
来源:互联网 发布:域名为什么会被墙 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:00



PC(Windows, OSX, Linux等),移动端(Android,IOS,WP等)及电子设备(MCU,ARM等)。




最近看到百度的天工物接入的一个技术视频,主旨是介绍IOT消息推送和数据交互,《如何做一个千万级并发的物联网接入架构》,很值得学习下 。



经过努力,目前已实现使用平台有:windows、Linux、 android、OSX、ESP8266 non-os,后续有需要,会继续扩展使用平台。




/** function:  msgd_manager_init* Target: initialize the server object and get the handle** para: handle---return handle of the manager instanse*     localIp---the local IP addr to bind when host has multi network hw, default*     listenPort---the port for tcp listen** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_init(MSGDMNGHandle *handle, char *localIp, int listenPort);/** function:  msgd_manager_set_listener* Target: set the callback function to recv the connection event from subcriber and publisher** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init*     evtCb---the connection event callback function*     userData---the private user data when callback function calling** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_set_listener(MSGDMNGHandle handle, MSGD_MANAGER_FUNC_EVT_CB evtCb, void *userData);/** function:  msgd_manager_start* Target: start the working task to accept the connection from subcriber and publisher, and transfer the msg** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_start(MSGDMNGHandle handle);/** function:  msgd_manager_get_client_num* Target: get the register client num by the special clitype** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init*     cliType---the type of the client** return: >=0---successful, this type client num* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_get_client_num(MSGDMNGHandle handle, MSGD_MNG_CLIENT_TYPE_E cliType);/** function:  msgd_manager_get_clients* Target: get the register clients info by the special clitype** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init*     cliType---the type of the client*     startPos---the start position, must small than the num *     outCliInfos---the output info array of the clients buffer*     maxNum---the max size of the outCliInfos** return: >=0---successful, this return client real num* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_get_clients(MSGDMNGHandle handle, MSGD_MNG_CLIENT_TYPE_E cliType, int32_t startPos, MSGD_MNG_CLI_S outCliInfos[], int32_t maxNum);/** function:  msgd_manager_remove_client* Target:   remove the client has connected.** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init*     cliInfo---the client object** return: >=0---successful, this return client real num* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_remove_client(MSGDMNGHandle handle, MSGD_MNG_CLI_S *cliInfo);/** function:  msgd_manager_inject_msgs* Target: inject the msgs not published into the manager when the dstGroup_dstUser online** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init*     msgInfo---the array of publish-msg*     num---the num of the msg array** return: >0---successful, this real num injected success* <=0---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_inject_msgs(MSGDMNGHandle handle, MSGD_MNG_PUBLISH_MSG_S msgInfo[], int32_t num);/** function:  msgd_manager_stop* Target: stop the working task** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_stop(MSGDMNGHandle handle);/** function:  msgd_manager_uninit* Target: stop the working task and destroy the object create by msgd_manager_init** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_manager_init** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_manager_uninit(MSGDMNGHandle *handle);DLLEXPORT const char *msgd_manager_get_current_version();


/** function:  msgd_client_init* Target: initialize the instance conenct to msgd-server and get the handle** para: handle---the return handle of the server instanse*         cliType----register client type, subscriber or publisher, both*         remoteHostIp---the msgd server IP addr*     remoteHostPort---the msgd server port to tcp connect** return: =0---successful* -1---failed**/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_init(MSGDCLIHandle *handle, MSGD_CLIENT_TYPE_E cliType, char *remoteHostIp, int remoteHostPort);/** function:  msgd_client_register_topic* Target: register one group and one user in msgd server for recv msg about this group and user** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init*     groupName---the group listenning message*     userName---the user listenning message** return: =0---successful* -1---failed**/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_register_topic(MSGDCLIHandle handle, char *groupName, char *userName);/** function:  msgd_client_set_keepalive* Target: send the keepalive msg to msgd server when internvalue seconds to keep the tcp connection** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init*     interntimeSec---the intervalue seconds when sending message, must between 1~600 sec*     aliveMsg---the keepalive Msg to send*     aliveMsgLen---the keepalive Msg length, must between 1~128** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_set_keepalive(MSGDCLIHandle handle, int32_t interntimeSec, char *aliveMsg, int32_t aliveMsgLen);/** function:  msgd_client_set_listener* Target: set the callback function to recv the connection event and message from msgd server** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init*     evtCb---the connection event callback function*     msgCb---the msg recv from msgd server callback funtion*     userData---the private user data when callback function calling** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_set_listener(MSGDCLIHandle handle, MSGD_CLIENT_FUNC_EVT_CB evtCb, MSGD_CLIENT_FUNC_MSG_CB msgCb, void *userData);/** function:  msgd_client_start* Target: start the task to listen the message** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init*         encrypt---the encrypt key string for encode the msg** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_start(MSGDCLIHandle handle, char *encrypt);/** function:  msgd_client_send_p2p_msg* Target: send the msg to the dstGroup-dstUser** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init* dstGroup---the dest group name of sending* dstUser---the dest user name of sending* persistTime---the persistent Time(sec) if publishing dstObj offline* msg---the msg content  of publishing* msgLen---the msg content .length of publishing* msgId-----the id of the special msg** return: =0---successful*         -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_send_p2p_msg(MSGDCLIHandle handle, char *dstGroup, char *dstUser, int32_t persistTime, char *msg, int32_t msgLen, int32_t msgId);/** function:  msgd_client_publish_msg* Target: send publish-msg to the dstGroup, and this client must be TYPE=EN_MSGD_CLIENT_TYPE_PUBLISHER or EN_MSGD_CLIENT_TYPE_BOTH** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init* dstGroup---the dest group name of publishing* persistTime---the persistent Time(sec) if publishing dstObj offline* msg---the msg content  of publishing* msgLen---the msg content .length of publishing* msgId-----the id of the special msg** return: =0---successful*         -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_publish_msg(MSGDCLIHandle handle, char *dstGroup, int32_t persistTime, char *msg, int32_t msgLen, int32_t msgId);/** function:  msgd_client_stop* Target: stop the task, not listen the message** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_stop(MSGDCLIHandle handle);/** function:  msgd_client_uninit* Target: stop the task and destroy the object, disconnect to the msgd server** para: handle---the handle create in msgd_client_init, and handle==NULL when success** return: =0---successful* -1---failed*/DLLEXPORT int32_t msgd_client_uninit(MSGDCLIHandle *handle);


基于上面的接口,demo中实现了windows平台server和client端、android平台client端、linux(64位)平台server和client端,SDK及demo请下载SVN库:http://www.smartinhome.cn:8001/svn/msgdRelease,用户名:user, 密码:user





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