
来源:互联网 发布:陇南市乡村大数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:55
intConvertI420ToRGB24(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToRGB24(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, width*3, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToARGB(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride = width*4; constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToARGB(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToRGBAMac(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ // Equivalent to Convert YV12ToBGRA. // YV12 same as I420 with U and V swapped. if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =4* width; constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToBGRA(yplane, width, vplane, width/2, uplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToARGB4444(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =2* width; constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToARGB4444(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToRGB565(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToRGB565(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, width, width, height); }     // Same as ConvertI420ToRGB565 with a vertical flip. intConvertI420ToRGB565Android(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   // Same as RGB565 + inversion - set negative height. height =-height; return libyuv::I420ToRGB565(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, width, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToARGB1555(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =2* width; elseif(dst_stride<2* width) return-1;   constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToARGB1555(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToYUY2(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4); if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =2* width;   return libyuv::I420ToYUY2(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToUYVY(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =2* width; elseif(dst_stride< width) return-1; constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::I420ToUYVY(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToYV12(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride = width; elseif(dst_stride< width) return-1;   constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(width* height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   // YV12 is YVU => Use I420(YUV) copy and flip U and V. return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, width, src_vplane, width/2, src_uplane, width/2, dst_yplane, dst_stride, dst_uplane, dst_stride/2, dst_vplane, dst_stride/2, width, height); }   intConvertYV12ToI420(constuint8_t* src_frame, int width,int height, uint8_t* dst_frame){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(width* height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   // YV12 is YVU => Use I420(YUV) copy and flip U and V. return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, width, src_vplane, width/2, src_uplane, width/2, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertNV12ToI420(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::NV12ToI420(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertNV12ToI420AndRotate180(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height, libyuv::kRotate180); }   intConvertNV12ToI420AndRotateClockwise(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height, libyuv::kRotate90); }   intConvertNV12ToI420AndRotateAntiClockwise(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width, int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height, libyuv::kRotate270); }   intConvertNV12ToRGB565(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uvInterlaced= src_frame+(width* height);   return libyuv::NV12ToRGB565(yplane, width, uvInterlaced, width/2, dst_frame, width, width, height); }   intConvertNV21ToI420(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ // NV21 = y plane followed by an interleaved V/U plane, i.e. same as NV12 // but the U and the V are switched. Use the NV12 function and switch the U // and V planes. constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::NV12ToI420(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_vplane, width/2, dst_uplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertNV21ToI420AndRotate180(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_vplane, width/2, dst_uplane, width/2, width, height, libyuv::kRotate180); }   intConvertNV21ToI420AndRotateClockwise(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_vplane, width/2, dst_uplane, width/2, width, height, libyuv::kRotate90); }   intConvertNV21ToI420AndRotateAntiClockwise(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width, int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uvplane= src_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   return libyuv::NV12ToI420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uvplane, width, dst_yplane, width, dst_vplane, width/2, dst_uplane, width/2, width, height, libyuv::kRotate270); }   intConvertI420ToRGBAIPhone(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =4* width; elseif(dst_stride<4* width) return-1;   constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   // RGBAIPhone = ABGR return libyuv::I420ToABGR(yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertI420ToI420(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width, int height,int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0) dst_stride = width; constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(width* height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, width, src_uplane, width/2, src_vplane, width/2, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertUYVYToI420(int width,int height, constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame){ uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::UYVYToI420(src_frame,2* width, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertYUY2ToI420(int width,int height, constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame){ uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::YUY2ToI420(src_frame,2* width, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertRGB24ToARGB(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height,int dst_stride){ if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride = width; // Stride - currently webrtc style return libyuv::RGB24ToARGB(src_frame, width, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertRGB24ToI420(int width,int height, constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame){ uint8_t* yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* uplane = yplane+ width* height; uint8_t* vplane = uplane+(width* height/4); // WebRtc expects a vertical flipped image. return libyuv::RGB24ToI420(src_frame, width *3, yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, width,-height); }   intConvertI420ToARGBMac(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height,int dst_stride){ // Equivalent to YV12ToARGB. // YV12 = YVU => use I420 and interchange U and V. constuint8_t* yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* uplane= yplane+ width* height; constuint8_t* vplane= uplane+(width* height/4);   if(dst_stride==0|| dst_stride== width) dst_stride =4* width; elseif(dst_stride<4* width) return-1;   return libyuv::I420ToARGB(yplane, width, vplane, width/2, uplane, width/2, dst_frame, dst_stride, width, height); }   intConvertARGBMacToI420(int width,int height, constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame){ // Equivalent to BGRAToI420 uint8_t* yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* uplane = yplane+ width* height; uint8_t* vplane = uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::BGRAToI420(src_frame, width *4, yplane, width, uplane, width/2, vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intConvertToI420(VideoType src_video_type, constuint8_t* src_frame, int width, int height, uint8_t* dst_frame, bool interlaced, VideoRotationMode rotate/* = kRotateNone */){ switch(src_video_type){ case kRGB24: returnConvertRGB24ToI420(width, height, src_frame, dst_frame); case kARGB: returnConvertARGBMacToI420(width, height, src_frame, dst_frame); case kI420: return I420Rotate(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height, rotate); case kYUY2: returnConvertYUY2ToI420(width, height, src_frame, dst_frame); case kUYVY: returnConvertUYVYToI420(width, height, src_frame, dst_frame); case kYV12: switch(rotate){ case kRotateNone: returnConvertYV12ToI420(src_frame, width, height, dst_frame); case kRotate90: returnConvertToI420AndRotateClockwise(src_frame, width, height, dst_frame, height, width, kYV12); case kRotate270: returnConvertToI420AndRotateAntiClockwise(src_frame, width, height, dst_frame, height, width, kYV12); case kRotate180: returnConvertToI420AndRotate180(src_frame, width, height, dst_frame, height, width, kYV12); } case kNV12: switch(rotate){ case kRotateNone: returnConvertNV12ToI420(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kRotate90: returnConvertNV12ToI420AndRotateClockwise(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kRotate270: returnConvertNV12ToI420AndRotateAntiClockwise(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kRotate180: returnConvertNV12ToI420AndRotate180(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); } case kNV21: switch(rotate){ case kRotateNone: returnConvertNV21ToI420(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kRotate90: returnConvertNV21ToI420AndRotateClockwise(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kRotate270: returnConvertNV21ToI420AndRotateAntiClockwise(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kRotate180: returnConvertNV21ToI420AndRotate180(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); } break; default: return-1; } return-1; }   intConvertFromI420(VideoType dst_video_type, constuint8_t* src_frame, //int width, //int height, WebRtc_UWord32 width, WebRtc_UWord32 height, uint8_t* dst_frame, bool interlaced, VideoRotationMode rotate){ switch(dst_video_type){ case kRGB24: returnConvertI420ToRGB24(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kARGB: returnConvertI420ToARGB(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); case kARGB4444: returnConvertI420ToARGB4444(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); case kARGB1555: returnConvertI420ToARGB1555(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); case kRGB565: returnConvertI420ToRGB565(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kI420: returnConvertI420ToI420(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height, width); case kUYVY: returnConvertI420ToUYVY(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height); case kYUY2: returnConvertI420ToYUY2(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); case kYV12: returnConvertI420ToYV12(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); case kRGBAMac: returnConvertI420ToRGBAMac(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); case kARGBMac: returnConvertI420ToARGBMac(src_frame, dst_frame, width, height,0); default: return-1; } }   intMirrorI420LeftRight(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_yplane+ width* height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(width* height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_yplane+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::I420Mirror(src_yplane, width, src_uplane, width/2, src_vplane, width/2, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height); }   intMirrorI420UpDown(constuint8_t* src_frame,uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(width* height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4);   // Inserting negative height flips the frame. return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, width, src_uplane, width/2, src_vplane, width/2, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width,-height); }   intConvertToI420AndMirrorUpDown(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int src_width,int src_height, VideoType src_video_type){ if(src_video_type!= kI420&& src_video_type!= kYV12) return-1; // TODO(mikhal): Use a more general convert function - with negative height // Inserting negative height flips the frame. // Using I420Copy with a negative height. constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ src_width* src_height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); if(src_video_type== kYV12){ // Switch U and V dst_vplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; dst_uplane = dst_vplane+(src_width* src_height/4); } // Inserting negative height flips the frame. return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, src_width, src_uplane, src_width/2, src_vplane, src_width/2, dst_yplane, src_width, dst_uplane, src_width/2, dst_vplane, src_width/2, src_width,-src_height); }   int I420Rotate(constuint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame, int width,int height, VideoRotationMode rotation_mode){ constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ width* height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_frame+(width* height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ width* height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(width* height/4); return libyuv::I420Rotate(src_yplane, width, src_uplane, width/2, src_vplane, width/2, dst_yplane, width, dst_uplane, width/2, dst_vplane, width/2, width, height, static_cast<libyuv::RotationMode>(rotation_mode)); }   // TODO(mikhal): modify API to use only the general function. intConvertToI420AndRotateClockwise(constuint8_t* src_frame, int src_width, int src_height, uint8_t* dst_frame, int dst_width, int dst_height, VideoType src_video_type){ if(src_video_type!= kI420&& src_video_type!= kYV12) return-1; constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ src_width* src_height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); if(src_video_type== kYV12){ // Switch U and V dst_vplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; dst_uplane = dst_vplane+(src_width* src_height/4); } return libyuv::I420Rotate(src_yplane, src_width, src_uplane, src_width/2, src_vplane, src_width/2, dst_yplane, src_width, dst_uplane, src_width/2, dst_vplane, src_width/2, src_width, src_height, libyuv::kRotate90); }   // TODO(mikhal): modify API to use only the general function. intConvertToI420AndRotateAntiClockwise(constuint8_t* src_frame, int src_width, int src_height, uint8_t* dst_frame, int dst_width, int dst_height, VideoType src_video_type){ if(src_video_type!= kI420&& src_video_type!= kYV12) return-1; constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ src_width* src_height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); if(src_video_type== kYV12){ // Switch U and V dst_vplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; dst_uplane = dst_vplane+(src_width* src_height/4); } return libyuv::I420Rotate(src_yplane, src_width, src_uplane, src_width/2, src_vplane, src_width/2, dst_yplane, src_width, dst_uplane, src_width/2, dst_vplane, src_width/2, src_width, src_height, libyuv::kRotate270); }   // TODO(mikhal): modify API to use only the general function. intConvertToI420AndRotate180(constuint8_t* src_frame, int src_width, int src_height, uint8_t* dst_frame, int dst_width, int dst_height, VideoType src_video_type){ if(src_video_type!= kI420&& src_video_type!= kYV12) return-1; constuint8_t* src_yplane= src_frame; constuint8_t* src_uplane= src_frame+ src_width* src_height; constuint8_t* src_vplane= src_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame; uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane+(src_width* src_height/4); if(src_video_type== kYV12){ // Switch U and V dst_vplane = dst_frame+ src_width* src_height; dst_uplane = dst_vplane+(src_width* src_height/4); } return libyuv::I420Rotate(src_yplane, src_width, src_uplane, src_width/2, src_vplane, src_width/2, dst_yplane, src_width, dst_uplane, src_width/2, dst_vplane, src_width/2, src_width, src_height, libyuv::kRotate180); }
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