循序渐进讲解 Python 装饰器

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云部署git服务器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 01:15

循序渐进讲解 Python 装饰器

1. 装饰器简介

装饰器被加到 Python 中是为了使对函数和方法的包装(wrapping)更容易阅读和理解。最初的使用场景是:为了能够在方法定义的头部通过装饰器让其定义成类方法或静态方法。如果没有装饰器语法,想要定义静态方法或类方法时,就必须使用一种很少见又啰嗦的定义方式:

class WithoutDecorators:    def some_static_method():        print("this is static method")    some_static_method = staticmethod(some_static_method)    def some_class_method(cls):        print("this is class method")    some_class_method = classmethod(some_class_method)


class WithDecorators:    @staticmethod    def some_static_method():        print("this is static method")    @classmethod    def some_class_method(cls):        print("this is class method")

2. 装饰器的语法和可能实现

通常来说,装饰器是一个具名对象(即,不可以是 lambda 表达式是不允许的),调用时它接受单个参数(被装饰的那个函数),并且返回另一个可调用对象。这里说返回可调用对象,而不说返回函数是有原因的。尽管讨论装饰器时,常将其限定在方法和函数这个范围内,但其实装饰圈不只局限于这两个方面。事实上,任何可调用对象(实现了 __call__ 方法的对象都是可调用的 )都能被当作装饰器,并且这些装饰器返回的对象常常不是简单的函数,而是实现了自己的 __call__ 方法的更复杂类的实例。


@some_decoratordef decorated_function():    pass

def decorated_function():    passdecorated_function = some_decorator(decorated_function)


Note:其实装饰器甚至不需要返回可调用对象。事实上任何函数都可以被用作装饰器,因为 Python 并未强制装饰器的返回值类型。因此使用一些接受单个参数,并且不返回可调用对象的函数(如,str)作为装饰器,在语法上是完全合法的。但是如果用户尝试调用经过这样装饰出来的对象的话,最终会失败。不管怎么说,这种装饰器语法,能让我们做一些有趣的实验。

3. 函数形式的装饰器定义


def mydecorator(function):    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):        # do some stuff before the original        # function gets called        result = function(*args, **kwargs)        # do some stuff after function call and        # return the result        return result    # return wrapper as a decorated function    return wrapped

4. 类形式的装饰器定义


class DecoratorAsClass:    def __init__(self, function):        self.function = function    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):        # do some stuff before the original        # function gets called        result = self.function(*args, **kwargs)        # do some stuff after function call and        # return the result        return result

5. 带参数的装饰器


def repeat(number=3):"""Cause decorated function to be repeated a number of times.Last value of original function call is returned as a result:param number: number of repetitions, 3 if not specified"""    def actual_decorator(function):        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):            result = None            for _ in range(number):            result = function(*args, **kwargs)            return result        return wrapper    return actual_decorator


>>> @repeat(2)... def foo():...     print("foo")...>>> foo()foofoo


>>> @repeat()... def bar():...     print("bar")...>>> bar()barbarbar


>>> @repeat... def bar():...     pass...>>> bar()Traceback (most recent call last):File "<input>", line 1, in <module>TypeError: actual_decorator() missing 1 required positional argument: 'function'

6. 自省保护装饰器(Introspection preserving decorators)



def dummy_decorator(function):    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):        """Internal wrapped function documentation."""        return function(*args, **kwargs)    return wrapped@dummy_decoratordef function_with_important_docstring():    """This is important docstring we do not want to lose."""

如果我们在 Python 交互式 Shell 里面检查这个被装饰的函数,我们会发现它已经丢掉了原先的名字和文档字符串:

>>> function_with_important_docstring.__name__'wrapped'>>> function_with_important_docstring.__doc__'Internal wrapped function documentation.'

这个问题的一个解决方法是使用 functools 模块提供的内置装饰器 wraps():

from functools import wrapsdef preserving_decorator(function):    @wraps(function)    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):        """Internal wrapped function documentation."""        return function(*args, **kwargs)    return wrapped@preserving_decoratordef function_with_important_docstring():    """This is important docstring we do not want to lose."""


>>> function_with_important_docstring.__name__'function_with_important_docstring.'>>> function_with_important_docstring.__doc__'This is important docstring we do not want to lose.'

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