
来源:互联网 发布:模拟美股软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:15
黄山银钩简介 "汪满田"牌黄山银钩茶,采用滴水香良种茶树新芽为原料,经杀青,揉捻,烘焙,毛火,做型,体香等工序,结合科技创新工艺精制而成。其外形鲜嫩钩曲,具有高香持久,味浓鲜醇,回味甘甜,汤色明亮等特点。是喝浓茶,喝好茶的理想选择。
HuangshanYingou of Warmtea brand is the superior grade of Huangshan Maofeng, 
which is plucked when the dishuixiang tea leaves are at a very young stage with only a 
sprout and a single unfolding leaf. Processed and refined after being picked, this 
kind oftea has following characteristics: a shape of moutain peak with a hook-like tip, 
magnolia-like fragrance which can last long time, strong flavor and transparent soup. 
Therefore, HuangshanYingou of Warmtea brand is an ideal tea for the persons who prefer to 
strong taste and good quality tea.
pluck  [plʌk] 摘;拔;采摘;拔掉leaves “leaf”的复数 叶子;树叶sprout [spraʊt] [n]苗;新芽;嫩枝 [v]发芽;抽条;生长;抽芽only a sprout and a single unfoldingleaf.  一芽一叶初展(不知道对不对,看搜狗百科[1]和其他资料都是 一芽两叶初展)Processed and refined 加工精炼hook-like 钩状magnolia [mæg'nəʊlɪə]  n. [植] 木兰;玉兰类的植物fragrance ['freɪgr(ə)ns] n. 香味,芬芳magnolia-like fragrance which can last longtime   高香持久flavor n. 情味,风味;香料;滋味transparent [træn'spær(ə)nt; trɑːn-; -'speə-]  adj. 透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的浓茶 strong taste tea好茶 good quality tea



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