nachos 优先级调度算法

来源:互联网 发布:造价师网络课程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 19:31
  1. 实验题目
    通过完成实现PriorityScheduler优先级调度策略。所有的调度程序都继承自Scheduler类,所以必须实现PriorityScheduler中的PriorityQueue类中的nextThread(),pickNextThread()函数和ThreadState类中的getEffectivePriority(),waitForAccess(PriorityQueue waitQueue),acquire(PriorityQueue waitQueue)这些方法。
  2. 实验要求
  3. 实验关键代码
package nachos.threads;import nachos.machine.*;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.TreeSet;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Iterator;/** * A scheduler that chooses threads based on their priorities. * * <p> * A priority scheduler associates a priority with each thread. The next thread * to be dequeued is always a thread with priority no less than any other * waiting thread's priority. Like a round-robin scheduler, the thread that is * dequeued is, among all the threads of the same (highest) priority, the * thread that has been waiting longest. * * <p> * Essentially, a priority scheduler gives access in a round-robin fassion to * all the highest-priority threads, and ignores all other threads. This has * the potential to * starve a thread if there's always a thread waiting with higher priority. * * <p> * A priority scheduler must partially solve the priority inversion problem; in * particular, priority must be donated through locks, and through joins. *///优先级反转问题,通过lock和joinpublic class PriorityScheduler extends Scheduler {    /**     * Allocate a new priority scheduler.     */    public PriorityScheduler() {    }    /**     * Allocate a new priority thread queue.     *     * @param   transferPriority    <tt>true</tt> if this queue should     *                  transfer priority from waiting threads     *                  to the owning thread.     * @return  a new priority thread queue.     */    public ThreadQueue newThreadQueue(boolean transferPriority) {    return new PriorityQueue(transferPriority);    }    public int getPriority(KThread thread) {    Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());    return getThreadState(thread).getPriority();    }    public int getEffectivePriority(KThread thread) {    Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());    return getThreadState(thread).getEffectivePriority();    }    public void setPriority(KThread thread, int priority) {    Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());    Lib.assertTrue(priority >= priorityMinimum &&           priority <= priorityMaximum);    getThreadState(thread).setPriority(priority);    }    public boolean increasePriority() {    boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();    KThread thread = KThread.currentThread();    int priority = getPriority(thread);    if (priority == priorityMaximum)        return false;    setPriority(thread, priority+1);    Machine.interrupt().restore(intStatus);    return true;    }    public boolean decreasePriority() {    boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();    KThread thread = KThread.currentThread();    int priority = getPriority(thread);    if (priority == priorityMinimum)        return false;    setPriority(thread, priority-1);    Machine.interrupt().restore(intStatus);    return true;    }    /**     * The default priority for a new thread. Do not change this value.     */    public static final int priorityDefault = 1;    /**     * The minimum priority that a thread can have. Do not change this value.     */    public static final int priorityMinimum = 0;    /**     * The maximum priority that a thread can have. Do not change this value.     */    public static final int priorityMaximum = 7;        /**     * Return the scheduling state of the specified thread.     *     * @param   thread  the thread whose scheduling state to return.     * @return  the scheduling state of the specified thread.     */    protected ThreadState getThreadState(KThread thread) {    if (thread.schedulingState == null)        thread.schedulingState = new ThreadState(thread);    return (ThreadState) thread.schedulingState;    }    /**     * A <tt>ThreadQueue</tt> that sorts threads by priority.     */    protected class PriorityQueue extends ThreadQueue {        public ThreadState linkthread;//linkthread代表该线程的Schedulestate        public LinkedList<ThreadState> link;//与该队列直接相连的线程        private int index;        PriorityQueue(boolean transferPriority) {            this.transferPriority = transferPriority;            link=new LinkedList<ThreadState>();        }        public void waitForAccess(KThread thread) {    //      thread在等待资源            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());            getThreadState(thread).waitForAccess(this);        }        public void acquire(KThread thread) {    //      thread获得了一个资源            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());            getThreadState(thread).acquire(this);        }        public KThread nextThread() {    //      在等待队列linkList<ThreadState> link里选择一个有效优先级最大的线程去接收该资源,并将其移除            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());            // implement me            print();//          System.out.println("##########################");            ThreadState temp,threadstate=null;            index=0;            int max=-1;            while((temp=pickNextThread())!=null)            {                if(max<temp.getEffectivePriority())                {                    max=temp.getEffectivePriority();                    threadstate=temp;                }            }            if(threadstate==null)                return null;            else                return link.remove(link.indexOf(threadstate)).thread;        }        /**         * Return the next thread that <tt>nextThread()</tt> would return,         * without modifying the state of this queue.         *         * @return  the next thread that <tt>nextThread()</tt> would         *      return.         */        protected ThreadState pickNextThread() {    //      返回等待队列里线程的ThreadState            // implement me            while(index<link.size())            {                index++;                return link.get(index-1);            }            return null;        }        public void print() {    //      打印所有的在等待队列里的线程,即等待资源的线程            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());//          ThreadState state=null;//          for(int i=0;i<link.size();i++)//          {//              state=link.get(i);//              System.out.println(state.thread.getName()+"*****"+state.priority);//          }        }        /**         * <tt>true</tt> if this queue should transfer priority from waiting         * threads to the owning thread.         */        public boolean transferPriority;    }    /**     * The scheduling state of a thread. This should include the thread's     * priority, its effective priority, any objects it owns, and the queue     * it's waiting for, if any.     *     * @see nachos.threads.KThread#schedulingState     */    protected class ThreadState {//使用ThreadState来将thread和优先级绑定在一起    /**     * Allocate a new <tt>ThreadState</tt> object and associate it with the     * specified thread.     *     * @param   thread  the thread this state belongs to.     */    public ThreadState(KThread thread) {        this.thread = thread;        setPriority(priorityDefault);        waitQueue=new PriorityQueue(true);//存在优先级翻转现象,创建一个优先级队列    }    /**     * Return the priority of the associated thread.     *     * @return  the priority of the associated thread.     */    public int getPriority() {        return priority;    }    /**     * Return the effective priority of the associated thread.     *     * @return  the effective priority of the associated thread.     */    public int getEffectivePriority() {        //获得等待队列上的所有线程的最大优先级,得到最大优先级        // implement me        effctivepriority=-1;        for(int i=0;i<;i++)        {//          从thread1的threadstate即schedulingState的waitQueue中选取线程进行优先级逆转,只有一个thread3            if(effctivepriority<      ;        }//have a question        if(effctivepriority>priority)            setPriority(effctivepriority);        return priority;    }    /**     * Set the priority of the associated thread to the specified value.     *     * @param   priority    the new priority.     */    public void setPriority(int priority) {//优先级传递        if (this.priority == priority)        return;        this.priority = priority;        // implement me    }    /**     * Called when <tt>waitForAccess(thread)</tt> (where <tt>thread</tt> is     * the associated thread) is invoked on the specified priority queue.     * The associated thread is therefore waiting for access to the     * resource guarded by <tt>waitQueue</tt>. This method is only called     * if the associated thread cannot immediately obtain access.     *     * @param   waitQueue   the queue that the associated thread is     *              now waiting on.     *     * @see nachos.threads.ThreadQueue#waitForAccess     */    public void waitForAccess(PriorityQueue waitQueue) {//      将需要等待获得资源的线程加入一个等待队列等待调度,即将此线程的状态传入等待队列        // implement me;//将线程的ThreadState加入到优先级队列中        if(waitQueue.linkthread!=null&&waitQueue.linkthread!=this)//          如果linkthread!=null说明有与waitQueue直接相连的线程,且如果该线程不是this,就要把自己也添加到后续的ThreadState的link里            waitQueue.linkthread.waitQueue.waitForAccess(thread);//      用在得到有效优先级上/*waitQueue.linkthread.waitQueue.waitForAccess(thread);这句代码是为了在获取优先优先级的时候使用的 *;只是将thread3加入到thread1的waitQueue中,但是在之后的geteffectivePriority中就无法得知在thread1上挂起 * 的线程有哪些,当然,也可以通过得到thread1的waitQueue,从而得知在thread1上挂起的线程,从而得到他们中的最大的优先级,但是过去麻烦 * 可以在ThreadState中声明一个waitQueue,用它来保存挂在thread1上的线程,这样在得到优先优先级时,会比较方便 * 每个等待队列创建时都会注册一个线程作为linkthread,一旦有一个线程挂在waitQueue等待队列上,那么这个线程一定要挂在linkthread的waitQueue上, * 这样在在发生优先级逆转的时候,可以通过thread1的schedulingState的waitQueue得到在thread1上挂起的线程 */    }    /**     * Called when the associated thread has acquired access to whatever is     * guarded by <tt>waitQueue</tt>. This can occur either as a result of     * <tt>acquire(thread)</tt> being invoked on <tt>waitQueue</tt> (where     * <tt>thread</tt> is the associated thread), or as a result of     * <tt>nextThread()</tt> being invoked on <tt>waitQueue</tt>.     *     * @see nachos.threads.ThreadQueue#acquire     * @see nachos.threads.ThreadQueue#nextThread     */    public void acquire(PriorityQueue waitQueue) {        //队列中的线程共同持有的一个锁,即每一个waitQueue队里都会有一个锁,同时后面的waitforaccess方法会使线程挂在linkthread的waitQueue上        // implement me        Lib.assertTrue(;        waitQueue.linkthread=this;    }       /** The thread with which this object is associated. */        protected KThread thread;    /** The priority of the associated thread. */    protected int priority;    protected int effctivepriority;    protected PriorityQueue waitQueue;//等待该线程thread的线程队列,thread可以得到waitQueue上的最大优先级    }}
  1. 实验测试代码
public static void selfTest_priorityScheduler()    {        KThread thread1=new KThread(new Runnable()        {            public void run(){                for(int i=0;i<3;i++)                {                    currentThread.yield();//不放弃CPU会一直执行,直到结束                    System.out.println("I am thread1!!");                }            }        });        KThread thread2=new KThread(new Runnable(){            public void run()            {                for(int i=0;i<3;i++)                {                    currentThread.yield();                    System.out.println("I am thread2!!");                }            }        });        KThread thread3=new KThread(new Runnable()        {            public void run()            {                thread1.join();                for(int i=0;i<3;i++)                {                    currentThread.yield();                    System.out.println("I am thread3!!");                }            }        });        thread1.setName("thread1");        thread2.setName("thread2");        thread3.setName("thread3");        boolean intStatue=Machine.interrupt().disable();        ThreadedKernel.scheduler.setPriority(thread1,2);//此时的ThreadedKernel的scheduler是PriorityScheduler即优先级调度        ThreadedKernel.scheduler.setPriority(thread2,4);        ThreadedKernel.scheduler.setPriority(thread3,6);        Machine.interrupt().setStatus(intStatue);        thread1.fork();        thread2.fork();        thread3.fork();    }
  1. 关键代码分析
    本次实验中主要修改的类是PriorityScheduler类。Nachos本来就提供了这个类,里面还有两个内部类:PriorityQueue类和ThreadState类,这三个类的共同合作实现了线程优先级反转。在之前的Task1中,我们实现了join方法,在这里,我们采用join方法来模拟需要优先级倒置的情景。首先,对于每一个KThread,它都会有waitQueue,用来存储在它上面挂起的线程,在初始化KThread的时候,调用waitQueue.acquire(this)来为每一个KThread初始化它的schedulingState,并让该成员变量指向自身的ThreadState,为后面的优先级倒置做准备。例如:有3个线程,分别为thread1,thread2,thread3,它们的优先级分别为2,4,6,在thread3中调用thread1.join(),则在runNextThread()里进行线程切换时,会调用PriorityScheduler的nextThread方法来进行线程切换。如果没有优先级倒置,则执行顺序为thread3、thread2、thread1,如果存在优先级倒置,则执行顺序为thread1、thread3、thread2。在ThreadState中,需要再声明两个成员变量:PriorityQueue waitQueue和int effectivePriority。其中waitQueue是用来存储挂在该thread上的线程的ThreadState,以便在优先级倒置时,可以通过遍历该等待队列来拿到线程中的最大优先级,从而赋给thread的priority。在ThreadState中,需要修改的三个方法为waitForAccess(PriorityQueue waitQueue),acquire(PriorityQueue waitQueue),getEffectivePriority()方法,waitForAccess方法是将当前线程thread挂在调用join线程的waitQueue,以及如果这个线程的waitQueue的linkthread不为空,则将该线程的ThreadState也挂到该linkthread的waitQueue上,以便在getEffectivePriority()时,可以遍历ThreadState的waitQueue来拿到最大优先级。getEffectivePriority()是拿到该线程的有效优先级。要对该ThreadState的waitQueue进行遍历,拿到在waitQueue上的ThreadState,得到每一个ThreadState的有效优先级,如果该优先优先级比thread的有效优先级大,则设置当前线程的优先优先级为它,这样就会得到该线程的优先优先级。在PriorityQueue中声明了3个数据成员,link链表,用来存储挂在该优先级队列上的线程的ThreadState,linkthread是该优先级队列的“主人”,即挂在link链表上的线程的优先级都可以被该队列的“主人”拿到,并且进行比较,拿到最大的优先级。在PriorityQueue的方法中,需要修改的是pickNextThread()和nextThread()。其中pickNextThread()方法是从link链表里拿到一个ThreadState对象。nextThread()方法是比较从link链表里拿到的ThreadState的有效优先级,找到有效优先级最大的的线程的ThreadState,并返回该ThreadState的thread对象,同时将该ThreadState从link链表里删除。
  2. 运行结果截图

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