
来源:互联网 发布:网络教育专科学费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:50

3. 卡尔曼滤波二维平面目标跟踪中的应用

jupyter notebook写的。

import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inline



#这里是假设A=1,H=1的情况  # intial parameters  n_iter = 50  sz = (n_iter,) # size of array  x = -0.37727 # truth value (typo in example at top of p. 13 calls this z)  z = np.random.normal(x,0.1,size=sz) # observations (normal about x, sigma=0.1)  Q = 1e-5 # process variance  
# allocate space for arrays  xhat=np.zeros(sz)      # a posteri estimate of x  P=np.zeros(sz)         # a posteri error estimate  xhatminus=np.zeros(sz) # a priori estimate of x  Pminus=np.zeros(sz)    # a priori error estimate  K=np.zeros(sz)         # gain or blending factor  R = 0.1**2 # estimate of measurement variance, change to see effect 
# intial guesses  xhat[0] = 0.0  P[0] = 1.0  for k in range(1,n_iter):      # time update      xhatminus[k] = xhat[k-1]  #X(k|k-1) = AX(k-1|k-1) + BU(k) + W(k),A=1,BU(k) = 0      Pminus[k] = P[k-1]+Q      #P(k|k-1) = AP(k-1|k-1)A' + Q(k) ,A=1      # measurement update      K[k] = Pminus[k]/( Pminus[k]+R ) #Kg(k)=P(k|k-1)H'/[HP(k|k-1)H' + R],H=1      xhat[k] = xhatminus[k]+K[k]*(z[k]-xhatminus[k]) #X(k|k) = X(k|k-1) + Kg(k)[Z(k) - HX(k|k-1)], H=1      P[k] = (1-K[k])*Pminus[k] #P(k|k) = (1 - Kg(k)H)P(k|k-1), H=1  
plt.figure()  plt.plot(z,'k+',label='noisy measurements')     #测量值  plt.plot(xhat,'b-',label='a posteri estimate')  #过滤后的值  plt.axhline(x,color='g',label='truth value')    #系统值  plt.legend()  plt.xlabel('Iteration')  plt.ylabel('Voltage')  
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe524000630>


plt.figure()  valid_iter = range(1,n_iter) # Pminus not valid at step 0  plt.plot(valid_iter,Pminus[valid_iter],label='a priori error estimate')  plt.xlabel('Iteration')  plt.ylabel('$(Voltage)^2$')  plt.setp(plt.gca(),'ylim',[0,.01])  plt.show()  



原地址:【卡尔曼滤波器-Python】The g-h filter , 有修改。


z=np.array([158.0, 164.2, 160.3, 159.9, 162.1, 164.6, 169.6, 167.4, 166.4, 171.0, 171.2, 172.6]) x=np.arange(160, 172, 1) er=z-x plt.figure()plt.scatter(er,np.zeros(12)) plt.show() print('mean:',np.mean(er)) print('var:',np.var(er))


mean: 0.108333333333var: 4.50409722222





# intial parametersz=np.array([158.0, 164.2, 160.3, 159.9, 162.1, 164.6, 169.6, 167.4, 166.4, 171.0, 171.2, 172.6]) A=1B=1u_k=1Q=0H=1R=4.5# allocate space for arrays  sz=12xhat=np.zeros(sz)      # a posteri estimate of x  P=np.zeros(sz)         # a posteri error estimate  xhatminus=np.zeros(sz) # a priori estimate of x  Pminus=np.zeros(sz)    # a priori error estimate  K=np.zeros(sz)         # gain or blending factor  
# intial guesses  xhat[0] = 160 #设为真实值 P[0] = 1.0  for k in range(1,sz):      # time update      xhatminus[k] = A*xhat[k-1]+B*u_k  #X(k|k-1) = AX(k-1|k-1) + BU(k) + W(k),A=1,BU(k) = 0      Pminus[k] = A*P[k-1]*A+Q      #P(k|k-1) = AP(k-1|k-1)A' + Q(k) ,A=1      # measurement update      K[k] = Pminus[k]*H/(H*Pminus[k]*H + R ) #Kg(k)=P(k|k-1)H'/[HP(k|k-1)H' + R],H=1      xhat[k] = xhatminus[k]+K[k]*(z[k]-xhatminus[k]) #X(k|k) = X(k|k-1) + Kg(k)[Z(k) - HX(k|k-1)], H=1      P[k] = (1-K[k])*Pminus[k] #P(k|k) = (1 - Kg(k)H)P(k|k-1), H=1  
plt.figure()  plt.plot(z,'k+',label='noisy measurements')     #测量值  plt.plot(xhat,'b-',label='a posteri estimate')  #过滤后的值  plt.plot(x,color='g',label='truth value')    #系统值  plt.legend()  plt.xlabel('Iteration')  plt.ylabel('weight')  
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe52400aef0>


3. 卡尔曼滤波二维平面目标跟踪中的应用用

参见:opencv官方文档 cv::KalmanFilter::KalmanFilter ( )

好,现在卡尔曼滤波肯定已经搞明白了。但是图像处理中的目标跟踪,我的观测值从哪来? 这句话简直太重要了,关于这个这的就因人而异了,卡尔曼滤波嘛,只是滤波而异,说白了是在最后一步对噪声的一个处理。至少我是这么想的,重点在于调参。

import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlineimport retip_coordinate_re=re.compile(r'^(\d+):\s(\d+)\s(\d+)$')tip_coordinate_x=[]tip_coordinate_y=[]with open('endPoint_estimation.txt') as f:    for line in f.readlines():        tip_coordinate_x.append(float(tip_coordinate_re.match(line.strip()).group(2)))        tip_coordinate_y.append(float(tip_coordinate_re.match(line.strip()).group(3)))plt.plot(tip_coordinate_x, tip_coordinate_y, '-')plt.show()


import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef kalman_xy(x, P, measurement, R,              motion = np.matrix('0. 0. 0. 0.').T,              Q = np.matrix(np.eye(4))):    """    Parameters:        x: initial state 4-tuple of location and velocity: (x0, x1, x0_dot, x1_dot)    P: initial uncertainty convariance matrix    measurement: observed position    R: measurement noise     motion: external motion added to state vector x    Q: motion noise (same shape as P)    """    return kalman(x, P, measurement, R, motion, Q,                  F = np.matrix('''                      1. 0. 1. 0.;                      0. 1. 0. 1.;                      0. 0. 1. 0.;                      0. 0. 0. 1.                      '''),                  H = np.matrix('''                      1. 0. 0. 0.;                      0. 1. 0. 0.'''))def kalman(x, P, measurement, R, motion, Q, F, H):    '''    Parameters:    x: initial state    P: initial uncertainty convariance matrix    measurement: observed position (same shape as H*x)    R: measurement noise (same shape as H)    motion: external motion added to state vector x    Q: motion noise (same shape as P)    F: next state function: x_prime = F*x    H: measurement function: position = H*x    Return: the updated and predicted new values for (x, P)    See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter    This version of kalman can be applied to many different situations by    appropriately defining F and H     '''    # UPDATE x, P based on measurement m        # distance between measured and current position-belief    y = np.matrix(measurement).T - H * x    S = H * P * H.T + R  # residual convariance    K = P * H.T * S.I    # Kalman gain    x = x + K*y    I = np.matrix(np.eye(F.shape[0])) # identity matrix    P = (I - K*H)*P    # PREDICT x, P based on motion    x = F*x + motion    P = F*P*F.T + Q    return x, Pdef demo_kalman_xy():    x = np.matrix('0. 0. 0. 0.').T  #initial state 4-tuple of location and velocity    P = np.matrix(np.eye(4))*1000 # initial uncertainty#    N = 20#    true_x = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, N)#    true_y = true_x**2#    observed_x = true_x + 0.05*np.random.random(N)*true_x#    observed_y = true_y + 0.05*np.random.random(N)*true_y    observed_x = tip_coordinate_x    observed_y = tip_coordinate_y    plt.plot(observed_x, observed_y, 'ro')    result = []#    R = 0.01**2    R = 0.01**2    for meas in zip(observed_x, observed_y):        x, P = kalman_xy(x, P, meas, R)        result.append((x[:2]).tolist())    kalman_x, kalman_y = zip(*result)    plt.plot(kalman_x, kalman_y, 'g-')    plt.show()demo_kalman_xy()

卡尔曼滤波部分的代码写得真好,声明不是本人所写,出自kalman 2d filter in python
。另外也可以参考下论文基于Kalman 预测的人体运动目标跟踪 。

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