Icon class生成器(Python)

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 安装 sublime 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 02:22

Icon class生成器(Python)



  1. 所有的icon的一倍图片,与本脚本放到一起(全部英文命名)

    • 图片命名与class一致,对应三种尺寸标记为1,2,3号.所有图片存储位置为:src/public/assets/images.
    • class命名: 图标名称+图标状态(N:normal;O:on;C:click;D:disable)
    • 使用者不关心图片大小.(^o^)/~
    • 注:图标最多有4种情况,个别图标可能不足4种,请勿强求.
  2. 运行脚本

    • python iconClass.py
  3. 将输出的内容copy到一个可以格式化的地方(比如webstream)

  4. 格式化一下,然后利用全局替换,把图片路径换一下。

  5. 最后结构:
/*以下参照UI20161220提供的图标*/@media all and (max-width: 1280px) {    /*置顶*/    .putTopN {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopN1.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopN:hover {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopC1.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopC {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopC1.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopD {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopD1.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }}@media all and (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1920px) {    /*置顶*/    .putTopN {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopN2.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopN:hover {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopC2.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopC {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopC2.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopD {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopD2.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }}@media all and (min-width: 1920px) {    /*置顶*/    .putTopN {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopN3.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopN:hover {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopC3.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopC {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopC3.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }    .putTopD {        display: inline-block;        width: 18px;        height: 18px;        background: url(../images/putTopD3.png) no-repeat;        background-size: 100% 100%;    }}


# coding: utf8import osfrom PIL import Image# 获取指定图片的长和宽def imgSize(imgPath):    img = Image.open(imgPath)    return img.size# 获得.png的图片def judjepng(filename):        if os.path.isfile( filename ):            a,b = os.path.splitext( filename )            if b == ".png":                return 1;        else:            return 0;def getFileList( p ):        p = str( p )        if p=="":              return [ ]        if p[ -1] != "/":             p = p+"/"        a = os.listdir( p )        b = [ x   for x in a if judjepng( p + x )==1 ]        return bpath = os.getcwd();imgPaths = getFileList( path )for imgPath1 in imgPaths:    a,b = os.path.splitext( imgPath1 )    imgsize = imgSize(imgPath1)    classname = "." + a[:-1] +"{display: inline-block;width: "+str(imgsize[0])+"px;height: "+str(imgsize[1])+"px;background: url(../images/"+ a +".png) no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;}"    print classname


    classname = "." + a[:-2] +"N:hover{display: inline-block;width: "+str(imgsize[0])+"px;height: "+str(imgsize[1])+"px;background: url(../images/"+ a +".png) no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;}"    #   classname = "." + a[:-1] +"{display: inline-block;width: "+str(imgsize[0])+"px;height: "+str(imgsize[1])+"px;background: url(../images/"+ a +".png) no-repeat;background-size: 100% 100%;}"    #   print " <td><span class=\" "+ a[:-1] + "\"></span></td><td>" + a[:-1] + "</td>"    print classname
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