
来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝类目怎么修改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:25

SQLite什么都好,就怕“database is locked”这些年来想尽办法去规避它。


static void Test2(){    XCode.Setting.Current.TransactionDebug = true;    XTrace.WriteLine(Role.Meta.Count + "");    XTrace.WriteLine(Log.Meta.Count + "");    Console.Clear();    Task.Run(() => TestTask(1));    Thread.Sleep(1000);    Task.Run(() => TestTask(2));}static void TestTask(Int32 tid){    try    {        XTrace.WriteLine("TestTask {0} Start", tid);        using (var tran = Role.Meta.CreateTrans())        {            var role = new Role();            role.Name = "R" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;            role.Save();            XTrace.WriteLine("role.ID={0}", role.ID);            Thread.Sleep(3000);            role = new Role();            role.Name = "R" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;            role.Save();            XTrace.WriteLine("role.ID={0}", role.ID);            Thread.Sleep(3000);            if (tid == 2) tran.Commit();        }    }    catch (Exception ex)    {        XTrace.WriteException(ex);    }    finally    {        XTrace.WriteLine("TestTask {0} End", tid);    }}
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02:45:03.470  6 Y 5 TestTask 1 Start02:45:03.470  6 Y 5 Transaction.Begin ReadCommitted02:45:03.486  6 Y 5 Select Count(*) From Role Where Name='R470'02:45:03.501  6 Y 5 Insert Into Role(Name, IsSystem, Permission) Values('R470', 0, '');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:03.517  6 Y 5 开始初始化实体类UserX02:45:03.517  6 Y 5 完成初始化实体类UserX02:45:03.533  6 Y 5 role.ID=1102:45:04.486 14 Y 6 TestTask 2 Start02:45:04.486 14 Y 6 Transaction.Begin ReadCommitted02:45:04.486 14 Y 6 Select Count(*) From Role Where Name='R486'02:45:04.486 14 Y 6 Insert Into Role(Name, IsSystem, Permission) Values('R486', 0, '');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:05.251 15 Y 7 Transaction.Begin ReadCommitted02:45:05.251 15 Y 7 Insert Into Log(Category, [Action], LinkID, CreateUserID, CreateTime, Remark) Values('角色', '添加', 11, 0, '2017-01-27 02:45:03', 'ID=11,Name=R470');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:06.548  6 Y 5 Select Count(*) From Role Where Name='R548'02:45:06.548  6 Y 5 Insert Into Role(Name, IsSystem, Permission) Values('R548', 0, '');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:06.548  6 Y 5 role.ID=1202:45:09.555  6 Y 5 Transaction.Rollback ReadCommitted02:45:09.555  6 Y 5 TestTask 1 End02:45:09.618 14 Y 6 SQL耗时较长,建议优化 5,120毫秒 Insert Into Role(Name, IsSystem, Permission) Values('R486', 0, '');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:09.618 14 Y 6 role.ID=1102:45:12.633 14 Y 6 Select Count(*) From Role Where Name='R633'02:45:12.633 14 Y 6 Insert Into Role(Name, IsSystem, Permission) Values('R633', 0, '');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:12.633 14 Y 6 role.ID=1202:45:15.649 14 Y 6 Transaction.Commit ReadCommitted02:45:15.649 14 Y 6 TestTask 2 End02:45:15.774 15 Y 7 SQL耗时较长,建议优化 10,519毫秒 Insert Into Log(Category, [Action], LinkID, CreateUserID, CreateTime, Remark) Values('角色', '添加', 11, 0, '2017-01-27 02:45:03', 'ID=11,Name=R470');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:15.774 15 Y 7 Transaction.Commit ReadCommitted02:45:16.622 16 Y 9 Transaction.Begin ReadCommitted02:45:16.622 16 Y 9 Insert Into Log(Category, [Action], LinkID, CreateUserID, CreateTime, Remark) Values('角色', '添加', 12, 0, '2017-01-27 02:45:06', 'ID=12,Name=R548');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:16.622 16 Y 9 Insert Into Log(Category, [Action], LinkID, CreateUserID, CreateTime, Remark) Values('角色', '添加', 11, 0, '2017-01-27 02:45:09', 'ID=11,Name=R486');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:16.622 16 Y 9 Insert Into Log(Category, [Action], LinkID, CreateUserID, CreateTime, Remark) Values('角色', '添加', 12, 0, '2017-01-27 02:45:12', 'ID=12,Name=R633');Select last_insert_rowid() newid02:45:16.637 16 Y 9 Transaction.Commit ReadCommitted







> If I understand it correctly, connection C1 can do an INSERT, get
> ROWID 4, C2 does an INSERT, gets 5, and commits, and then C1 commits,
> with its 4; if C1 rolled back, there's no 4 in the database, just 5
> and whatever else, correct?
No, this can't happen. As soon as C1 does its insert, it acquires an
exclusive lock on the database. C2 can't do an insert until C1 either
commits or rolls back and releases the lock. If C1 committed, then C2
will get 5, if C1 rolled back, then C2 will get 4.



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