
来源:互联网 发布:java中怎么求绝对值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 21:16


友元函数(Friend Function)

Hiding data inside a class and letting only class member functions have direct access to private data is a very important OOP concept.
But C++ also provides another of function to access members in class  friend functions
friend functions are not member functions but can still access class private members
– defined outside of class scope

Reasons to have friend functions:
– to access private members of two or more different classes
– for I/O or operator functions



– placed inside the class definition and preceded by the friend keyword
– defined outside the class as a normal, nonmember function
– called like a normal non-member function.
If a function is a friend of two or more different classes, each class must contain the friend function prototype within its body.
A friend function cannot be inherited but can be a member of one class.


1. 类内声明(要加friend修饰词),类外定义(不能加friend修饰词)

2. 不能被继承。

3. 友元函数不是成员函数!使用的时候,一定不能写 obj1.myFriendFun1();!因为不是成员函数!点不出来的!

友元类(Friend Classes)

An entire class can be a friend of another class 
can be used when all member functions of one class should access the data of another class
– require prototypes to be placed within each class individually

An entire class can be designed as friend
– all its member functions automatically granted a friendship by the class
– but “class B is a friend of class A” does not imply “class A is a friend of class B”

//in CPoint.hclass CPoint {friend class CLine; // 我(CPoint)把你(CLine)当朋友,你就可以取到我的东西int x, y;void Offset(int diff) {x += diff; y += diff;}public:CPoint() { x=0; y=0; }CPoint(int a, int b) { x=a; y=b; }void set(int a, int b) {x=a; y=b;} void Print() {cout << x << “ ” << y << endl;}};
//in CLine.hclass CLine {CPoint p1, p2;public:CLine(int x, int y, int w, int z) {p1.x = x; p1.y = y; //access privatep2.x = w; p2.y = z; }void Print()() {//call public Print in CPointcout << “Point 1:”; p1.Print();cout << “Point 2:”; p2.Print(); }void Display() {offset(p1,100); //call friend funcp2.Offset(200); //call private funcPrint(p1, p2); }};

e.g. A为了访问B中的成员变量,就用set和get不就好了吗……

嵌套类(Nested Class)


e.g. xxxButton.setOnClickListener(new xxxListener() {


 void xxxOnClick(Event e) {





Nested class cannot access any private member of the outer class by default.


e.g.  在外部类A中声明嵌套类B是它的朋友,friend class B;

Inner class is not visible globally.

A nested class CTwo in COne can have the same kind of members as a nonnested class.


class Chain { //outer classpublic:class Item { //all members are privatefriend class Chain;Item(int val = 0); //constructorItem *next; //point to its own classint val;};//...private:Item *chain;Item *at_end;};

注意,在List中,这个Item * next不是自己指向自己,而是说,可以指向这个相同class的实例!


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