FunDA(5)- Reactive Streams:Play with Iteratees_0

来源:互联网 发布:unity3d做2d游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 13:28

    FunDA的设计目标就是把后台数据库中的数据搬到内存里,然后进行包括并行运算的数据处理,最后可能再对后台数据库进行更新。如果需要把数据搬到内存的话,那我们就必须考虑内存是否能一次性容纳所有的数据,有必要配合数据处理分部逐步读入,这就是Reactive Stream规范主要目的之一。所以在设计FunDA的数据源(Source)之前必须要考虑实现reacive-data-stream。Slick 3.x版在功能上的突破之一就是实现了对Reactive-Stream API的支持。遗憾的是新版的Slick并没有提供针对data-stream的具体操作函数,官方文档提到可以通过akka-stream或者Play-Iteratee-Reactive-Stream来实现对data-stream的处理操作。Slick是通过db.stream构建一个DatabasePublisher类型来实现Reactive-Stream接口的。Play则提供了stream.IterateeStreams.publisherToEnumerator(SlickDatabasePubliser)转换函数,能够把DatabasePublisher转成Reactive-Stream的数据源(Source)。Play是通过Iteratee来实现对Reactive-Stream的处理操作。我们就在这节讨论一下有关Iteratee的一些原理。在示范前我们必须在build.sbt中增加依赖:"" % "play-iteratees-reactive-streams_2.11" % "2.6.0"。所谓Reactive从字面来解释就是互动。Reacive-Stream是指数据产生方(producer)和数据使用方(consumer)之间的互动。大体上是producer通知consumer数据准备完毕可以读取、consumer通知producer读取数据的具体状态,提示是否可以发送数据。下面我们就把Reactive-Stream的基础原理给大家介绍一下:一般我们需要从一个Stream里获取数据时,可以用下面这个界面的read:

trait InputStream {  def read(): Byte}


trait InputStreamHandler {  def onByte(byte: Byte)}


trait InputStreamHandler {  def onByte(byte: Byte): InputStreamHandler}


class consume(data: Seq[Byte]) extends InputStreamHandler {  def onByte(byte: Byte) = new consume(data :+ byte)}


trait InputStreamHandle {  def onByte(byte: Byte): Future[InputStreamHandle]}


trait Input[+E]case class EL[E](e: E) extends Input[E]case object EOF extends Input[Nothing]case object Empty extends Input[Nothing]


trait InputStreamHandler[E] {  def onInput(input: Input[E]): Future[InputStreamHandler[E]]}


class consume(data: Seq[Byte]) extends InputStreamHandler[Byte] {  def onInput(input: Input[Byte]) = input match {     case EL(byte) => Future.successful(new consume(data :+ byte))     case _ => Future.successful(this)  }}


trait InputStreamHandler[E] {  def onByte[B](cont: (Input[E] => InputStreamHandler[E]) => Future[B]): Future[B]}


class consume(data: Seq[Byte]) extends InputStreamHandler[Byte] {  def onByte[B](cont: (Input[Byte] => InputStreamHandler[Byte]) => Future[B]) = cont {     case EL(byte) => new consume(data :+ byte)     case _ => this  }}

现在用起来顺手多了吧。从上面这些例子中我们可以得出一种“推式”流模式(push-model-stream): 由目标stream向读取方推送数据。但Reactive-Stream应该还具备反向通告机制,比如读取方如何通知目标stream已经完成读取操作或者暂时无法再接受数据、又或者可以接受数据了。


trait Step[E,+A]case class Done[+A,E](a: A, remain: Input[E]) extends Step[E,A]case class Cont[E,+A](k: Input[E] => InputStreamHandler[E,A]) extends Step[E,A]case class Error[E](msg: String, loc:Input[E]) extends Step[E,Nothing]


trait InputStreamHandler[E,A] {  def onInput[A](step: Step[E,A] => Future[A]): Future[A]}


class Consume(data: Seq[Byte]) extends InputStreamHandler[Byte,Seq[Byte]] {  def onInput(step: Step[Byte,Seq[Byte]] => Future[Seq[Byte]]) = step(Cont {    case EL(byte) => new Consume(data :+ byte)    case EOF => new InputStreamHandler[Byte,Seq[Byte]] {      def onInput(step: Step[Byte,Seq[Byte]] => Future[Seq[Byte]]) = step(Done(data,Empty))     }    case Empty => this  })}


trait Iteratee[E,+A] {  def onInput[B](folder: Step[E,A] => Future[B]): Future[B]}


def foldLeft[F[_],A,B](ax: F[A])(z: B)(f: (B,A) => B): B 


 好了,我们先看看Iteratee正式的类型款式:Iteratee[E,A],E是数据元素类型,A是运算结果类型。trait Iteratee 有一个抽象函数:

/**   * Computes a promised value B from the state of the Iteratee.   *   * The folder function will be run in the supplied ExecutionContext.   * Exceptions thrown by the folder function will be stored in the   * returned Promise.   *   * If the folder function itself is synchronous, it's better to   * use `pureFold()` instead of `fold()`.   *   * @param folder a function that will be called on the current state of the iteratee   * @param ec the ExecutionContext to run folder within   * @return the result returned when folder is called   */  def fold[B](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B]


object Step {  case class Done[+A, E](a: A, remaining: Input[E]) extends Step[E, A]  case class Cont[E, +A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) extends Step[E, A]  case class Error[E](msg: String, input: Input[E]) extends Step[E, Nothing]}

当状态为Cont[E,A]时,Enumerator就会用这个k: Input[E]=> Iteratee[E,A]函数把Input[E]推送给Iteratee。我们从一个简单的Enumerator就可以看出:


  /**   * Creates an enumerator which produces the one supplied   * input and nothing else. This enumerator will NOT   * automatically produce Input.EOF after the given input.   */  def enumInput[E](e: Input[E]) = new Enumerator[E] {    def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] =      i.fold {        case Step.Cont(k) => eagerFuture(k(e))        case _ => Future.successful(i)      }(dec)  }




/**   * Create an Enumerator from a set of values   *   * Example:   * {{{   *   val enumerator: Enumerator[String] = Enumerator("kiki", "foo", "bar")   * }}}   */  def apply[E](in: E*): Enumerator[E] = in.length match {    case 0 => Enumerator.empty    case 1 => new Enumerator[E] {      def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = i.pureFoldNoEC {        case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.El(in.head))        case _ => i      }    }    case _ => new Enumerator[E] {      def apply[A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = enumerateSeq(in, i)    }  }-----private def enumerateSeq[E, A]: (Seq[E], Iteratee[E, A]) => Future[Iteratee[E, A]] = { (l, i) =>    l.foldLeft(Future.successful(i))((i, e) =>      i.flatMap(it => it.pureFold {        case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.El(e))        case _ => it      }(dec))(dec))  }


val doneIteratee = new Iteratee[String,Int] {   def fold[B](folder: Step[String,Int] => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = {      folder(Step.Done(21,Input.EOF))   }}


val doneIteratee = Done[String,Int](21,Input.Empty)


val consumeOne = new Iteratee[String,String] {   def fold[B](folder: Step[String,String] => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = {      folder(Step.Cont {        case Input.EOF => Done("OK",Input.EOF)        case Input.Empty => this        case Input.El(e) => Done(e,Input.EOF)      })   }}


val consumeOne1 = Cont[String,String](in => Done("OK",Input.EOF))


val enumerator = new Enumerator[String] {    // some messages    val items = 1 to 10 map (i => i.toString)    var index = 0    override def apply[A](i: Iteratee[String, A]):       Future[Iteratee[String, A]] = {      i.fold(      // the folder      {        step => {          step match {            // iteratee is done, so no more messages            // to send            case Step.Done(result, remaining) => {              println("Step.Done")              Future(i)            }            // iteratee can consume more            case Step.Cont(k: (Input[String] => Iteratee[String, A]))             => {              println("Step.Cont")              // does enumerator have more messages ?              if (index < items.size) {                val item = items(index)                println(s"El($item)")                index += 1                // get new state of iteratee                val newIteratee = k(Input.El(item))                // recursive apply                apply(newIteratee)              } else {                println("EOF")                Future(k(Input.EOF))              }            }            // iteratee is in error state            case Step.Error(message, input: Input[String]) => {              println("Step.Error")              Future(i)            }          }        }      })    }  }


val userIteratee = new Iteratee[String, Unit] {  override def fold[B](folder: (Step[String, Unit]) => Future[B])    (implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = {    // accumulator    val buffer: ListBuffer[String] = ListBuffer()    // the step function    def stepFn(in: Input[String]): Iteratee[String, Unit] = {      in match {        case Input.Empty => this        case Input.EOF => Done({          println(s"Result ${buffer.mkString("--")}")        }, Input.Empty)        case Input.El(el) => {          buffer += el          Cont(stepFn)        }      }    }    // initial state -> iteratee ready to accept input    folder(Step.Cont(stepFn))  }}            //> userIteratee  : play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee[String,Unit] = demo.worksheet.iteratee2$$anonfun$main$1$$anon$3@4f063c0aval usersEnum = Enumerator("Tiger","John","Jimmy","Kate","Chris")            //> usersEnum  : play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator[String] = play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator$$anon$19@51cdd8a(usersEnum |>>> userIteratee)   //> Result Tiger--John--Jimmy--Kate--Chris res0: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = Success(())

Enumerator usersEnum把输入推送给userIteratee、userIteratee在完成时直接把它们印了出来。在play-iterate库Iteratee对象里有个fold函数(Iteratee.fold)。这是个通用的函数,可以轻松实现上面这个userIteratee和其它的汇总功能Iteratee。Iteratee.fold函数款式如下: 

def fold[E, A](state: A)(f: (A, E) => A): Iteratee[E, A]


val userIteratee2 = Iteratee.fold(List[String]())((st, el:String) => st :+ el)    //> userIteratee2  : play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee[String,List[String]] = Cont(<function1>)(usersEnum |>>> userIteratee2).foreach {x => println(x)}    //| List(Tiger, John, Jimmy, Kate, Chris)


val inputLength: Iteratee[String,Int] = {  Iteratee.fold[String,Int](0) { (length, chars) => length + chars.length }           //> inputLength  : play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee[String,Int] = Cont(<function1>)}Await.result((usersEnum |>>> inputLength),Duration.Inf)                                                  //> res1: Int = 23val consume: Iteratee[String,String] = {  Iteratee.fold[String,String]("") { (result, chunk) => result ++ chunk }          //> consume  : play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee[String,String] = Cont(<function1 >)}Await.result((usersEnum |>>> consume),Duration.Inf)                                                  //> res2: String = TigerJohnJimmyKateChris



object ReactiveFileUpload extends Controller {  def upload = Action(BodyParser(rh => new CsvIteratee(isFirst = true))) {    request =>      Ok("File Processed")  }}case class CsvIteratee(state: Symbol = 'Cont, input: Input[Array[Byte]] = Empty, lastChunk: String = "", isFirst: Boolean = false) extends Iteratee[Array[Byte], Either[Result, String]] {  def fold[B](               done: (Either[Result, String], Input[Array[Byte]]) => Promise[B],               cont: (Input[Array[Byte]] => Iteratee[Array[Byte], Either[Result, String]]) => Promise[B],               error: (String, Input[Array[Byte]]) => Promise[B]               ): Promise[B] = state match {    case 'Done =>      done(Right(lastChunk), Input.Empty)    case 'Cont => cont(in => in match {      case in: El[Array[Byte]] => {        // Retrieve the part that has not been processed in the previous chunk and copy it in front of the current chunk        val content = lastChunk + new String(in.e)        val csvBody =          if (isFirst)            // Skip http header if it is the first chunk            content.drop(content.indexOf("\r\n\r\n") + 4)          else content        val csv = new CSVReader(new StringReader(csvBody), ';')        val lines = csv.readAll        // Process all lines excepted the last one since it is cut by the chunk        for (line <- lines.init)          processLine(line)        // Put forward the part that has not been processed        val last = lines.last.toList.mkString(";")        copy(input = in, lastChunk = last, isFirst = false)      }      case Empty => copy(input = in, isFirst = false)      case EOF => copy(state = 'Done, input = in, isFirst = false)      case _ => copy(state = 'Error, input = in, isFirst = false)    })    case _ =>      error("Unexpected state", input)  }  def processLine(line: Array[String]) = WS.url("http://localhost:9200/affa/na/").post(    toJson(      Map(        "date" -> toJson(line(0)),        "trig" -> toJson(line(1)),        "code" -> toJson(line(2)),        "nbjours" -> toJson(line(3).toDouble)      )    )  )}


/**   * Create an iteratee that takes the first element of the stream, if one occurs before EOF   */  def head[E]: Iteratee[E, Option[E]] = {    def step: K[E, Option[E]] = {      case Input.Empty => Cont(step)      case Input.EOF => Done(None, Input.EOF)      case Input.El(e) => Done(Some(e), Input.Empty)    }    Cont(step)  }


def fileIteratee(file: File): Iteratee[String, Long] = {    val helper = new FileNIOHelper(file)    def step(totalLines: Long)(in: Input[String]): Iteratee[String, Long] = in match {      case Input.EOF | Input.Empty =>        if(debug) println("CLOSING CHANNEL")        helper.close()        Done(totalLines, Input.EOF)      case Input.El(line) =>        if(debug) println(line)        helper.write(line)        Cont[String, Long](i => step(totalLines+1)(i))    }    // initiates iteration by initialize context and first state (Cont) and launching iteration    Cont[String, Long](i => step(0L)(i))  }}

































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