Reactive Programming with RxJava-Chapter2:Reactive Extensions

来源:互联网 发布:c语言实验交换字母 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 22:12

Anatomy of rx.Observable

Indeed,Observablecan actually produce three types of events:

  • Values of type T,as declared by Observable
  • Completion event
  • Error event

Subscribing to Notifications from Observable

Controlling Listener by Using Subscription and Subscriber

Creating Observables

1、Mastering Observable.create()

Managing Multiple subsscribers

  • cache()

2、Infinite Streams

Two techniques for subscriber to clean up resource when unsubscribes
- if(subscriber.isUnsubscribed()){…}
- subscriber.add(Subscriptions.create(…))

You should not use explicit threads inside create()
It is a good practise to wrap entire expressions within create() in a try-catch block.Throwables should be propagated downstream rather than logged or rethrown.

Timing:timer() and interval()

  • timer()timer()
  • interval()interval()

Hot and Cold Observables

Observable cold hot deliver of events receive a complete and consistent set of events don`t know whether received all events from the beginning time dependency the exact instant when an item was created is irrelevant represent events as they come,typically from some external source

How to multiplex a single upstream source to multiple Observers


Subjects are useful,but there are many subtleties you must understand.For example,after calling subject.onError(),the Subject silently drops subsequent onError notifications,effectively swallowing them

  • PublishSubject
  • AsyncSubject
  • BehaviorSubject
  • ReplaySubject


Single Subscription (Observable.share())

No matter how many Subscribes connect to ConnectableObservable,it opens just one subscription to the Observable from which it was created
- Observable.publish()
- ConnectableObservable.refcount();

ConnectableObservable Lifecycle

Force subscription in absence of any Subscriber
- Observable.publish()
- ConnectableObservable.connect();

autoConnect() (since 1.2)

  • Observable.publish()
  • ConnectableObservable.autoConnect();


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