differences between zephyr and riot.

来源:互联网 发布:企业备份软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 01:24
riot seems a serious competitor of zephyr.
we should be looked into in more details.Some first impressions:- Zephyr is not brand new: based on commit history, it looks like an Intel/ WindRiver product which has existed for some time, rocket os ?- Zephyr's choice of license (Apache) is surprising for something under theLinux Foundation umbrella which champions (L)GPL licences -- for example:RIOT's license, which is LGPLv2.1.- Zephyr supports few boards, and does not seem to target smaller hardwarebased on 8bit, 16bit, or lower-end 32bit (for instance Cortex M0). On thecontrary, RIOT supports all of these, as well as bigger 32bit hardware(Cortex M3, M4, x86)- Zephyr seems to impose a mode of operation with a single thread whenthere is not plenty of memory, contrary to RIOT.- Zephyr seems to be using Contiki's network stack, which in our opinion issuboptimal.This week some RIOTers have a booth at Embedded World in Nuremberg, whereZephyr also has a booth + talk. Maybe we get some more info at thisoccasion.If you (or anyone else) have more infos, impressions or opinions, pleaseshare!
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