Nachos操作系统课设 浅谈优先级调度

来源:互联网 发布:关于宇宙的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:06


Task1.5 实现优先级调度

  Implement priority scheduling in Nachos by completing the PriorityScheduler class. Priority scheduling is a key building block in real-time systems. Note that in order to use your priority scheduler, you will need to change a line in nachos.confthat specifies the scheduler class to use. The ThreadedKernel.scheduler key is initially equal to nachos.threads.RoundRobinScheduler. You need to change this to nachos.threads.PriorityScheduler when you're ready to run Nachos with priority scheduling.

  Note that all scheduler classes extend the abstract class nachos.threads.Scheduler. You must implement the methods getPriority(),getEffectivePriority(), and setPriority(). You may optionally also implement increasePriority() and decreasePriority() (these are not required). In choosing which thread to dequeue, the scheduler should always choose a thread of the highest effective priority. If multiple threads with the same highest priority are waiting, the scheduler should choose the one that has been waiting in the queue the longest.

  An issue with priority scheduling is priority inversion. If a high priority thread needs to wait for a low priority thread (for instance, for a lock held by a low priority thread), and another high priority thread is on the ready list, then the high priority thread will never get the CPU because the low priority thread will not get any CPU time. A partial fix for this problem is to have the waiting thread donate its priority to the low priority thread while it is holding the lock.

  Implement the priority scheduler so that it donates priority, where possible. Be sure to implement Scheduler.getEffectivePriority(), which returns the priority of a thread after taking into account all the donations it is receiving.

  Note that while solving the priority donation problem, you will find a point where you can easily calculate the effective priority for a thread, but this calculation takes a long time. To receive full credit for the design aspect of this project, you need to speed this up by caching the effective priority and only recalculating a thread's effective priority when it is possible for it to change.

  It is important that you do not break the abstraction barriers while doing this part -- the Lock class does not need to be modified. Priority donation should be accomplished by creating a subclass of ThreadQueue that will accomplish priority donation when used with the existing Lock class, and still work correctly when used with the existing Semaphore and Condition classes. Priority should also be donated through thread joins.

  Priority Donation Implementation Details:

  1) A thread's effective priority is calculated by taking the max of the donor's and the recipient's priority. If thread A with priority 4 donates to thread B with priority 2, then thread B's effective priority is now 4. Note that thread A's priority is also still 4. A thread that donates priority to another thread does not lose any of its own priority. For these reasons, the term "priority inheritance" is in many ways a more appropriate name than the term "priority donation".

  2) Priority donation is transitive. If thread A donates to thread B and then thread B donates to thread C, thread B will be donating its new effective priority (which it received from thread A) to thread C.








package nachos.threads;import nachos.machine.*;import java.util.*;public class PriorityScheduler extends Scheduler {    public PriorityScheduler() {    }        public ThreadQueue newThreadQueue(boolean transferPriority) {        return new PriorityQueue(transferPriority);    }    public int getPriority(KThread thread) {        Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());                           return getThreadState(thread).getPriority();    }    public int getEffectivePriority(KThread thread) {        Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());                           return getThreadState(thread).getEffectivePriority();    }    public void setPriority(KThread thread, int priority) {        Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());                           Lib.assertTrue(priority >= priorityMinimum &&               priority <= priorityMaximum);                getThreadState(thread).setPriority(priority);    }    public boolean increasePriority() {        boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();                           KThread thread = KThread.currentThread();            int priority = getPriority(thread);        if (priority == priorityMaximum)            return false;            setPriority(thread, priority+1);            Machine.interrupt().restore(intStatus);        return true;    }    public boolean decreasePriority() {        boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();                           KThread thread = KThread.currentThread();            int priority = getPriority(thread);        if (priority == priorityMinimum)            return false;            setPriority(thread, priority-1);            Machine.interrupt().restore(intStatus);        return true;    }    public static int priorityDefault = 1;    public static int priorityMinimum = 0;    public static int priorityMaximum = 7;        protected ThreadState getThreadState(KThread thread) {        if (thread.schedulingState == null)            thread.schedulingState = new ThreadState(thread);            return (ThreadState) thread.schedulingState;    }        protected class PriorityQueue extends ThreadQueue {        PriorityQueue(boolean transferPriority) {            this.transferPriority = transferPriority;            init();        }        public void init() {            cnt=0;            wait=new TreeSet[priorityMaximum+1];            for(int i=0;i<=priorityMaximum;i++)                wait[i]=new TreeSet<ThreadState>();        }            public void waitForAccess(KThread thread) {            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());            getThreadState(thread).waitForAccess(this);        }            public void acquire(KThread thread) {            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());            getThreadState(thread).acquire(this);            if(transferPriority)                lockholder=getThreadState(thread);        }            public KThread nextThread() {            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());            ThreadState res=pickNextThread();                        return res==null?null:res.thread;        }            protected ThreadState pickNextThread() {            ThreadState res=NextThread();                        if(lockholder!=null)            {                lockholder.holdQueues.remove(this);                lockholder.getEffectivePriority();                lockholder=res;            }            if(res!=null) res.waitQueue=null;            return res;        }                protected ThreadState NextThread() {            ThreadState res=null;            for(int i=priorityMaximum;i>=priorityMinimum;i--)               if((res=wait[i].pollFirst())!=null) break;                        return res;        }                public void print() {            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());        }                public void add(ThreadState state) {            wait[state.effectivepriority].add(state);        }                public boolean isEmpty() {            for(int i=0;i<=priorityMaximum;i++)                 if(!wait[i].isEmpty()) return false;            return true;        }            protected long cnt;        public boolean transferPriority;        protected TreeSet<ThreadState>[] wait;        protected ThreadState lockholder=null;    }    protected class ThreadState implements Comparable<ThreadState>{        public ThreadState(KThread thread) {            this.thread = thread;            holdQueues=new LinkedList<PriorityQueue>();                        setPriority(priorityDefault);            getEffectivePriority();        }        public int getPriority() {            return priority;        }        public int getEffectivePriority() {            int res=priority;            if(!holdQueues.isEmpty()) {                Iterator it=holdQueues.iterator();                while(it.hasNext())                {                    PriorityQueue holdQueue=(PriorityQueue);                    for(int i=priorityMaximum;i>res;i--)                        if(!holdQueue.wait[i].isEmpty()) { res=i;break;}                }            }            if(waitQueue!=null&&res!=effectivepriority)            {                ((PriorityQueue)waitQueue).wait[effectivepriority].remove(this);                ((PriorityQueue)waitQueue).wait[res].add(this);            }            effectivepriority=res;            if(lockholder!=null)                lockholder.getEffectivePriority();            return res;        }            public void setPriority(int priority) {            if (this.priority == priority)                return;                        this.priority = priority;                        getEffectivePriority();        }            public void waitForAccess(PriorityQueue waitQueue) {            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());                        time=++waitQueue.cnt;                        this.waitQueue=waitQueue;            waitQueue.add(this);            lockholder=waitQueue.lockholder;            getEffectivePriority();        }            public void acquire(PriorityQueue waitQueue) {            Lib.assertTrue(Machine.interrupt().disabled());                         if(waitQueue.transferPriority) holdQueues.add(waitQueue);            Lib.assertTrue(waitQueue.isEmpty());        }                  protected KThread thread;        protected int priority,effectivepriority;        protected long time;        protected ThreadQueue waitQueue=null;        protected LinkedList holdQueues;        protected ThreadState lockholder=null;        public int compareTo(ThreadState ts) {            if(time==ts.time) return 0;            return time>ts.time?1:-1;        }    }}



    private static class PingTest implements Runnable    {        Lock a=null,b=null;        int name;        PingTest(Lock A,Lock B,int x)        {            a=A;b=B;name=x;        }        public void run() {            System.out.println("Thread "+name+" starts.");            if(b!=null)            {                System.out.println("Thread "+name+" waits for Lock b.");                b.acquire();                System.out.println("Thread "+name+" gets Lock b.");            }            if(a!=null)            {                System.out.println("Thread "+name+" waits for Lock a.");                a.acquire();                System.out.println("Thread "+name+" gets Lock a.");            }            KThread.yield();            boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();            System.out.println("Thread "+name+" has priority "+ThreadedKernel.scheduler.getEffectivePriority()+".");            Machine.interrupt().restore(intStatus);            KThread.yield();            if(b!=null) b.release();            if(a!=null) a.release();            System.out.println("Thread "+name+" finishs.");                    }    }        public static void selfTest()    {        Lock a=new Lock();        Lock b=new Lock();                Queue<KThread> qq=new LinkedList<KThread>();        for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)        {            KThread kk=new KThread(new PingTest(null,null,i));            qq.add(kk);            kk.setName("Thread-"+i).fork();        }        for(int i=6;i<=10;i++)        {            KThread kk=new KThread(new PingTest(a,null,i));            qq.add(kk);            kk.setName("Thread-"+i).fork();        }        for(int i=11;i<=15;i++)        {            KThread kk=new KThread(new PingTest(a,b,i));            qq.add(kk);            kk.setName("Thread-"+i).fork();        }        KThread.yield();        Iterator it=qq.iterator();        int pp=0;        while(it.hasNext())        {            boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();            ThreadedKernel.scheduler.setPriority((KThread),pp+1);            Machine.interrupt().restore(intStatus);            pp=(pp+1)%6+1;        }    }


        线程1~5不要任何锁,线程6~10需要锁a,线程11~15需要锁a和锁b,并将15个线程的优先级设置如下:1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3,这样根据优先级传递的原则,运行结果如下:

Thread 1 starts.

Thread 2 starts.

Thread 3 starts.

Thread 4 starts.

Thread 5 starts.

Thread 6 starts.

Thread 6 waits for Lock a.

Thread 6 gets Lock a.

Thread 7 starts.

Thread 7 waits for Lock a.

Thread 8 starts.

Thread 8 waits for Lock a.

Thread 9 starts.

Thread 9 waits for Lock a.

Thread 10 starts.

Thread 10 waits for Lock a.

Thread 11 starts.

Thread 11 waits for Lock b.

Thread 11 gets Lock b.

Thread 11 waits for Lock a.

Thread 12 starts.

Thread 12 waits for Lock b.

Thread 13 starts.

Thread 13 waits for Lock b.

Thread 14 starts.

Thread 14 waits for Lock b.

Thread 15 starts.

Thread 15 waits for Lock b.

Thread 6 has priority 7.

Thread 6 finishs.

Thread 7 gets Lock a.

Thread 7 has priority 7.

Thread 7 finishs.

Thread 11 gets Lock a.

Thread 11 has priority 7.

Thread 11 finishs.

Thread 13 gets Lock b.

Thread 13 waits for Lock a.

Thread 5 has priority 5.

Thread 5 finishs.

Thread 4 has priority 4.

Thread 10 gets Lock a.

Thread 4 finishs.

Thread 10 has priority 4.

Thread 10 finishs.

Thread 13 gets Lock a.

Thread 13 has priority 7.

Thread 13 finishs.

Thread 12 gets Lock b.

Thread 12 waits for Lock a.

Thread 3 has priority 3.

Thread 9 gets Lock a.

Thread 3 finishs.

Thread 9 has priority 3.

Thread 9 finishs.

Thread 12 gets Lock a.

Thread 12 has priority 6.

Thread 12 finishs.

Thread 15 gets Lock b.

Thread 15 waits for Lock a.

Thread 2 has priority 2.

Thread 8 gets Lock a.

Thread 2 finishs.

Thread 8 has priority 2.

Thread 8 finishs.

Thread 15 gets Lock a.

Thread 15 has priority 3.

Thread 15 finishs.

Thread 14 gets Lock b.

Thread 14 waits for Lock a.

Thread 14 gets Lock a.

Thread 14 has priority 2.

Thread 14 finishs.

Thread 1 has priority 1.

Thread 1 finishs.
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