uFrame 1.6杂乱笔记与一些翻译

来源:互联网 发布:百度推广搜索seo 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 18:36

The Kernel
The Kernel是uFrame的本质,负责处理加载场景,系统和服务。

System Loaders
System Loaders常用语初始化信息。


  • 主要负责ViewModel(Unity中uFrame框架附带了Controller)部分
    For example, Player element could contain information about player properties like health, running speed, obtained weapons or
    actions; Shoot, TakeDamage or Die.

  • Inheritance(继承)

    如下图,可以连接两个elements,后者继承前者。 SettingsScreen Element will contain the IsActive property and Close command of its parent SubScreen.这里写图片描述


  • 游戏中的表现层(数据来源与绑定ViewModel)。
    For instance, a PlayerView should probably exist on some kind of Player GameObject, and a PlayerHUDView should probably exist on some
    kind of GUI GameObject to bind to and express a player’s stats and
    other properties.

  • Important Methods(可以重写)
    All Views inherit from a ViewBase class. Here are the most important methods. You can override all of them.
    View匹配ViewModel时的一些初始化。不勾选Initialize ViewModel则不被执行
    This happens before the View begins creating bindings to its given ViewModel.
    This is where the View actually creates property bindings, collection bindings, and command bindings to the given ViewModel. The base.Bind() call will automatically create the bindings specified in the uFrame diagram for this specific View type.If you have any further manual bindings you need to do, this can be agood place to implement them.
    This is called immediately after the View creates bindings to its ViewModel.

  • Inspector options
    ViewModel Indentifier 关联的ViewModel的标识,可指定。
    Dispose On Destroy 若勾选上, View被销毁是,ViewModel也被销毁。
    Initialize ViewModel 是否自己来初始化ViewModel属性值。

  • Bindings

  • Execution Order
    For Views instantiated at runtime
    Awake > OnEnable > PreBind > Bind > AfterBind >InitializeViewModel > Start > Update loop begins
    For Views existing “SceneFirst” before runtime
    Awake > OnEnable > CreateModel > InitializeViewModel > Start (before base call) > PreBind > Bind >AfterBind > Start (after base call)
    When Destroying an object
    OnDisable > OnDestroy (before base.OnDestroy() call) >UnBind > OnDestroy (after base.OnDestroy() call)

View components

  • 用于扩展View的功能(一些方法)。


  • 用于定义新的属性类型给Elements使用。

Scene Types

  • 为了使用uFrame加载/卸载场景,必须使用Scene Types创建以便于给uFrame识别。
    可以多个场景共用一个Scene Types(有什么意义?案例中的选择关卡,多个关卡场景共用一个Scene Types)

  • Scene Types存在在一个场景的游戏入口,因为uFrame需要知道哪些场景被加载和保存 场景的引用,在需要移除场景时。

  • Scene Type Settings
    可以使用它来pass data给场景加载。

  • Generated Scene Types Scene Type是mono behaviour。让uFrame关联监听场景(当场景加载或被卸载时)。

  • Scene Loader
    一个Scene Type生成一个Scene Loader,交给uFrame Kernel管理。
    专门负责对应的Scene Type加载/卸载的一些功能。
    LoadScene() 对应 Unity’s LoadSceneAdditively()
    UnloadScene() 对应 the scene root game object is destroyed

  • Execution Order
    When you enter play mode, first executed will be the Start() method which is responsible for loading the kernel. You can override
    the KernelLoading() method to execute custom code before the kernel
    starts loading and the KernelLoaded() to execute custom code after
    the kernel finish loading.
    After the kernel is loaded, a SceneAwakeEvent is published. Read more in the Events page.
    SceneManagementService will receive this event, find a Scene Loader for the Scene Type and call its Load() coroutine.

Service Node

  • Service也是交给uFrame Kernel管理。

Simple Classes(看文档)

  • 自定义的类。

Type References(看文档)

  • 可以指定新的类型在其他Nodes使用。

  • 自定义类型,不被uFrame创建

Command Node

  • 能被事件系统订阅。

Computed Properties

  • 根据properties来计算得出另一些属性。比如血量少于0则得出死亡属性。


  • ViewModels当需要时存在内存中。如果运行时View存在在场景中,它将会执行ViewCreatedEvent,ViewService将会匹配指定绑定的ViewModel,如果不存在则创建。大概只存在一个。

  • Creation And Initialization
    Creating a ViewModel with the Extension Method 在uframe 1.6中是通过额外的方法(使用正确的controller)创建ViewModel this.CreateViewModel()

Designer Overview

  • For instance, a PlayerView should probably exist on some kind of
    Player GameObject, and a PlayerHUDView should probably exist on some
    kind of GUI GameObject to bind to and express a player’s stats and
    other properties.
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