队列 —— 链队列

来源:互联网 发布:云数据财富平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 18:29




/*    function:queue    created by : xilong    date: 2017.2.9*/#include "iostream"using namespace std;#define OK 1#define ERROR 0#define TRUE 1#define FALSE 0typedef int Elemtype;typedef int Status;typedef struct QNode{    Elemtype data;    struct QNode* next;} QNode, *QueuePrt;typedef struct{    QueuePrt front, rear;} LinkQueue;/*    initialize the queue*/Status Init_Queue(LinkQueue *q){    q->front = q->rear = (QueuePrt)malloc(sizeof(QNode));    if (!q->front)        exit(0);    q->front->next = NULL;    return OK;}/*    Insert an element into the queue, an element can only be inserted into the end of the queue */Status Inster_Queue(LinkQueue *q, Elemtype e){    QueuePrt p;    p = (QueuePrt)malloc(sizeof(QNode));    if (p == NULL)        exit(0);    p->data = e;    p->next = NULL;    q->rear->next = p;    q->rear = p;    return OK;}/*    Delete an element in the queue, an element which is in the front can only be deleted */Status Delete_Queue(LinkQueue *q, Elemtype *e){    QueuePrt p;    if (q->front == q->rear)    {        cout << "空队!" << endl;        return FALSE;    }    p = q->front->next;    q->front->next = p->next;    if (q->rear == p)    {        q->rear = q->front;    }    *e = p->data;    free(p);    return TRUE;}/*    length of the queue*/int Length_Queue(LinkQueue *q){    QueuePrt p;    int len = 0;    p = q->front->next;    if (q->front == q->rear)        cout << "空队!" << endl;    while (p)    {        len++;        p = p->next;    }    return len;}void main(){    LinkQueue q;    Elemtype e;    int i, len;    Init_Queue(&q);    Inster_Queue(&q, 1);    Inster_Queue(&q, 2);    Inster_Queue(&q, 3);    Inster_Queue(&q, 4);    Inster_Queue(&q, 5);    Inster_Queue(&q, 6);    Inster_Queue(&q, 7);    Inster_Queue(&q, 8);    len = Length_Queue(&q);    cout << "队列的长度为:";    cout << len << endl;    cout << "出对列的顺序为:";    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)    {        Delete_Queue(&q, &e);        cout << e << " ";    }    cout << endl;    system("pause");}



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