? ').strip().lower()                except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt):                    continue                if log_choice not in 'yn':                    print 'Error choose! Are you a new user?'                else:                    break            if log_choice == 'y':                print 'Please register a new account!'                myRegister()                print 'Please login by your new account!'                continue            else:                print 'Please login your account!'                continue        else:            log_pwd = encodePsw(raw_input('passwd: '))            passwd = db_namepwd.get(log_name)        if passwd == log_pwd:            print 'welcome back',log_name            break        else:            print 'login incorrect! Please try again!'    return log_name#新增:判断用户上次登陆和本次登陆时间差是否在4h之内def judge4hTime(usr_name):    if db_logtime.has_key(usr_name):        last_logtime = db_logtime[usr_name]        this_logtime = datetime.datetime.now()        temp_time = last_logtime + datetime.timedelta(hours=4)        if this_logtime <= temp_time:            print 'In the past 4 hours, you\'ve already login!'            print 'Your last logtime is: ', last_logtime        db_logtime[usr_name] = this_logtime    else:        db_logtime[usr_name] = datetime.datetime.now()#老用户修改密码功能def changePsw():    origin_name = raw_input('Please enter your username:').strip().lower()    if origin_name not in db_namepwd.keys():        print 'This username does\'t exists!'    else:        origin_psw = encodePsw(raw_input('Please enter your original password:'))        if origin_psw == db_namepwd[origin_name]:            new_psw1 = encodePsw(raw_input('Please enter your new password:'))            if new_psw1 == origin_psw:                print '[Error!] New password is the same as old password!'            else:                new_psw2 = encodePsw(raw_input('Please enter your new password again:'))                if new_psw1 == new_psw2:                    print 'Change password finished!'                    db_namepwd[origin_name] = new_psw1                else:                    print 'Change password failed! Two new passwords are different!'        else:            print 'Change password failed! You may forget your password! Please try again!'#删除用户def delUser():    print 'Are you sure to delete an user? Please choose "y" or "n"'    while True:        try:            del_choice = raw_input('Please enter your decision! ').strip().lower()        except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt):            del_choice = 'n'        if del_choice not in 'yn':            print 'Error choose! You must choose one from "y" and "n"! Please Try again!'        else:            break    if del_choice == 'y':        del_name = raw_input('Which user do you want to delete?').strip().lower()        if del_name not in db_namepwd.keys():            print 'This user does not exists!'        else:            try:                db_namepwd.pop(del_name)                db_logtime.pop(del_name)                print 'Delete user', del_name, 'finished'            except (KeyError):                print 'Delete user', del_name, 'finished'#查看用户名和密码def viewUser():    print 'Do you want to view all users? Please choose one from "y", "n", "q"!'    view_choice = ''    while True:        while True:            try:                view_choice = raw_input("Please choose: ").strip().lower()            except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt):                view_choice = 'q'            if view_choice not in 'ynq':                print 'Error choose! You must choose one from "y" and "n"! Please try again!'            else:                break        if view_choice == 'q':            break        if view_choice == 'y':            user_num = len(db_namepwd)            print 'This system has',user_num,'users! Every user\'s name and password is below: '            for i in range(0,user_num):                name = db_namepwd.keys()[i]                psw = db_namepwd[name]                print 'Username:',name,', Password:',psw        if view_choice == 'n':            view_name = raw_input('Which user do you want to view?').strip().lower()            if view_name not in db_namepwd.keys():                print 'This user does not exists!'            else:                print 'Username:',view_name,', Password:',db_namepwd[view_name]#"主"函数def myShow():    #系统一启动,自动生成管理员账号密码    super_name = 'admin'    super_psw = raw_input('************Please enter the password for administrator!************\n')    db_namepwd[super_name] = encodePsw(super_psw)    choice = 'q'    while True:        while True:            try:                choice = raw_input('Please choose:').strip().lower()            except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt):                choice = 'q'            if choice not in 'rldvcq':                print 'Error choose! You must choose one from "r","l","d","v","c","q"! Try again!'            else:                break        if choice == 'q':            print 'We always waiting for you!'            break        if choice == 'r':            print 'Please register!'            myRegister()        if choice == 'l':            print 'Please login!'            name = myLogin()            judge4hTime(name)        if choice == 'v':            #只有管理员才能查看系统中所有用户            print '[Notice!]Only administrator can use this function!'            try_name = raw_input('Administrator username: ').strip().lower()            try_psw = encodePsw(raw_input('Administrator password: '))            if try_name == super_name and try_psw == db_namepwd[try_name]:                viewUser()            else:                print '[Warning!]You have no permission!'        if choice == 'd':            #只有管理员才能删除用户            print '[Notice!]Only administrator can use this function!'            try_name = raw_input('Administrator username: ').strip().lower()            try_psw = encodePsw(raw_input('Administrator password: '))            if try_name == super_name and try_psw == db_namepwd[try_name]:                delUser()            else:                print '[Warning!]You have no permission!'        if choice == 'c':            print 'Please change your password!'            changePsw()        print '==========================Next Choose=========================='if __name__ == '__main__':    print '***************************************************************'    print '   Welcome to Micro User Information Management System'    print '   [New User Register] Please press "r" on your keyboard!'    print '   [Old User Login] Please press "l" on your keyboard!'    print '   [View All Users] Please press "v" on your keyboard!'    print '   [Delete User] Please press "d" on your keyboard!'    print '   [Change Password] Please press "c" on your keyboard!'    print '   [Quit System] Please press "q" on your keyboard!'    print '***************************************************************'    myShow()

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