
来源:互联网 发布:苹果越狱软件源大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 09:51



#!/usr/bin/python#coding: utf-8def Partition(res, low, high):    # 把第一个元素作为基准点    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    # 返回中间点的位置    return lowdef Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    if low < high:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)if __name__ == "__main__":    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 51, 24, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 15, 85, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res



[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]  


[0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9]




[0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9]
[0, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9]
[0, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]





#!/usr/bin/python#coding: utf-8def Partition(res, low, high):        # 三数取中法进行优化    # 获取中间的那个数的下表    m = low + (high - low) / 2    if res[low] > res[high]:    res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    if res[m] > res[high]:    res[m], res[high] = res[high], res[m]    # 经过前面的两步讨论,已经使high点索引的元素变成最大的    # 接下来把low点索引的元素变成m和low这两个索引点的最大值    if res[m] > res[low]:    res[m], res[low] = res[low], res[m]    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    # 返回中间点的位置    return lowdef Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    if low < high:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)if __name__ == "__main__":    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 51, 24, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 15, 85, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res


    # 三数取中法进行优化    # 获取中间的那个数的下表    m = low + (high - low) / 2    if res[low] > res[high]:    res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    if res[m] > res[high]:    res[m], res[high] = res[high], res[m]    # 经过前面的两步讨论,已经使high点索引的元素变成最大的    # 接下来把low点索引的元素变成m和low这两个索引点的最大值    if res[m] > res[low]:    res[m], res[low] = res[low], res[m]



[1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]






#!/usr/bin/python#coding: utf-8def Partition(res, low, high):    # 把第一个元素作为基准点    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素交换        res[low] = res[high]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素交换        res[high] = res[low]    res[low] = point    # 返回中间点的位置    return lowdef Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    if low < high:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)if __name__ == "__main__":    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 51, 24, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 15, 85, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res

def Partition(res, low, high):    # 把第一个元素作为基准点    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素交换        res[low] = res[high]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素交换        res[high] = res[low]    res[low] = point    # 返回中间点的位置    return low






#!/usr/bin/python#coding: utf-8def ISort(res, low, high):    def Insert_Sort(res, num):        u"直接插入排序"        for i in range(1, num):            # 如果说当前元素比上一个元素小,则进行交换,把当前的 res[i] 插入到相应的位置            if res[i] < res[i - 1]:                temp = res[i]                j = i - 1                # 继续往前遍历,如果说当前位置的值大于temp的话,则把当前值后移一位                # while语句退出的条件是li列表越界或者是当前j位置的值大于temp                while j >= 0 and res[j] > temp:                    res[j + 1] = res[j]                    j -= 1                # 当前j所表示的是所能放temp的前一位, 所以要加1                res[j + 1] = temp        return res    # 把排序的序列重新赋值给res    res[low : ] = Insert_Sort(res[low : ], high - low + 1)def Partition(res, low, high):    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    # 返回中间点的位置    return lowdef Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    if high - low > 7:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)    else:        # 调用直接插入排序        ISort(res, low, high)if __name__ == "__main__":    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 51, 24, 51]    Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 15, 85, 51]    Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res





#!/usr/bin/python#coding: utf-8def Partition(res, low, high):    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素交换        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    # 返回中间点的位置    return lowdef Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    while low < high:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        if point - low < high - point:        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        low = point + 1        else:        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)        high = point - 1if __name__ == "__main__":    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 51, 24, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 15, 85, 51]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res

def Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    while low < high:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        if point - low < high - point:        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        low = point + 1        else:        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)        high = point - 1



#!/usr/bin/python#coding: utf-8def ISort(res, low, high):    def Insert_Sort(res, num):        u"直接插入排序"        for i in range(1, num):            # 如果说当前元素比上一个元素小,则进行交换,把当前的 res[i] 插入到相应的位置            if res[i] < res[i - 1]:                temp = res[i]                j = i - 1                # 继续往前遍历,如果说当前位置的值大于temp的话,则把当前值后移一位                # while语句退出的条件是li列表越界或者是当前j位置的值大于temp                while j >= 0 and res[j] > temp:                    res[j + 1] = res[j]                    j -= 1                # 当前j所表示的是所能放temp的前一位, 所以要加1                res[j + 1] = temp        return res    # 把排序的序列重新赋值给res    res[low : ] = Insert_Sort(res[low : ], high - low + 1)def Partition(res, low, high):    # 三数取中法进行优化    # 获取中间的那个数的下表    m = low + (high - low) / 2    if res[low] > res[high]:        res[low], res[high] = res[high], res[low]    if res[m] > res[high]:        res[m], res[high] = res[high], res[m]    # 经过前面的两步讨论,已经使high点索引的元素变成最大的    # 接下来把low点索引的元素变成m和low这两个索引点的最大值    if res[m] > res[low]:        res[m], res[low] = res[low], res[m]    point = res[low]    while low < high:        # 把小于基准点的元素都放在基准点的左边,大于基准点的元素都放在基准点的右边        # 接下来的两个while循环中的 <= 和 >= 中不能把等号去掉,如果去掉的话对相同的元素不能排序,在while循环中将死循环        # 从后往前遍历,把小于基准点的元素往前移        while low < high and res[high] >= point:            high -= 1        # 元素赋值        res[low] = res[high]        # 从前往后遍历,把大于基准点的元素往后移        while low < high and res[low] <= point:            low += 1        # 元素赋值        res[high] = res[low]    # 返回中间点的位置    return lowdef Quick_Sort(res, low, high):    if high - low > 7:        # 获取基准点        point = Partition(res, low, high)        # 递归调用基准点的左边        Quick_Sort(res, low, point - 1)        # 递归调用基准点的右边        Quick_Sort(res, point + 1, high)    else:        # 调用直接插入排序        ISort(res, low, high)if __name__ == "__main__":    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 51, 24, 51]    Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [51, 45, 15, 78, 84, 15, 85, 51]    Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res    res = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]      Quick_Sort(res, 0, len(res) - 1)    print res


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