
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝青少年男装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 07:34





#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h> #define MAX_SIZE 1024#define ElemType charusing namespace std;void CptPfFunc( ElemType Pattern[], int PrefixFunc[] )                {              register int iLen = 0;    // Length of Pattern[]                    while( '\0' != Pattern[iLen] )                            iLen++;                    int LOLP = 0;     // Lenth of longest prefix                    PrefixFunc[1] = 0;                    for( int NOCM=2; NOCM<iLen+1; NOCM++ )     // NOCM represent the number of characters matched                    {                            while( LOLP>0 && (Pattern[LOLP] != Pattern[NOCM-1]) )                                    LOLP = PrefixFunc[LOLP];                            if( Pattern[LOLP] == Pattern[NOCM-1] )                                    LOLP++;                            PrefixFunc[NOCM] = LOLP;                     printf("%d ",PrefixFunc[NOCM]);               }                   printf("\n");}            void KMPstrMatching(char Target[], char Pattern[])            {                    int PrefixFunc[MAX_SIZE];                    register int TarLen = 0;                    register int PatLen = 0;                    // Compute the length of array Target and Pattern                    while( '\0' != Target[TarLen] )                            TarLen++;                    while( '\0' != Pattern[PatLen] )                            PatLen++;                    // Compute the prefix function of Pattern                    CptPfFunc(Pattern, PrefixFunc);                    int NOCM = 0;     // Number of characters matched                    for( int i=0; i<TarLen; i++ )                    {                            while( NOCM>0 && Pattern[NOCM] != Target[i] )                                    NOCM = PrefixFunc[NOCM];                            if( Pattern[NOCM] == Target[i] )                                    NOCM++;                            if( NOCM == PatLen )                            {                                    cout<<"KMP String Matching,pattern occurs with shift "<<i - PatLen + 1<<endl;                                    NOCM = PrefixFunc[NOCM];                            }                    }            }int main(){    KMPstrMatching("ABCVDFAB","AB");}
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