
来源:互联网 发布:红警2mac添加地图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 22:35
  1. 本文件假设你有c++和多进程编程的基础知识。
  2. swoole进程间通信可以使用套接字(swoole_process::write/ swoole_process::read),也可以使用消息队列(push/pop)。本文的只讲述套接字通信部分。
  3. 本文使用的swoole源码为1.9版本

1. swoole_process中的__construct和start究竟做了什么

为了说明swoole进程间是如何使用unix socket进行通信的,我们先从源码入手,看看__construct和start函数究竟做了些什么。对于源码,我们只选取和本问题相关的部分进行解读。

1.1 __construct

swoole_process.c static PHP_METHOD(swoole_process, __construct){    /*pipe_type即是__constrct的第三参数$create_pipe, 默认为2*/    long pipe_type = 2;    if (pipe_type > 0)    {        swPipe *_pipe = emalloc(sizeof(swWorker));        int socket_type = pipe_type == 1 ? SOCK_STREAM : ,SOCK_DGRAM;        /*创建pipe, 本质是套接字*/        if (swPipeUnsock_create(_pipe, 1, socket_type) < 0)        {            RETURN_FALSE;        }        process->pipe_object = _pipe;        /*获取主进程用于读写的文件描述符*/        process->pipe_master = _pipe->getFd(_pipe, SW_PIPE_MASTER);        /*获取工作进程用于读写的文件描述符*/        process->pipe_worker = _pipe->getFd(_pipe, SW_PIPE_WORKER);         process->pipe = process->pipe_master;        /*对当前swoole_process对象(php中new出的)的属性值pipe进行赋值*/        zend_update_property_long(swoole_process_class_entry_ptr, getThis(), ZEND_STRL("pipe"), process->pipe_master TSRMLS_CC)}


pipe/PipeUnsock.c int swPipeUnsock_create(swPipe *p, int blocking, int protocol){    p->blocking = blocking;    /*创建本地套接字*/    ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, protocol, 0, object->socks);    if (ret < 0)    {        swWarn("socketpair() failed. Error: %s [%d]", strerror(errno), errno);        return SW_ERR;    }    else    {        /*         * swoole_config.h:#define SW_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE      (8*1024*1024)         * 由此可知套接字buffer大小为8M         */        int sbsize = SwooleG.socket_buffer_size;        swSocket_set_buffer_size(object->socks[0], sbsize);        swSocket_set_buffer_size(object->socks[1], sbsize);    }    return 0;}

1.2 start

swoole_process.cstatic PHP_METHOD(swoole_process, start){    swWorker *process = swoole_get_object(getThis());    /*     * 创建进程     * 注意:     * 1. 创建后父子进程中各有一个swoole_process对象,它们是双胞胎。     * 2. 子进程继承父进程打开的文件描述符,所以之前__construct时创建的套接子,子进程中也有一份     */    pid_t pid = fork();    if (pid < 0)    {        swoole_php_fatal_error(E_WARNING, "fork() failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);        RETURN_FALSE;    }    /*主进程逻辑*/    else if (pid > 0)    {        process->pid = pid;        process->child_process = 0;        zend_update_property_long(swoole_server_class_entry_ptr, getThis(), ZEND_STRL("pid"), process->pid TSRMLS_CC);        RETURN_LONG(pid);    }    /*子进程逻辑*/    else    {        process->child_process = 1;        SW_CHECK_RETURN(php_swoole_process_start(process, getThis() TSRMLS_CC));    }    RETURN_TRUE;}


swoole_process.cint php_swoole_process_start(swWorker *process, zval *object TSRMLS_DC){    /*     * 设置子进程中的swoole_process用于通信的描述符     * 对比前文,主进程中的swoole_process使用的是process->pipe_master     */    process->pipe = process->pipe_worker;    process->pid = getpid();    /*更新子进程中swoole_process(php对象)的相应属性*/    zend_update_property_long(swoole_process_class_entry_ptr, object, ZEND_STRL("pid"), process->pid TSRMLS_CC);    zend_update_property_long(swoole_process_class_entry_ptr, object, ZEND_STRL("pipe"), process->pipe_worker TSRMLS_CC);}


2. 通信原理

2.1 read/write源码解读

swoole_process.cstatic PHP_METHOD(swoole_process, read){    /*默认每次读写大小*/    long buf_size = 8192;    /*上限值*/    if (buf_size > 65536)    {        buf_size = 65536;    }    swWorker *process = swoole_get_object(getThis());    char *buf = emalloc(buf_size + 1);    /*从进程中保留的套接字中读取数据*/    int ret = read(process->pipe, buf, buf_size);;    /*设置php函数swoole_process->read返回值*/    SW_ZVAL_STRINGL(return_value, buf, ret, 0);}
swoole_process.cstatic PHP_METHOD(swoole_process, write){    int ret;    /*以下两种情况的本质都是调用write函数向process-pipe中写入数据*/    //async write    if (SwooleG.main_reactor)    {        ret = SwooleG.main_reactor->write(SwooleG.main_reactor, process->pipe, data, (size_t) data_len);    }    else    {        ret = swSocket_write_blocking(process->pipe, data, data_len);    }    ZVAL_LONG(return_value, ret);}

2.2 通信原理总结

1. 父进程使用socketpair创建一对套接字
2. 创建子进程时,子进程继承了这对套接字
3. 父子进程使用系统的read,write函数对各自的套接字进行读写完成通信。
4. 对于多个子进程,父进程其实是为每个子进程创建一对套接字用于通信。
5. 子进程之间的通信,比如A向B发消息,本质是fork A进程时,A从父进程处继承了向B发消息的套接字,从而完成了向B的通信。


3.1 手册中的一个错误




ret = socketpair(AF_UNIX, protocol, 0, object->socks);


The difference between SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM is in the semantics of consuming data out of the socket.

Stream socket allows for reading arbitrary number of bytes, but still preserving byte sequence. In other words, a sender might write 4K of data to the socket, and the receiver can consume that data byte by byte. The other way around is true too - sender can write several small messages to the socket that the receiver can consume in one read. Stream socket does not preserve message boundaries.

Datagram socket, on the other hand, does preserve these boundaries - one write by the sender always corresponds to one read by the receiver (even if receiver’s buffer given to read(2) or recv(2) is smaller then that message).




<?php                                                                                 $process1 = new swoole_process(function($process){                                        $i = 1;                                                                               while (true) {                                                                            $msg = $process->read();                                                              echo $msg,"\n";                                                                       echo "read $i time\n";                                                                $i++;                                                                             }                                                                                 }, false, 1);                                                                         $num = 10;                                                                            $process2 = new swoole_process(function($process) use ($process1, $num){                  for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++){                                                                $msg = $process1->write("hello 1 i'm 2;");                                            if ($i % 5 == 0){                                                                         sleep(1);                                                                         }                                                                                 }                                                                                 });$process2->start();                                                                   $process1->start();  


hello 1 i'm 2;read 1 timehello 1 i'm 2;hello 1 i'm 2;hello 1 i'm 2;read 2 timehello 1 i'm 2;hello 1 i'm 2;read 3 timehello 1 i'm 2;hello 1 i'm 2;read 4 timehello 1 i'm 2;hello 1 i'm 2;read 5 time


hello 1 i'm 2;read 1 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 2 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 3 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 4 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 5 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 6 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 7 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 8 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 9 timehello 1 i'm 2;read 10 time


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