Spring 中 LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy 代理类的源码解析

来源:互联网 发布:ftp服务器端软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:26

Spring LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy 代理类的源码解析

(1)、代理了目标数据源 dataSource 的所有方法,其中在 invoke 方法,Spring使用了排除法;
(2)、只有 dataSource 获取到Connection之后,在执行 java.sql.Connection#prepareStatement(java.lang.String) 时候,Spring 才会主动去数据库链接池中获取 Connection ,这样做的好处就是提高数据库链接的使用率和效率;
(3)、据此我们可以看到 Spring 的良苦用心,LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy 经常会被用在一些分库分表、多数据源事务的应用当中;
(4)、多数据源的事务管理解决方案,很多采用了同时开启所有数据源事务、同时提交的策略,例如:阿里的 cobar 解决方案等;
(5)、如果我们的数据源是使用了 LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy 则在执行 Connection#prepareStatement 之前,spring 是不会向数据库连接池获取数据库链接的


public class LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy extends DelegatingDataSource {    // 省略属性 getter/setter 方法    /**     * Create a new LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy.     * @see #setTargetDataSource     */    public LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy() {    }    /**     * Create a new LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy.     * @param targetDataSource the target DataSource     */    public LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy(DataSource targetDataSource) {        setTargetDataSource(targetDataSource);        afterPropertiesSet();    }    // 该方法会在Spring Bean 加载初始化的时候执行,功能和 bean 标签的属性 init-method 一样    @Override    public void afterPropertiesSet() {        super.afterPropertiesSet();        // Determine default auto-commit and transaction isolation        // via a Connection from the target DataSource, if possible.        if (this.defaultAutoCommit == null || this.defaultTransactionIsolation == null) {            try {                Connection con = getTargetDataSource().getConnection();                try {                    checkDefaultConnectionProperties(con);                }                finally {                    con.close();                }            }            catch (SQLException ex) {                logger.warn("Could not retrieve default auto-commit and transaction isolation settings", ex);            }        }    }    /**     * Check the default connection properties (auto-commit, transaction isolation),     * keeping them to be able to expose them correctly without fetching an actual     * JDBC Connection from the target DataSource.     * <p>This will be invoked once on startup, but also for each retrieval of a     * target Connection. If the check failed on startup (because the database was     * down), we'll lazily retrieve those settings.     * @param con the Connection to use for checking     * @throws SQLException if thrown by Connection methods     */    protected synchronized void checkDefaultConnectionProperties(Connection con) throws SQLException {        if (this.defaultAutoCommit == null) {            this.defaultAutoCommit = con.getAutoCommit();        }        if (this.defaultTransactionIsolation == null) {            this.defaultTransactionIsolation = con.getTransactionIsolation();        }    }    // 以下三个方法都是通过代理模式返回一个目标 targetDataSource 的代理类    // 其中 LazyConnectionInvocationHandler 实现了 InvocationHandler  接口,重点关注 invoke 方法的实现逻辑    /**     * Return a Connection handle that lazily fetches an actual JDBC Connection     * when asked for a Statement (or PreparedStatement or CallableStatement).     * <p>The returned Connection handle implements the ConnectionProxy interface,     * allowing to retrieve the underlying target Connection.     * @return a lazy Connection handle     * @see ConnectionProxy#getTargetConnection()     */    @Override    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {        return (Connection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(                ConnectionProxy.class.getClassLoader(),                new Class[] {ConnectionProxy.class},                new LazyConnectionInvocationHandler());    }    /**     * Return a Connection handle that lazily fetches an actual JDBC Connection     * when asked for a Statement (or PreparedStatement or CallableStatement).     * <p>The returned Connection handle implements the ConnectionProxy interface,     * allowing to retrieve the underlying target Connection.     * @param username the per-Connection username     * @param password the per-Connection password     * @return a lazy Connection handle     * @see ConnectionProxy#getTargetConnection()     */    @Override    public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException {        return (Connection) Proxy.newProxyInstance(                ConnectionProxy.class.getClassLoader(),                new Class[] {ConnectionProxy.class},                new LazyConnectionInvocationHandler(username, password));    }    /**     * Invocation handler that defers fetching an actual JDBC Connection     * until first creation of a Statement.     */    // 代理类的实现代理了 ConnectionProxy 的实现类    private class LazyConnectionInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {        private String username;        private String password;        private Boolean readOnly = Boolean.FALSE;        private Integer transactionIsolation;        private Boolean autoCommit;        private boolean closed = false;        private Connection target;        public LazyConnectionInvocationHandler() {            this.autoCommit = defaultAutoCommit();            this.transactionIsolation = defaultTransactionIsolation();        }        public LazyConnectionInvocationHandler(String username, String password) {            this();            this.username = username;            this.password = password;        }        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {            // Invocation on ConnectionProxy interface coming in...            // 以下的这些 if …… else 的判断,主要就是通过排除法锁定prepareStatement 方法            // 只要 method.getName 不为:prepareStatement 则spring都使用了硬编码做了模拟方法实现,可以仔细分析一下源代码            if (method.getName().equals("equals")) {                // We must avoid fetching a target Connection for "equals".                // Only consider equal when proxies are identical.                return (proxy == args[0]);            }            else if (method.getName().equals("hashCode")) {                // We must avoid fetching a target Connection for "hashCode",                // and we must return the same hash code even when the target                // Connection has been fetched: use hashCode of Connection proxy.                return System.identityHashCode(proxy);            }            else if (method.getName().equals("unwrap")) {                if (((Class) args[0]).isInstance(proxy)) {                    return proxy;                }            }            else if (method.getName().equals("isWrapperFor")) {                if (((Class) args[0]).isInstance(proxy)) {                    return true;                }            }            else if (method.getName().equals("getTargetConnection")) {                // Handle getTargetConnection method: return underlying connection.                return getTargetConnection(method);            }            // 当没有执行 prepareStatement 方法,则 hasTargetConnection() 的返回值恒为 false             // 但是该 if 逻辑内部恰好排除了 prepareStatement 方法的执行,            // 也就是说当 Connection 执行 prepareStatement 时会进入else 的处理逻辑            if (!hasTargetConnection()) {                // No physical target Connection kept yet ->                // resolve transaction demarcation methods without fetching                // a physical JDBC Connection until absolutely necessary.                if (method.getName().equals("toString")) {                    return "Lazy Connection proxy for target DataSource [" + getTargetDataSource() + "]";                }                else if (method.getName().equals("isReadOnly")) {                    return this.readOnly;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("setReadOnly")) {                    this.readOnly = (Boolean) args[0];                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("getTransactionIsolation")) {                    if (this.transactionIsolation != null) {                        return this.transactionIsolation;                    }                    // Else fetch actual Connection and check there,                    // because we didn't have a default specified.                }                else if (method.getName().equals("setTransactionIsolation")) {                    this.transactionIsolation = (Integer) args[0];                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("getAutoCommit")) {                    if (this.autoCommit != null) {                        return this.autoCommit;                    }                    // Else fetch actual Connection and check there,                    // because we didn't have a default specified.                }                else if (method.getName().equals("setAutoCommit")) {                    this.autoCommit = (Boolean) args[0];                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("commit")) {                    // Ignore: no statements created yet.                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("rollback")) {                    // Ignore: no statements created yet.                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("getWarnings")) {                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("clearWarnings")) {                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("close")) {                    // Ignore: no target connection yet.                    this.closed = true;                    return null;                }                else if (method.getName().equals("isClosed")) {                    return this.closed;                }                else if (this.closed) {                    // Connection proxy closed, without ever having fetched a                    // physical JDBC Connection: throw corresponding SQLException.                    throw new SQLException("Illegal operation: connection is closed");                }            }            // Target Connection already fetched,            // or target Connection necessary for current operation ->            // invoke method on target connection.            try {                // Connection 执行 prepareStatement 时会执行到此处,invoke方法执行的时候第一个参数调用的方法将会初始化:target                 return method.invoke(getTargetConnection(method), args);            }            catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {                throw ex.getTargetException();            }        }        /**         * Return whether the proxy currently holds a target Connection.         */        private boolean hasTargetConnection() {            return (this.target != null);        }        /**         * Return the target Connection, fetching it and initializing it if necessary.         */        private Connection getTargetConnection(Method operation) throws SQLException {            if (this.target == null) {                // No target Connection held -> fetch one.                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {                    logger.debug("Connecting to database for operation '" + operation.getName() + "'");                }                // 根据条件,最终会从目标数据源上获取到数据库的链接 Connection                 // Fetch physical Connection from DataSource.                this.target = (this.username != null) ?                        getTargetDataSource().getConnection(this.username, this.password) :                        getTargetDataSource().getConnection();                // If we still lack default connection properties, check them now.                checkDefaultConnectionProperties(this.target);                // Apply kept transaction settings, if any.                if (this.readOnly) {                    try {                        this.target.setReadOnly(this.readOnly);                    }                    catch (Exception ex) {                        // "read-only not supported" -> ignore, it's just a hint anyway                        logger.debug("Could not set JDBC Connection read-only", ex);                    }                }                if (this.transactionIsolation != null &&                        !this.transactionIsolation.equals(defaultTransactionIsolation())) {                    this.target.setTransactionIsolation(this.transactionIsolation);                }                if (this.autoCommit != null && this.autoCommit != this.target.getAutoCommit()) {                    this.target.setAutoCommit(this.autoCommit);                }            }            else {                // Target Connection already held -> return it.                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {                    logger.debug("Using existing database connection for operation '" + operation.getName() + "'");                }            }            return this.target;        }    }}


(1)、测试用例使用了Mybatis框架,跟踪源码可以发现Connection执行非 prepareStatement 方法,都将被代理类做一次排除、模拟实际的方法执行


(2)、只有Connection执行 prepareStatement 方法的之后才会执行到截图中的代码



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