
来源:互联网 发布:networkconnect mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 00:42


//-// ==========================================================================// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.//// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic// or hard copy form.// ==========================================================================//+#include <maya/MStatus.h>#include <maya/MString.h> #include <maya/MFileIO.h>#include <maya/MLibrary.h>#include <maya/MIOStream.h>#include <string.h>const char* usage = "usage: [-h/help] asciiToBinary fileName1 fileName2 ...\n\       each file will be loaded, the filename will be checked for an\n\       extension.  If one is found it will be change to .mb, otherwise a\n\       .mb will be appended to the file name.  The scene will then be\n\       written out to this new filename in Maya Binary format.\n";int main(int argc, char **argv){MStatus stat;argc--, argv++;if (argc == 0) {cerr << usage;return(1);}for (; argc && argv[0][0] == '-'; argc--, argv++) {if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[0], "-help")) {cerr << usage;return(1);}// Check for other valid flagsif (argv[0][0] == '-') {// Unknown flagcerr << usage;return(1);}}stat = MLibrary::initialize (argv[0]);if (!stat) {stat.perror("MLibrary::initialize");return 1;}/*for (; argc; argc--, argv++) {*/MStringfileName(argv[0]);MString fileType;MFileIO::newFile(true);// Load the file into Mayastat = MFileIO::open(fileName);if ( !stat ) {stat.perror(fileName.asChar());/*continue;*/}//尝试修改一下,如果是mb格式的话,转为ma格式// Check to see if file is already in binary formatfileType = MFileIO::fileType();if (fileType == MString("mayaBinary")){cerr << fileName << ": already in mayaBinary format\n";MString newFile;int loc = fileName.rindex('.');if (loc == -1) {newFile = fileName;} else {newFile = fileName.substring(0, loc-1);}newFile += ".ma";stat = MFileIO::saveAs(newFile, "mayaAscii");if (stat)cerr << fileName<< ": resaved as "<< MFileIO::currentFile()<< endl;elsestat.perror(newFile.asChar());/*continue;*/}// Check for a file extension, and if one exists, change it// to .mb.  If an extension does not exist, append a .mb to// the fileName.MString newFile;int loc = fileName.rindex('.');if (loc == -1) {newFile = fileName;} else {newFile = fileName.substring(0, loc-1);}newFile += ".mb";stat = MFileIO::saveAs(newFile, "mayaBinary");if (stat)cerr << fileName << ": resaved as "     << MFileIO::currentFile() << endl;elsestat.perror(newFile.asChar());/*}*/MLibrary::cleanup();return 0;}
2、我编译好的程序。  提取码: Tf9vkdYL


a、把asciiToBinary.exe复制到和maya.exe同级目录下,比如我的是:‘D:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin”

b、把需要转换的文件复制到和maya.exe同级目录下,比如我的是:‘D:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin”

c、使用命令行cd到maya.exe目录下,使用命令行:asciiToBinary.exe “”(ma转mb)或asciiToBinary.exe “xxx.mb”(mb转ma)

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