4012: [HNOI2015]开店

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4012: [HNOI2015]开店

Time Limit: 70 Sec  Memory Limit: 512 MB
Submit: 1241  Solved: 536



向什么样的人群。很神奇的是,幻想乡的地图是一个树形结构,幻想乡一共有 n
个地方,编号为 1 到 n,被 n-1 条带权的边连接起来。每个地方都住着一个妖怪,
其中第 i 个地方的妖怪年龄是 x_i。妖怪都是些比较喜欢安静的家伙,所以它们并
不希望和很多妖怪相邻。所以这个树所有顶点的度数都小于或等于 3。妖怪和人一
样,兴趣点随着年龄的变化自然就会变化,比如我们的 18 岁少女幽香和八云紫就
幽香打算选择一个地方 u(u为编号),然后在 u开一家面向年龄在 L到R 之间(即
年龄大于等于 L、小于等于 R)的妖怪的店。也有可能 u这个地方离这些妖怪比较
远,于是幽香就想要知道所有年龄在 L 到 R 之间的妖怪,到点 u 的距离的和是多
少(妖怪到 u 的距离是该妖怪所在地方到 u 的路径上的边的权之和) ,幽香把这个


 第一行三个用空格分开的数 n、Q和A,表示树的大小、开店的方案个数和妖

第二行n个用空格分开的数 x_1、x_2、…、x_n,x_i 表示第i 个地点妖怪的年
龄,满足0<=x_i<A。(年龄是可以为 0的,例如刚出生的妖怪的年龄为 0。) 
接下来 n-1 行,每行三个用空格分开的数 a、b、c,表示树上的顶点 a 和 b 之
间有一条权为c(1 <= c <= 1000)的边,a和b 是顶点编号。 
接下来Q行,每行三个用空格分开的数 u、 a、 b。对于这 Q行的每一行,用 a、
b、A计算出 L和R,表示询问“在地方 u开店,面向妖怪的年龄区间为[L,R]的方
案的方便值是多少”。对于其中第 1 行,L 和 R 的计算方法为:L=min(a%A,b%A), 
R=max(a%A,b%A)。对于第 2到第 Q行,假设前一行得到的方便值为 ans,那么当
前行的 L 和 R 计算方法为: L=min((a+ans)%A,(b+ans)%A), 



Sample Input

10 10 10
0 0 7 2 1 4 7 7 7 9
1 2 270
2 3 217
1 4 326
2 5 361
4 6 116
3 7 38
1 8 800
6 9 210
7 10 278
8 9 8
2 8 0
9 3 1
8 0 8
4 2 7
9 7 3
4 7 0
2 2 7
3 2 1
2 3 4

Sample Output



 满足 n<=150000,Q<=200000。对于所有数据,满足 A<=10^9



这样查询操作的写法很显然,除了常数大,这个算法挺好的= =
最后lower_bound都手写了才水过去的= =
#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#include<vector>using namespace std; const int maxn = 1E5 + 5E4 + 10;typedef long long LL; struct E{    int to,w; E(){}    E(int to,int w): to(to),w(w){}}; struct data{    int Num,sm; LL sum; data(){}    data(int Num,LL sum,int sm): Num(Num),sum(sum),sm(sm){}    bool operator < (const data &B) const {return Num < B.Num;}    bool operator == (const data &B) const {return Num == B.Num;}}; int n,m,O,cnt,rt,tp,cur,Cur,Max,a[maxn],A[maxn],siz[maxn],stk[maxn];bool Huge[maxn];LL LastAns,Age; vector <E> v[maxn];vector <data> C[maxn],D[maxn];vector <int> g[maxn],Num[maxn],Dep[maxn],h[maxn]; int Lower_Bound(const vector <data> &V,int l,int r,const data &k){    while (r - l > 1)    {        int mid = (l + r) >> 1;        if (V[mid] == k) return mid;        if (k < V[mid]) r = mid; else l = mid;    }    if (k < V[l] || V[l] == k) return l;    if (k < V[r] || V[r] == k) return r;    return r + 1;} void Pre_Work(int *s,int tp,int &c){    c = 1; sort(s + 1,s + tp + 1);    for (int i = 2; i <= tp; i++)        if (s[i] != s[i-1]) s[++c] = s[i];} void Dfs1(int x,int from,int tot){    int ma = 0; siz[x] = 1; stk[++tp] = A[x];    for (int i = 0; i < v[x].size(); i++)    {        int to = v[x][i].to;        if (to == from || Huge[to]) continue;        Dfs1(to,x,tot); siz[x] += siz[to]; ma = max(ma,siz[to]);    }    ma = max(ma,tot - siz[x]);    if (ma < Max) Max = ma,O = x;} void Dfs2(int x,int from){    stk[++tp] = A[x];    for (int i = 0; i < v[x].size(); i++)    {        int to = v[x][i].to;        if (to == from || Huge[to]) continue;        Dfs2(to,x);    }} void Dfs3(int x,int from,int o,int y,int now,int sum,vector <data> &c,vector <data> &d){    Num[x].push_back(now); Dep[x].push_back(sum); siz[x] = 1;    int pos = Lower_Bound(c,0,c.size() - 1,data(A[x],0,0));    c[pos].sum += 1LL * sum; ++c[pos].sm;    pos = Lower_Bound(d,0,d.size() - 1,data(A[x],0,0));    d[pos].sum += 1LL * sum; ++d[pos].sm;    for (int i = 0; i < v[x].size(); i++)    {        E e = v[x][i];        if (e.to == from || Huge[e.to]) continue;        Dfs3(e.to,x,o,y,now,sum + e.w,c,d); siz[x] += siz[e.to];    }} int Work(int x,int tot){    Max = maxn; tp = 0; Dfs1(x,0,tot); Huge[O] = 1;    int o = O,now = 0; Pre_Work(stk,tp,Cur);    vector <data> &c = C[o];    for (int i = 0; i <= Cur; i++) c.push_back(data(stk[i],0,0));    for (int i = 0; i < v[o].size(); i++)    {        E e = v[o][i]; if (Huge[e.to]) continue;        tp = 0; Dfs2(e.to,o); Pre_Work(stk,tp,Cur); ++cnt;        vector <data> &d = D[cnt];        for (int j = 0; j <= Cur; j++) d.push_back(data(stk[j],0,0));        Dfs3(e.to,o,o,cnt,now++,e.w,c,d); h[o].push_back(cnt);        for (int j = 1; j <= Cur; j++) d[j].sum += d[j-1].sum,d[j].sm += d[j-1].sm;        g[o].push_back(Work(e.to,siz[e.to]));    }    for (int j = 1; j < c.size(); j++) c[j].sum += c[j-1].sum,c[j].sm += c[j-1].sm;    return o;} LL Calc(const vector <data> &V,const int &k,int &P){    if (!k) {P = 0; return 0;}    int pos = Lower_Bound(V,0,V.size() - 1,data(k,0,0));    if (pos == V.size() || V[pos].Num > k) --pos;    P = pos; return V[pos].sum;} LL Query(int x,int y,int l,int r,int now){    if (x == y) return Calc(C[x],r,now) - Calc(C[x],l - 1,now);    int Nex = h[x][Num[y][now]],p1,p2,p3,p4; LL ret = 0;    ret = (Calc(C[x],r,p1) - Calc(D[Nex],r,p2)) - (Calc(C[x],l - 1,p3) - Calc(D[Nex],l - 1,p4));    ret += 1LL * Dep[y][now] * ((C[x][p1].sm - D[Nex][p2].sm) - (C[x][p3].sm - D[Nex][p4].sm));    if (l <= A[x] && A[x] <= r) ret += 1LL * Dep[y][now];    return ret + Query(g[x][Num[y][now]],y,l,r,now + 1);} int getint(){    char ch = getchar(); int ret = 0;    while (ch < '0' || '9' < ch) ch = getchar();    while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')        ret = ret*10 + ch - '0',ch = getchar();    return ret;} char s[20];void Print(LL x){    if (!x) {puts("0"); return;} int len = 0;    while (x) s[++len] = x % 10LL,x /= 10LL;    for (int i = len; i; i--) putchar(s[i] + '0'); puts("");} int main(){    #ifdef DMC        freopen("DMC.txt","r",stdin);    #endif         n = getint(); m = getint(); Age = getint();    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) a[i] = A[i] = getint();    Pre_Work(a,n,cur);    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)        A[i] = lower_bound(a + 1,a + cur + 1,A[i]) - a;    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)    {        int x = getint(),y,w;        y = getint(); w = getint();        v[x].push_back(E(y,w));        v[y].push_back(E(x,w));    }    rt = Work(1,n);         while (m--)    {        int x = getint(),y,z;        y = (getint() + LastAns) % Age;        z = (getint() + LastAns) % Age;        if (y > z) swap(y,z);        int py = lower_bound(a + 1,a + cur + 1,y) - a;        int pz = lower_bound(a + 1,a + cur + 1,z) - a;        if (py > cur) {puts("0"); LastAns = 0; continue;}        if (pz > cur || a[pz] > z) --pz;        Print(LastAns = Query(rt,x,py,pz,0)); LastAns %= Age;    }    return 0;}

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